by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
yes, this is what I see, I think well said
Do not forget that Sanders is a professional working in a political job, and she has managed to keep the job that Spicey could not. She used the dissing by the Red Hen owner as an opportunity.
Newt trumps her though in being one of the greatest experts in culture wars...
As you know, I have a real soft spot for the whole civility thing, but I also know it was co-opted long time ago, same with "fair and balanced."
Maybe we need the Martha Stewart mom who reacts to but Mom he started it! does not play judge but re-directs back to the kids and says and how did you feel when your brother did that?
by artappraiser on Mon, 06/25/2018 - 3:48pm
It's easier than that - just a few weeks ago the media took a working holiday, going after Bill Clinton for "not saying sorry to Monica". They always cut bait when a big fish comes along - and chase after the little fish, the bitchy gossipy story. They're all Maureen Dowd these days. It's easier to write a mocking, fact-free humorous & snide op-ed than do real reporting. It's better to shoot the shit with George Bush than to talk policy and read up on welfare reform or global warming to keep up with Gore. The biggest sin Gore & Hillary made wasn't being robotic or insincere - it was trying to be serious. The Kool Kidz will get their revenge - over & over.
So yeah, Sanders can just feed any situation to the guys in the back, and they'll cover it for her. Relativism, people want the parties to get along, all the other faux shit they peddle as "news". It takes 1 blip for them to be creaming themselves over how Trump's popularity is rising or he someone acted presidential. They live for these microorgasms.
And the reason Sarah survives at this position is mostly because she's a female and she's a secretary, and they don't or won't take her serious anyway, especially getting her position through nepotism. Spicer was a challenge - Sanders is an exercise in disbelief. Look at that comedy dinner - Michelle Wolf pointing out that Sanders lies was horrific - because no one else would - they'd already accepted that she was just the compromised voice of a compromised administration. As dishonest as Spicer was, he tried to finesse it. Huckabee Sanders just takes the school marm approach - "you'll believe it cause I said it,and even if you don't, you'll keep quiet about it".
It doesn't say good things about the media.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 06/25/2018 - 6:23pm
Agree, and very well said.
I disagree about why she still has her job though. She has perfected the art of condescension and utter contempt for those journalists. Trump loves it and that is all that matters.
by CVille Dem on Mon, 06/25/2018 - 6:59pm
Yes, it's more complex than I presented, and she has more skill and staying power than the sexist framing I presented, but I didn't want to dilute that image and thought balloon.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 06/26/2018 - 1:07am
Sigh I am thinking after reading this in full that the Big Dog knows how to handle this kind of thing, always did, I think here he shows he still does. Only one that could handle Newt's culture wars and maintain high approval. Note how he covers Maxine here.
It's the Martha Stewart mom thing is what it is! Difference is that he usually judges "who started it" like he does here. But he does that coolly, rationally and analytically, so that most people back down from anger and go "oh I see." Step outside it like they are watching a movie and they get to be a judge too.
He even did it with things like North Korean policy. He wouldn't use rhetoric like "evil", he'd say something like "this is how you look at it, their only cash crop is missiles...", and people would go "OIC".
by artappraiser on Thu, 06/28/2018 - 2:51am
Sign on Trump's Desk: The Buck
Stops HereStarted With Them.But was it Clinton or The Hill editors who opined "Former President Clinton is suggesting that President Trump is at least partly to blame" - think Martha would be *that* milque-toast about it?
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/28/2018 - 6:54am
Yeah. Reminds me of this meme, which Obama also notably played to successful outcomes:
We've gotten to where we've nearly "them"ed ourselves to death. Them and them and them. But this is America. There is no them; there's only us.
by artappraiser on Thu, 06/28/2018 - 5:14pm