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    A Delightfully Rainy Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon


    Here's this week's heap of haikus:
    They were delicate
    negotiations, therefore
    doilies were exchanged.
    Swimming with the tide
    may take you into oceans
    of profound regret.
    March to diff'rent drums,
    waltz to other violins,
    but by all means, move ...
     Ultimately, what
    reveals your soul, is whether
    or not you can laugh.
    Do not focus on
    the silliness of youth, but
    how you overcame it.
    A wilted flower's
    not a metaphor for your
    Life, it's a warning.

    When you remove yourself from
    what nurtures you, life's over.
    Bonus companion poem: 
    When you wilt upon a table,
    you won't blossom, you're not able.
    Try to flower and you'll find
    your roots have all been left behind.
     Geisha on a bridge,
    watches the swans, then hurries
    off to serve the tea.
     His toy soldiers were
    lying in the lawn; battle
    called due to bedtime.
     tanka haiku:

    Ahh, perchance to dream,
    and in such dreams do young men
    wrestle with their world.

    For fortune's a tricky thing;
    destiny a mystery.
     Near a coral reef,
    they snorkled with some friends
    they met at the spa.
     Purgatory? The
    hell of it is, you can't get
    heavenly coffee.
    Pandora's box ... The
    world's ills once resided there ...
    now, what's left is hope.
    Take off your pants, then
    eat a tomato sandwich ...
    happiness ensues.
    (Inspired by my friend from Portland and fellow Spondy, Felicia Campbell.)
    My wishes for you:
    Your quest never ends, and your
    heart ever widens.

    On rainy mornings,
    I sip coffee and I read ...
    the dog nuzzles me. 
    Aggravating man.
    Infuriating woman.
    Nice couple though.
    She was of good faith
    and did all of the right things,
    still, she felt empty.
    In their lonely rooms,
    writers peck their keyboards, 'til 
    inspiration strikes!
    Somewhere in the deep
    recesses of my brain sleep
    forgotten haikus.
    Siamese twins are
    conjoined. Why are Siamese
    kittens just confused?
    We reap what we sow,
    sew what we rip, and never
    Mark Twain shall we meet.



    I got 5 inches of rain on Thursday from the tropical storm.  It should keep you wet for the weekend.

    I was logged out when my back was turned.  I hope you are feeling better.


    Five inches of rain;

    enough for Noah to say,

    "Riiiight. What's a cubit?"




    To be logged out when

    your back's turned, should require

    an act of Congress.



    I'm walking the path

    I guess it was just last year

    It was full of rain


    That is, the rain rained

    And I found baby turtles

    running the wrong way


    Oh, I could not stop

    I could not ignore the per'l

    I turned them around


    And they found the pond


    I have no idea what this means.


    I hope you are well!

    Oh I forgot Mr. Smith.

    I have this pet squirrel.

    For years this fat squirrel would appear at my window.

    I think someone at least a floor above me would drop snacks on her sill that would eventually fall onto my sill. haahahahah

    This current squirrel is skinny and I assume represents some other generation; generated from fatso. haahahahah

    Anyway, I began putting crumbs (old bread and crackers) onto my sill and my new friend shows up once a week.

    He plagues me until I sneak something under the screen. hahahahaha

    I don't know.

    How does one relate to a pet squirrel?

    the end

    When I lived on Long Island, we had a neighbor that had a squirrel that used to come right up to her front door. She would open her door every morning and feed it and the squirrel seemed quite tame.   Of course, the neighbor's dachshund would always go nuts when the woman fed the squirrel, and would continue to bark until the squirrel disappeared back up the nearest tree.   

    Q:  How do you relate to a pet squirrel?  

    A:  Tell it acorn-y joke.





    A thousand years from
    now, scientists will pinpoint
    your actions as what

    reversed all evolution 
    and kept turtles in their shells.


    (Just kidding!)

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