by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I have a few questions for you former Senator, is that how I shoud refer to you? Can I Call you Al? Well Al, you really stepped in it, and you made me laugh hard. I always think you old guys will learn, you know, understand the public, even a little bit, but you don't do you? You old white guys are just plain out of touch with what it is to live in America as a regular person. And as much as you try, you just don't get it, do you. Will you all ever come around, will you ever get it? Listen up, I am going to tell you a few things you really need to know.
So Al I read you were born in 1931, wow, you look pretty good for 79 years, but the world has changed, and people won't put up with this hypocrisy anymore. You found out the hard way didn't you, I heard you even apologized today, ha, that made me laugh too. But you just don't get it do you, do you think everyone knows you recieve Social Security, Al, you're 79 damn years old, you sure as shit get Social Security, hmm and presumably you've been receiving it for 14 years, and Medicare too, 'cause I am pretty sure you aren't buying your own policy and not using Medicare at all for your health care needs. Right? Right? Right? Seriously Al, in light of those facts, shouldn't those opinions you hold lack a certain amount of credibility on this issue, relegating your opinions to appear to be lacking in seriousness, thereby rendering them irrelevant. Come on Al, we all know what you said, and we all know about your apology, but the problem Al, is we don't believe you, we believe you are out to eliminate Social Security and Medicare protections for the elderly. That has been the Republican plan all along, right? More war, is fine, but definitely there should be fewer services for regular Americans, cause that is sucking up all our money, not war, war is fine. War is Good. Right? Just like Orwell wrote.
I have to tell you something Al, I for one am glad you put your size 15's in you mouth again, because I think American's should understand where you all are coming from, you have no problem warring around the world, and you have no problem cutting services for every American.
Why is it cool we throw tons of money away on Iraq and Afghanistan, supplying them with services we owe to ourselves? I mean come on Al, I really don't want my taxes going to Iraq to supply them with Universal Health Care, you all need to quit demonizing social services like they will make our country weak, yet giving them away in the middle east, supplying the money it will take for services for Iraqi's, stomping around about more Wars (Iran) and fewer services for American's. Quit demagoguing the issues so much, you have so many Americans confused they think if they get health care they are in socialist hell? What.The.Fuck. are you kdding me? I don't want to hear you whine about how we are throwing our money away, but only when it comes to providing services to ourselves? I am fucking tired of that kind of pure, unadulterated hypocrisy. It pisses me off, and you know what I damn tired of having to be pissed of at you and people like you. Why don't we deserve it Al? Why are American's not worth it, I mean, it is our money, essentially. Why is everybody more worthy than we are, shouldn't we try to take care us too, not just others? I've never heard a good explanation as to why we cannot use our own money to provide good services to all Americans. Give me a good reason, or shut up. You are just another demagogue, it isn't helpful and in that you are on some committee to save Social Security, crap, that sucks, you obviously think we should phase it out. You know, after you're dead and you cannot collect any more yourself. What massive, unadulterated hypocrisy.
Anyway, lucky for you Al, you never have to have your services cut. You don't have to worry about money. I am sure you made sure that your children and their children never have to worry either. But Al, you are lucky, how can you not see that? Not everyone is so lucky as you Al, and you have to understand, put yourself in the place of others, not just your family.
Well Al, I don't want to repeat myself, but I am hoping you keep up the BS, because it is one more reminder, that no matter how bad Democrats may seem, they are always better than Republicans, always.
I shall await your reply, but I won't hold my breath