by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
This is a public health issue and government has a roll to play in this. I would like to see government jump in and set up research for new drugs to fight bacteria. Also all the cost cutting that was done the last 2 decades in research grants from the government has also contributed to the pull out of drug companies from this. We need to get back into doing this for the common good not for profit. That takes a push from the government.
by trkingmomoe on Wed, 11/13/2013 - 3:16pm
The problem is not that new antibiotics aren't being developed. And its not that antibiotics are over prescribed to humans. In a small way they contribute to the problem. The main problem by far is the use of antibiotics in livestock. 80% of antibiotic use in the US is used in livestock. And the way its often used is extremely favorable for the development of antibiotic resistant bacteria, small daily doses for the life of the animal. This article briefly mentions livestock antibiotic use in one paragraph then ignores it when offering solutions. The most useful solution is to highly regulate or ban antibiotic use in the livestock industry.
by ocean-kat on Wed, 11/13/2013 - 5:25pm