by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The level of outright brainwashing by repeated overdoses of rightwing crazy over 20-30 years is finally reaping its just rewards. How many people in America are Alex Jones-level crazy? Do we think we can have a real dialogue with them? Not just deplorable - many are certifiable. Talk slowly, calmly while I get the net.
Take a bunch of rocks and throw them into the ether - you'll find a Melanie Austin.
I read that piece in WaPo and wondered why I had bothered; most of us can find a conversation like that most anywhere and any time if we try. About anyone. Personally, I think it's just lazy journalism.
by barefooted on Mon, 10/03/2016 - 1:23am
Ummm,... well, how many Melanie Austins are there and are they multiplying or just a background constant noise? I detect a significant uptick of once fairly normal people now worried about Obama's socialist Muslim-led invasion to steal our guns and rights. And the ability to suspend disbelief and swallow any old farfetched theory whole-hog seems to be on the rise as well. Of course people were imagining Bill & Hillary knocking off dozens of their closest acquaintances 20 years ago, but it was still called "conspiracy theory" at the time. Now these things have to be treated as "political opinion", much like creationism/"intelligent design" vs natural processes in schools - we have to give the completely unfounded, unscientific, unjustified equal footing with that which has been well vetted (even if science is about steadily learning new things about our universe and environment and discarding once-cherished views - there's still a reasonable rigorous process inherent to the field - or once was)
It's worth reading this article on America's belief in creationism and thinking about how that affects what people believe about politics - rather than a cooperative process and creatively destructive process to get things done, instead it's a benevolent dictator waving a wand and things just pop up. It's the daddy syndrome vs. a million blades of anarchist grass and weeds and such. Its right and wrong pre-ordained, rather than a competitive marketplace of ideas. When we say Democrats tend to be more secular, we're really saying they have a completely different framing for looking at the world. If we talk about a wall to keep out immigrants, Democrats are probably thinking quotas, public policy, effects on the economy, logistics. Faith-based voters are thinking about the apocalypse, good-vs-evil, effects on beliefs. There is a complete disconnect in how we think about it, so of course a complete disconnect in what should be done. Now, how do I explain away the lack of attention to "love your neighbor" and all that New Testament stuff? Cause the soapbox preacher was always more effective bringing on fire-and-brimstone. Jesus and his forgiveness is personal; Jehovah is for all the rest. "Do unto others..." is really shortened to "do unto me" - texts better that way, fewer strokes.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 10/03/2016 - 3:17am
I talked to Barack about this women years ago. I called him on the phone and told him, "You got to whack that bitch." He wouldn't listen and now it's all coming out. Damn it, I told him, "Look dude, Hillary would have offed that women her first year as president. She'd have 'fosterized' him. Are you a man?" I asked. The truth will out in the end and I don't even think the lizard people aliens who control america will protect him or him.
by ocean-kat on Mon, 10/03/2016 - 3:34am
Yeah, it's the gay in him that brings out the lizard in them - are they ride-alongs or actual lizard possessed? Was Roswell aliens or lizards or lizard-aliens? I saw this documentary a few years back, explained the evolutionary split:
Full version here (for now)
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 10/03/2016 - 5:27am
Holy holy holy Lord God almighty
Early in the morning my sniff shall rise to thee.
by ocean-kat on Mon, 10/03/2016 - 9:22pm
Wow, incredible. The whores come out to defend one of their own. Stigmata and sniffles coming out of ... wherever. Burroughs wrote a story, "The Man Who Taught His Asshole to Speak". The uninitiated call this a miracle; those in the know attribute it to sweat and vigor. Whose asshole is he? His own and everyone's. I feel in a communion kind of mood - come drink the koolaid.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 12:25am
Yeah, the scary thing is these people vote.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 4:58am
And own guns, apparently.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 5:00am
22% of United States adults own guns. 3% of adults own 50%! of the guns in the United States. Purchases are probably related to fear despite the fact that crime has decreased dramatically.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 8:00am
Fear or Teh Crazy. At some point I think the "fear" and continual "concern" is just an adrenalin rush of defending some made up "cause", being under "attack" - folks just acting out fantasy games under real-world conditions.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 9:12am
(Pat Robertson speaks to the congregation):
As I watched Mr. Trump at that debate,
I asked the Lord for a sign,
A sign that He would fill Donald,
With the Heavenly Host,
And when that woman walked out,
I smelled brimstone!!!!
The smell of Satan and the fiery furnace!!!!
And just right then Donald sniffed it too,
And what may look to some like an ordinary cold,
Just some running of his nose,
I tell you that was the sign from above,
And when I saw that,
I heard the humming voices of the Heavenly Angels
Coming right over my television antenna,
And they were sayin,
I forgive them, I forgive them,
As long as they vote Republican,
He is the one to chase that devil get him on the run,
For our nation has sinned.....
Now Sister Ismaralda will pass among you with the collection plate,
And keep those wonderful cards and contributions coming in....
by NCD on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 12:44am
Santa Sangre, Jodorowsky's most accessible and polished...
Full movie
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 12:51am
Not accessible?
Can't believe how mainstream Jodorovsky has become
by jollyroger on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 12:59am
I had his book for El Topo. A much more complex piece, deconstructing the symoblism takes a lot more effort. Influenced my writing quite a bit for a spell. The bit about the stone, and then the armless guy & legless guy who hated each other in real life... the making of the movie was as impressive as the movie itself. I didn't much like Holy Mountain, and the later Dune & last film I just couldn't make myself watch.
I have El Topo & Erendira (Spanish with Dutch subtitles, sorry) & LLano en Llamas/Pedro Páramo (short novelas/cuentos by Juan Rulfo) as kind of a triangle for my Mexican period (along with a few others like Death of Artemio Cruz, book & movie of Under the Volcano...)
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 10/04/2016 - 4:47am