by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Chris Graham @, Sept. 19
Justin Trudeau has apologised over a photograph showing him wearing brownface make-up at a private school party.
The Canadian prime minister, who began his re-election campaign a week ago, is seen in the 2001 photo attending an “Arabian Nights” themed costume gala at the West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver. Mr Trudeau, who was a 29-year-old teacher at the time, is shown wearing a turban and robes with his face, neck and hands darkened. The photograph appeared in the school’s 2000-2001 yearbook, The View, said Time magazine, which first published the image. "I dressed up in an Aladdin costume and put make-up on," Mr Trudeau said after the picture emerged.
"I can say I made a mistake when I was younger and I wish I hadn't. I wish I had known better then, but I didn't and I'm deeply sorry for it." "Now I recognise it was something racist to do," he said. "It was a dumb thing to do. I'm disappointed in myself." [....]
Mr Trudeau also admitted to wearing dark makeup singing Harry Belafonte's 1959 hit Day O (Banana Boat Song) at a separate high school talent contest [....]
the "Arabian Nights" photo tweeted by Alex Jones' "men's rights" buddy Mike Cernovich:
A photo of the high school performance is also reproduced in the Telegraph article, as tweeted by Canadian pundit & radio host Evan Soloman.
by artappraiser on Wed, 09/18/2019 - 10:56pm
Trevor Noah offers a solution, a buyback plan to keep black and brown makeup out of the hands of white people.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 8:39am
People are so retarded. From the time little kids spread mud over their faces or lipstick and rouge and mascara as play makeup, we're decorating the human face and body. Fast spray-on tan or tanning salon? Check. Tatoos? kinda check.
Here's what I grew up with. Don't think it made fun of anyone.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 12:33pm
Seems not everybody got the joke. Even fro the beginning.
From Fredrick Douglas
To today
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 2:06pm
Of course some use of make up is acceptable. But some of it is harmful appropriation.
This is a clear case of botanical appropriation. Unacceptable. Most flowers find this highly offensive and most bees support them. It's confusing for bees who are just trying to go about their daily work. In this day of colony collapse disorder we should be doing all we can to help the bees not exacerbating their difficulties.
Species appropriation. How is that these people can't realize how wrong this is?
Do you really think it's ok to mock someone with poor teeth? Oh wait, that's not face paint. Never mind.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 4:38pm
Why are you comparing flippant juvenile decoration with my collection of serious artists? Would any of yours survived the 80s/90s? No Doubt turned to Meatloaf, no Heart. You just want to Clash with me.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 7:56pm
Color me:confused !Because I was always under the impression that Kiss, Alice Cooper and Elton John were intentionally practicing flippant juvenile decoration. And this was of course, their art, you know, in a Warhol sort of way....
by artappraiser on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 9:01pm
Harumph. I'll remember that. Alice Cooper was *performance art*. Gallows humor to boot. Thought you would second with New York Dolls, but nope, nor with Village People - not playing nice tonight.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 1:49am
for what it's worth,I'd like to throw in bit of nuance as regards this particular case, instead of the same old same old discussion that has occurred on this site many times before on this general topic.
I have noticed a lot of Canadian commentary on twitter, both from fans and detractors, that points to Trudeau's being a teacher of drama at the time, and showing a love for costumes and role play, that never disappeared, and he still does it every day, plays roles and bullshits. I just now have run across this op-ed in the right-of-center National Post precisely to that effect:
All the world's a stage: Blackface controversy shines light on Trudeau the actor
Trudeau is the ultimate performance artist, a player of roles since birth. It's only now that Canadians are realizing how much that public gaze has affected him
By Joseph Breen @, Sept. 20
And Canadians' bigger discussion point here begs the question: but isn't this the mark of a great professional politician these days? That they can role play for different demographics and it still flies? Isn't this similar to the thing of Bill Clinton being called the "first black president" and being able to tell very different kind of folks that "I feel your pain?" Always trying to be a homeboy, no matter whether the hood is rural south or Cambridge England?
After all, Justin grew up with a father who was a famously charismatic politician to the point of "rock star" status. Always playing to an audience, but the audiences can be very different?
The question that attracts me here is: is this the type of thing a majority still admires in a politician (flipping roles and even pandering on a dime), or is it finally starting to wear as inauthentic?
by artappraiser on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 9:37pm
Pile on @ The National Post, a similar op-ed:
Andrew Coyne: Is Justin Trudeau a racist? No. He is a sanctimonious fraud
The racial masks Trudeau wore to conceal his identity 20 years ago are but one in a series: from blackface to feministface to sunnywaysface
summary paragraph:
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 7:33pm
In the interviews with black Canadians that I have seen, they are disappointed, but will still vote for Trudeau. This drives Conservatives crazy. Conservatives note that if a Canadian Conservative had been caught in blackface, that person would be labeled racist. The problems Conservatives have is that their stances on diversity and immigration make it very easy for the racist label to stick.
Trudeau has exposed the lie that Canada is a place of racial harmony
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 8:42pm
Author as described at Wikipedia
Janaya Khan is the co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto. They also serve as an International Ambassador for the Black Lives Matter Network. Khan identifies as black, queer, gender-nonconforming. They are an activist, author and amateur competitive boxer. Wikipedia
Based on Khan's activist record outlined there, I'd really be hesitant to present "them" as representing the opinion of anyone but far lefties. But that would be me.
For one thing, I think it highly unlike that the current or future Prime Minister of Canada, whoever that may be, is going to be adopting use of the latest newest pronouns in either English or French.
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 9:48pm
Khan has "their" own fancy website where "they" self-describe as a Futurist, Organizer and Storyteller.
The home page has large quotes about "Afrofuturism" and recent posts include
Oddly,the CNN bio for the published op-ed suggests Kahn is longer based in Toronto, but L.A.:
Janaya Khan is an activist, writer and storyteller based in Los Angeles who lectures on racial justice, culture and gender equity across the US and abroad. Janaya has appeared in Vogue, The Cut and BET's Finding Justice and serves as Program Director for Color Of Change. They can be found on Twitter @janaya_khan. The views expressed in this commentary belong to the author
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 9:55pm
Northam remained in office because of the fear of putting Republicans in charge. Trudeau may be re-elected because the Conservatives are anti-immigrant and are not supportive of diversity.
A black Canadian member of Parliament offers support to Trudeau
Northam probably called Trudeau and told him to simply ride it out.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 11:14pm
NCD's historical fact of the day. Racism and it's most depraved outcome, a look at lynching in Canada.
Canada records only one lynching in the country's history. It was of 14 year old Native American Louie Sam in 1884. It was committed by a mob of white Americans.
The NAACP reports from 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. None were committed by Canadians.
by NCD on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 11:35pm
Canada had slavery.for over 200 years
The history of slaver is the country’s best kept secret
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 1:28pm
An interesting aside. The man who wrote the Canadian National Anthem performed in minstrel shows.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 1:40pm
He also enlisted with a Rhode Island Union regiment during the Civil War, and wanted French Quebec to secede from Canada and become part of the US. Henry Louis Gates should find a unkowing descendant of this guy and get their reactions on his genealogy program.
by NCD on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 2:14pm
whole story is very interesting. I am intrigued by what the musicologist throws in here to interpret it
Quebec, of course, is known to have quite separatist attitudes to this day.
Back to Justin Trudeau, he is a mix: Scottish and French Canadian.
His father was responsible for the bi-lingualism that was a major attempt to heal the divide.
I'd like to throw in the Cajun/Acadian thing here as a thought provoker about the cultural issues.
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 3:19pm
throwing in afterthought: Scots haven't always been known to be exceptionally loyal to the British crown. Don't know much Canadian history, now wondering the reason the first Scots settled in Canada.
Do know one thing: as to their visual art history, Canadians are waaaay behind the U.S. in appreciating their own art as distinct and important, and not just derivative of French or British. We started considering our art equal or better post WWII. loud and proud, and a lot the western world quickly started to agree. They've only just begun doing that like a decade ago: scholarship, then interest, then soaring prices. It's like an inferiority complex thing. Still, it's only most Canadians collecting Canadian art, not international market.
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 3:30pm
Add Champlain, Marquette and Joliet, and western French fur trappers who named Boise, Idaho, "they called this "La rivière boisée", which means "the wooded river".
by NCD on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 5:31pm
there was also this little bit of history, that the Continental Congress and George Washington wanted Lafayette to invade Canada. Lafayette gave it a half-hearted try, he was not really on board with the wisdom of it. It was "let's send the French guy, that'll work"? And the French aristocrat guy is going: I'll try but I doubt this is going to work?
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 5:59pm
This does bring to my mind how the first Trudeau blackface incident has very little to do with the minstrel show tradition and I think it is important to note that if one is going to talk about the offensive racial nature of the minstrel show tradition. The other high school incident might have more in common with minstrel show tradition, but doing Aladdin as having a black face has nothing to do with minstrel show tradition, it is not the same meme at all.
As to minstrel shows being popular in Canada in the past (which again, has virtually nothing to do with Trudeau's blackface Aladdin), I was thinking of the French cultural attitude towards simplistic slapstick (think Jerry Lewis) and also their early 20th century practice of liking to import exiled black entertainers from the U.S. Though culturally elite U.S. blacks liked to exile to France because life was better for them there, there is considerable amount of scholarship that the French approach to American blacks was still racist, more of a "noble savage" kind of thing. They liked their jazz girls to dance with banana leaf costumes. A lot of what American blacks found in France of the early 20th century was a lack of Jim Crow restrictions but make no mistake it was still a minstrel show situation where the French audience found them to be exciting performing exotics, not equals. But then it's part of French culture to think of anyone not French as not equal...
The silliness of minstrel shows' main memes actually come out of the European tradition of commedia del arte popullst street entertainment, unsophisticated carnival type entertainment, the Punch and Judy show type of thing. (Hence the word "minstrel", as in wandering troubadour) This George Mason University coursework page on minstrel shows starts out with a good summary that gets at that:
It does not surprise me for that reason that it would appeal to French Canadians of the time
But again, I do not see anything relating to "minstrel show" in Trudeau's blackface Aladdin, that is a different type of blackface. One can certainly find all blackface costumes of this kind offensive, but it is still incorrect to conflate the two and doing so gets you nowhere as far as mining the American Minstrel Show phenomenon for its racist roots.
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 4:45pm
So Trudeau did not appear in total body black makeup?
There may be more photos to come.
Edit to add:
Tradeau did acknowledge something important
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 7:05pm
So tell me, geniuses, why is it okay to have white people performing Harry Belafonte's "Day O" in a very minstrely way, twerking and gyrating with exaggerated calypso? (Why is it amusing for non-Jamaican blacks to imitate Caribbean patois in the same way?) Why is it ok for Michael Keaton to wear white face and run around the whole film (Beetlejuice) in a very minstrely way as a "ghost" (get it? heart of African black "otherness", just ghosts of the jungle/bush)? Here's a totally over-the-top modern rendition of minstrel tradition that earned Belafonte and Burton and others Academy Awards and still accepted as a "great movie" by a great director, while respectful homages to black figures (or other people of color) and black culture involving black makeup or any black style (I assume putting on Bob Marley dreads isn't allowed) is treated as anathema. Of course maybe Beetlejuice will be burned at the stake tomorrow (fine with me, I hated that flick).
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 10:05pm
Hated it? You're just scared. Otherwise why were you so careful to only say Beetlejuice twice in your post.
by ocean-kat on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 10:24pm
Beetlejuice. There. Thpppt!
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 10:48pm
Which film won Harry Belafonte an Academy Award?
Too difficult to get through the rest of your gibberish.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 11:02pm
Fine, it won an Oscar for Best Makeup and Danny Elfman got a BMI for best music score, and a successful box office haul.
Oh, and fuck you, asshole.
Pedantic and unreachable as usual.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 1:51am
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 11:13pm
I’ll have to get around to watching the movie.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 9:44am
Speaking of stereotypes, I wonder what "Great White North" types like the MacKenzie Brothers might be thinking about all of this, eh?
I am also thinking of the enormous irreverant comedy talent that comes out of Canada, along the lines of SCTV, how they are very talented at skewering things like this little moment in a mild-mannered way without raising hardly any hackles. I'm betting most were probably pretty cynical about Trudeau before this happened...
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 10:04pm
I see these older accounts on Twitter:
Not Justin Trudeau (Parody)
Just a humble school teacher bravely fighting to save the world. (Parody)
Joined August 2019
Trudeau Googles
Programmed to tweet Justin Trudeau's search history.
Joined October 2012
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 10:16pm
Canada's one big "elite coast" with a spattering of rural elements. They're pretty much used to taking the piss out of each other, not too serious because they're just the mini-me mini-US. Whites are frequently able to stand being the butt of jokes, like Eddie Murphy's "White Like Me" or "White Men Can't Jump". McKenzies are likely able to make fun of and respect Trudeau (a bit) at the same time.
I do wonder how much pushback there was to a black comedy show (In Living Color) having a depiction of a smelly incoherent homeless black as "humor" (Jamie Foxx?) To me that role was more mean-spirited and preying on black stereotypes than this outrage over Chris Matthews saying "colored" or whatever the latest is, though not nearly as outrageous as a cop punching a black guy on the pavement over and over with impunity and no hesitation/self-doubt for an expired license.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 10:17pm
I can't believe the things black people let black comedians get away with, especially but not only Jamie Fox. Imo he is so racist and misogynistic I can't watch him. I suppose one could try to claim he's mugging for the white folks but I've watch some of his live performances and the majority of the audience was black. Laughing uproariously at bits like this.
by ocean-kat on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 11:20pm
Jamie Fox did his Ugly Girl skit before live audiences?
Whites can do blackface because.....Jamie Fox?
Do you believe that a black comedian who repeatedly made fun of Jews is OK? Would the come dine called anti-Semitic?.
If a black politician were revealed to have appeared in Orthodox Jewish clothing in a skit, would they be called anti-Semitic?
I think that there is comedy that is limited to certain groups.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 9:42am
I am not surprised:
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 10:21pm
Those interviews were before the full body blackface video, weren’t they? The woman mentions Aladdin.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 10:55pm
That one is from the early 1990's and most of them here are saying that the 2001 incident was too long ago to matter.
Geez you have a lot invested in trying to prove everyone gets as outraged about this stuff as you do, don't you?
Seems to me the most common opinion about these finds from 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 yrs ago is "people can change, it's what they are doing now that counts."
You seem to have like this insatiable outrage and grievance about historical acts. The oppo people hunting through the ancient history of politicians running for office are counting on those like you. (What's odd is I don't see you upset about things like the movement to allow convicted felons to vote and run for office. Why should those that have committed felonies be special?)
Who promised you all people running for office were saints?
And why are you so driven to find proof that others feel the same way you do? Why does that verify what you feel? Have you no confidence in your own feelings?
by artappraiser on Sat, 09/21/2019 - 11:53pm
The full body black makeup was the last image to appear. The video interview appears to be before that time.
Do you agree with the white woman who said that whites need to check the racist things in their past and also recognize their white privilege?
Northam and Trudeau offered their9 apologies. If there was nothing wrong with blackface, why apologize?
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 9:09am
An early poll suggests Trudeau’s party has lost ground in the aftermath of the brownface/blackface images.
Obviously, the election results are what matters.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 3:34pm
Obama endorsed Trudeau in a tweet Oct. 16:
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 1:38am
Trudeau is the better alternative in Canada. He was dumb enough to wear blackface. He had a drop in the polls. Obama tries to correct a situation that Trudeau created. Wearing blackface is not nothing. Wearing blackface effected his polling.
Some police official, politician, or entertainer will still be dumb enough to wear blackface this Halloween and plead ignorance.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 8:17am
Black population Canada is 3.5%. Not a big hit.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 10:28am
There is no reason only black voters would be offended. In a close race 2-3% could be important. At any rate, we will know on Monday.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 2:16pm
Nobody else gives a fuck. Don't kid yourself.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 4:09pm
I do think other people care, otherwise, he wouldn't need Obama.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 12:11pm
He's the son of a popular Canadian Prime Minister *and* Margaret Fucking Trudeau, who balled half the Rolling Stones in the 70's, plus he's half French, half Anglo. He doesn't need Obama. Things are different up in Canuckland.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 12:24pm
here's yet another op-ed on the fallout from the blackface revelations, oh wait, no, I can't find that part:
Funny, sounds just like the kinda pol Obama would support?
[edit to add second tweet]
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 4:40pm
If Trudeau has the economy booming, why is this a nail-biter?
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 5:35pm
The race is a tie. That is why he called Obama, Trudeau's rep took a hit.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 5:33pm
oh sure, that totally splains why the alt right is trying to paint him as the politically correct police:
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 6:03pm
Dunning-Kruger totally rule in the field of political analysis.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 6:23pm
I got my own bias, I am taking troll bait from someone who can't even see that he appears to be desperately rooting for Trudeau and his party to lose to conservatives in order to prove that politicians cannot apologize for social indiscretions in their youth. That they must live with them like a scarlet letter. What does that really mean in the end? It means: if you ever did something naughty, you should not run for office. It's sick.
Some people may indeed be disappointed that this golden boy was not all that he seemed on many levels, and that ain't just about a couple of long ago costumes. Personally, I think Obama threw the endorsement out there because he doesn't want "suburban swings" making the same error as they did here in 2016. What Obama's tweet says to me: voters need to think globally, not tribally, when they elect the guys that will be representing them globally. that it's real important at this time in history.
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 6:47pm
I can't cast a vote in Canada. The blackface photos appear to have impacted Canadian voters.
You may not be offended by blackface, but that doesn't mean that some white Canadians are not offended. We will get the election results tomorrow. If Trudeau power, there will be tons of post-election analysis.
The blackface photos did not help Trudeau.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 11:07am
Nor can MLK III (disappointed in how the negative travels):
Race talk in Canada superficial:
Well that's horridly deceptive wording - it certainly doesn't assure that more than a handful of white Canadians are offended either. Frankly, I'd bet that the whites most vocal about this are doing it more re: the pipeline or other issues, and just find this a convenient handle to grab onto.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 12:01pm
We will have election results tomorrow. Post election analyst will likely include data on the impact of the blackface images.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 3:31pm
Ever the optimist.
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 3:34pm
Precisely because Trudeau apologized and clearly will never do it again, I will find it disgusting if it did change any votes. I think it should be a point of shame to vote that way, and certainly not something to get all excited about as a factor. It's the eternal revenge factor. Especially when nobody got killed. For that reason, I hope pollsters don't separate it out from more broader reasons like "I don't trust him." Not the least of which because doing so will feed further oppo hunts galore about past life stuff politicians will then apologize for. Which will feed fewer and fewer people willing to run for office. Unless you're like Marion Barry or Donald Trump, then you could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and it wouldn't hurt.
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 4:03pm
Young people considering politics can cross blackface off the list of things they can do. They also have to be aware that social media comments last forever. Employment opportunities can be impacted as well.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 5:54pm
Wow, thanks for the heads up - we didn't know. (eyes roll)
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 6:06pm
Cut the crap. I simply made a truthful statement.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 8:37am
By your standard I doubt that any of the men over 50 could be elected if there was a digital record of the things they said when they were teens. Not Booker, not Sanders, not Biden. Every thing I've read leads me to believe that blacks are more anti-gay than whites. But I'm sure you'll be willing to forgive the black dude for his anti-gay comments.
by ocean-kat on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 6:14pm
Or misogyny?
Whom among us hasn't rapped along to a ho's and bitchez opus?
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 8:43pm
Biden and Sanders faced questions about misogyny. Biden on his actions regarding Anita Hill and Sanders early in his phis prior campaign.
Name the homophobic black legislator.
Edit to add:
Ben Carson is a member of Trump's cabinet. Carson is homophobic. Do you think I support Carson?
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 9:54am
Encouraging making a big deal about social or behavioral indiscretions in politician's past personal lives is the real evil here and is a many-edged sword, it encourages the practice of digging up dirt when the target has changed his or her ways. You judge what they are currently doing and who they currently are! That is Obama's point. HE WOULDN'T BE TRYING TO HELP IF HE DIDN'T WANT HIM TO WIN! There is no one who always has been a saint running for political office. Zero. I think the purity-police style obsession that you and others like you have with this one issue is an example of something that social media can be used for that is very detrimental to our current political system.
When voting you should judge what the candidate has done in political office unless it's actual criminal activity in their past that was hidden. Even racists and criminals can change and become useful servants of the people. Period.
What don't you get about that? How far back does this litmus test go? If they wore blackface as a 5 year old? It is so ridiculous that this is considered of import if the person has publicly apologized. It is ridiculous in the first place that right wingers are scouring old yearbooks to bait people like you into thinking it matters. The most ridiculous case was that woman politician that was being "outed" for wearing blackface 50 years ago. C'mon, if that's not being purity police, I don't know what is. Even right wing anti-abortion people are known to forgive a woman who had an abortion in the past, which they consider murder, if she changes her tune. But rmrd and friends think black face should never ever be forgiven? Give me a break.
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 6:39pm
Tell me a man is older than 50 and I'll bet he made some really nasty homophobic comments, jokes and insults when he was a teen. I'd almost never lose that bet. If the internet was common back then it would be in his digital record. I don't care if he's black, white, or hispanic. I don't think it's changed that much either. I'm not sure enough to bet but probably men in their 40's or 30's made the same type of homophobic comments in their teens too. People are going to have to learn to forgive people now that there's a digital record because almost everyone who grew up in the internet age has something bad in it.
by ocean-kat on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 10:04pm
Oh yeah, well I got worse: Liz Warren was still a Republican in the early 90's, and then, gasp!, I found this:
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 11:14pm
P.S. Bill Clinton really did inhale that marijuana, it's just that there were no pictures.
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 11:30pm
As the bus rolled along Blue Hill Avenue some one started a chant "there are no more Jews on Blue Hill Avenue".
I joined. (The next line was "They've all moved to Columbia Road".)
The person I happened to most admire happened to be Jewish.
If he had ever asked me about it at any time in the next 60 years I'd have said "Of God. Of course I did. Did you ever do something like that?"
by Flavius on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 1:06am
Bernie's Civil Rights activity was brief and localized. It ended in 1963.
Hillary went undercover to examine racial discrimination in Alabama. She was inspired by Madeline Wright Edelman.
Both Hillary and Bernie face criticism for supporting the 1994 crime bill.
Hillary and Bernie have not been accused of wearing blackface
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/19/2019 - 12:34pm
Hillary and Bernie have not been accused of wearing blackface
because wearing blackface in a Halloween costume when you were in college 50 years ago is worse than working for Goldwater. One is forgivable the other isn't
by ocean-kat on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 1:18am
A history of wearing blackface is not going to boost your reputation. Northam stayed because Fairfax faced sexual abuse charges.. The Governor of Alabama stayed because it is no big deal in Alabama. Trudeau took a hit. The blackface also tarnished the image of Canada. We now know of blackface and slavery in Canada. The previous view of Canada was as a central station on the Underground Railroad.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 10/20/2019 - 11:17am
Interesting that Obama's tweet synchs with this campaign meme I just ran across:
by artappraiser on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 3:02pm
The blackface episodes remain in the forefront of analysis on why the race is tight
MONTREAL — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada has crisscrossed his vast country from the Pacific to the Atlantic coasts, and all the way up to the Arctic, shaking hands, cradling babies and posing for his signature selfies — sometimes doing all three at once.
Along the way, his campaign for re-election became an apology tour after it was revealed that as a young man he had dressed in blackface and brownface.
The racist caricatures were damaging enough, but for Mr. Trudeau they also seemed to validate a troubling critique of his character: His critics have long said his liberal image was merely a politically expedient veneer.
He is an environmentalist, who, they point out, bought a pipeline.
He is a self-declared feminist who was accused of bullying his own female attorney general.
Now, with Canadians voting in a national election on Monday, the question hanging over Mr. Trudeau is: Will voters forgive him? Will they choose him even if he has not always been the leader they hoped for
Blackface confirmed doubts about character.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 8:45am
Ocean-Kat made the following observation above
I agree that there is homophobia in the black community. Since we are talking about a national election, I looked at how homophobia played out in an election in the United States. GW Bush ran campaigns targeting Evangelicals. In his re-election, he emphasized that he was against Gay marriage. How many blacks voted for GW Bush?
In 2000, Bush got 9% of the black vote and 55% of the white vote.
In 2004, when he had anti-Gay marriage as a major part of his campaign, Bush got 11% of the black vote and 58% of the white vote. Bush did get 16-20% of the black vote in Ohio.
The national voting record indicates that whites are more likely to vote for a homophobe.
Marian Barry blocked Gay marriage in DC, I wouldn't have voted for him.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 10:39am
Re: Marian Barry blocked Gay marriage in DC, I wouldn't have voted for him
Elsewhere you're trying to argue that public evidence of being politically incorrect will influence enough voters to make the candidate lose. Here you are bringing up an example of how the candidate can win despite it. Which are you arguing? That a lot of people think like you and make litmus tests out of things like this, or that your attitude is atypical?
I bring this up because: as I have mentioned before, you would get far less flack here if you used the first person pronoun more often rather than implying that whole groups. such as all blacks, all minorities or all Democrats think like you. If you just spoke for yourself, and didn't imply that you represented whole tribes and knew that they thought exactly like you, it would just be you giving your opinion and far fewer would argue with you.
by artappraiser on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 3:16pm
The comment was in response to ocean-kat suggesting how I would vote. I gave numbers for how many black voters cast votes for GW Bush, so there is no suggesting that blacks are a monolith. A minority of black voters cast votes that supported GW's rejection of same-sex marriage in a national election. A majority of white voters favored the homophobe. A majority of white voters favored Trump. It is likely that a majority of white voters will vote Trump again.
We will have arguments because you use terms like pity olympics. You want to dictate the wording of my posts. I am offended by statues of white supremacists, you are not. I think calling police on people existing while black endangers lives, you do not. I think policing black hair is idiotic, you do not. I think identity politics is a dodge used to avoid talking about serious issues, you do not. We are going to argue.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 5:00pm
If a politician wrote anti-Semitic comments at any point in life, that person would have to answer for their actions.
The current news chief at NBC is being questioned about misogynistic comments he made in college.
Blackface is offensive, that is why a part of Trudeau's campaign has been an apology tour. This is the normal course of events.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 6:09pm
CBC is calling the race for Trudeau's party. Unclear if it will be a majority or minority party.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 10:07pm
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 4:06am
Makes clear that these days a gal has to make sure her foundation makeup matches exactly:
Edit to add: and that blusher could be a no-no.
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 12:39pm
and the horror.
by artappraiser on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 12:57pm
One day, the police will be knocking on the door at 3am, "open up, we know you've got a contraband tanning booth in there..."
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 2:11pm
Speaking of doing orangeface, the Drumpf method has finally been revealed:
by artappraiser on Thu, 12/05/2019 - 12:18am