by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Marketplace, American Public Media, October 4, 2011
Conventional wisdom says a bad economy leads to increased crime. But Freakonomics Radio's Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt tell us why that's not true.
Ryssdal: All right Levitt, do tell. What do you know about crime?
Levitt: ....When it comes to crime, one thing that I think I know that many people seem not to know is that crime has gone down, way down. And while many people are haunted by the thought that crime is high and rising, it categorically is not doing that.
Dubner: Contrary to popular belief the world is a more peaceful place today than literally at any time in history by a long, long shot.
Ryssdal: I'm going to need something better than "long, long shot." Quantify for me, Dubner.
Dubner: So the Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker has just published a new book called "Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined." And he argues that our rosy view of history is pretty much entirely wrong.
An interesting article. However, at one point, he seemed to indicate that the decline in crime can at least partly be attributed to having more people in jail. Are there any correlational data analyzing the number of people in jail and the number of crimes committed on a country-by-country basis? Of course, what would muddy up the waters significantly is that even if there is a negative causation effect between the number of people put in jail and the number of crimes, there's presumably a positive causation effect between the number of crimes and the number of people put in jail. Also, what's a crime in one country might not be a crime in another (e.g., smoking marijuana).
by Verified Atheist on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 9:55am
Peter Singer, of bioethics & animal rights fame, reviews Pinker's
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/08/2011 - 6:28pm