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    Here we are again; A Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon


    Here's this week's heap of haikus:
    tanka haiku:
    Swing your feet in a
    placid pond. The ripples prove
    your life has meaning.

    Ev'rything we do affects
    ev'rything else in the world.
    Lush red strawberries
    displayed at a roadside stand;
    cars brake for shortcake.
    We sometimes redeem
    mistakes from our past, but more
    likely relive them.
    Pasty-faced school-girl
    in her Summer 'Goth' costume,
    tickling her friend.
    We may never know
    what winds blow thoughts through our minds,
    swirling up our past.
    etched into each step he takes,
    says, "I'm not done yet."
    With guitar in hand,
    he stood at the crossroads and 
    made that devil's deal. 
    (Happy would-have-been 102nd birthday to blues legend, Robert Johnson.)
    tanka hai-clue-less:

    Ev'ry so often
    he got a prank call that he
    did not understand.

    Why would teenage boys care if
    Prince Albert was in the can?
    I sit on a bench
    in the middle of Times Square.
    Alone, without you.
    Yesterday retreats
    to the caves of memory.
    Sunshine, cleanses souls.
    The rain had ended.
    Central Park looked lush and green
    and eager with Life.
    8 year old's magic:
    'Throw a pumpkin in the air,
    it will come down squash.'
    Tanka haiku:

    Please note: He neither
    keeps away from bootleg hootch
    when he's on a spree,

    Nor buttons his overcoat.
    That's why she's divorcing him.
    Sometimes what we think
    are flaws are, in fact, strengths when
    in the right context.
    Another Trope-ku: 
    Crushing a spirit
    through humiliation is
    what breeds most evil.
    tanka haiku:
    He sits at breakfast
    quietly sobering up
    sipping his coffee.

    His legs bruised, his hair matted,
    he somehow lost his trousers.
    On World A.S. Day,
    Spondys 'round the world unite;
    Fusing Together.
    (World A.S. Day was Saturday May 4th, 2013)


    I rarely lose my trousers


    I mean I have PJ's and such. hahahah

    I just purchased (a month ago?) a French Press.

    I must have purchased 50 different coffee makers over the years.

    My son brought me at least six over the last seven years; most of them mine I guess.

    I viewed a Good Eats segment on coffee by accident and so for $18 I discovered a pretty good cup of coffee.


    I dunno, to be human is to be humiliated.

    I have 16 pictures in my head about humiliation.

    I could search further but it would hurt. hahahah

    Oh well, that is all I got right now! 

    Harry Truman said:

    Don't nap with your trousers on,

    it messes musses them up.

    Always delightful, Mr. Smith.

    Thanks, Oxy.  

    Even sans trousers,
    Truman could gave 'em Hell; no 
    doe could pass that buck. 




    My local community radio station did a birthday show featuring Robert Johnson a couple of days ago.  They played some of his recordings and talked about his life.  It is nice that you added him to your blog today. 

    My love affair with the Blues started a long time ago, although I didn't discover Robert Johnson until that complete collection of his recordings came out in the late 80's.  It's hard not to be drawn to his story, or should I say, his legend.  Have you ever seen this 1991 documentary, "The Search for Robert Johnson"?  It is wonderful on so many levels.




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