by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Satirical cartoonist, Mr. Fish, has fans from both ends of the political spectrum.
“In order to exhibit yourself as a leftist it seems now, all you have to do is maybe scissor up the plastic six-pack rings that you have and send them out into the ocean. Or you can use your reusable shopping bags and fill them with factory farm foods and put them in your SUV, and you’re an environmentalist,” says Fish. “Even on the other end, if you want to be seen as pro-American just demonstrate real discomfort around Hispanic people. People brand themselves with these concepts of who they are and what they are without any demonstration that goes deeper than fashion.”
I dunno, I get an "I'm clued on, everyone else sycks" vibe from him. Wow, compromising to corporate America - that's a new development. Obama wouldn't have met all MLK's expectatuons - no one thought that beforw. And then America's painter in a hood - another breakthrough. Somehow I prefer Banksy.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 07/22/2018 - 3:27pm
Whether it's satirical graffiti or a satirical cartoon, a decision is made by the viewer to let it impact or not impact how they think. As far as I can tell, Banksy isn't saying anything new either. But, a new audience is born everyday, so what's ho-hum to you and I is all new shit to one with newly opened eyes.
by wabby on Sun, 07/22/2018 - 7:53pm
It's usually *how* rather than *what*. Maybe this guy is the next genius, maybe I'll warm to him after initial apathy, maybe I won't. Just gave my impression.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 1:30am
I assume this concludes my grammar lesson for the day. Thanks. I will do better next time.
by wabby on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 6:22pm
That wasn't a grammar correction - it was an observation of which skillset/USP is usually more critical for passing/stealing the baton. Anyway, just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 7:07pm
Your cartoon guy uses a well known Norman Rockwell self portrait for a KKK/Cap America satire, at the link.
Fish appears to be engaging in typically "American" shallow self-promotion that inappropriately uses, then besmirches, somebody or their work, in this case a dead artist.
Rockwell left as illustrator at the Saturday Evening Post so he could do political themes like this in January, 1964:
by NCD on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 8:34pm
I read your link and looked at Fish's site. Cartoons aren't anything I've spent time looking at and beyond a brief perusal of his site I don't have the time to understand sufficiently to say anything meaningful about his work. But there is something from the article I want to address, it's kinda a pet peeve of mine.
I'm so tired of this attitude and this criticism of the boomer generation. I agree that we didn't change the world and create a utopia. True that there is much more work to be done. But there were more changes for the better in the 50 years from 1960 than any other time in history. I'm proud of what my generation accomplished and I'm proud of my small part in making those changes. Anyone who doesn't see the changes and how massive that shift was just doesn't know what life was like for blacks, women, gays, lesbians etc. in the 50's and before.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 07/24/2018 - 2:44am
Yeah, so disappointing to go from Stonewall to gay marriage, from 4% blacks graduating college to 20%, to a decrease by 1/2 in global poverty the last 10 years, to that sad deflating of our wars that used to kill a manly hundreds of thousands or 1 million+ people like in Indochina & Guatemala, and now have been diminished to only killing a few thousand on average, that quadrupling of women in mgmt positions, who made 60 million abortions available to women not ready to take on another child (often because of poor/0 support from men).... Pathetic performance, boomers. Let's put a KKK kap on all of yoose...
You know, I occasionally grouse about our elevating the Kardashians above more (IMHO) deserving women of what I thought a more positive standard, and angered by police brutality towards blacks, but I also see the former as *people's choice*, including women's, not just mine, while the latter is running *counter* to the general improved societal acceptance. Back in the day, young punks/artists read history books along with a variety of brain-illuminating novels and other materials, so could put some of this in perspective, and maybe just maybe interviewers would call people on superficial bullshit rather than just post verbatim every brainfart that emanates from people's mouths, whether politician or next-gen artist. I'm not sure we can blame that social media flippancy on boomers either (came a bit late in the day...) - many of us seem to want depth & context, not another avatar.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 07/24/2018 - 3:46am