by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
By Barbara Starr & Ryan Browne @ CNN, April 13, 2:51 pm
Washington--The US military dropped America's most powerful non-nuclear bomb on ISIS targets in Afghanistan Thursday, the first time this type of weapon has been used in battle, according to US officials.
A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), nicknamed the "mother of all bombs," was dropped at 7:32 pm local time, according to four US military officials with direct knowledge of the mission. A MOAB is a 21,600-pound, GPS-guided munition.[.....]Officials said the target was an ISIS cave and tunnel complex and personnel in the Achin district of the Nangarhar province [.....]
by artappraiser on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 3:43pm
Neither Russia or the US would sign on to banning cluster bombs which are pretty nasty weapons, they even kill kids. Well, they're back with a bang, so to speak.
by A Guy Called LULU on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 4:13pm
Today's news brings me the thought that good old car bombs do the same trick if you don't give a shit about civilians and children and can even be labeled "huge"
Syria war: Huge bomb kills dozens of evacuees in Syria
But they don't get the shock-and-awe effect of both monster high tech bombs (i.e. WMD's) or terrorism or chemical weapons. Neither do cluster bombs. We are inured to the damage cars cause to human life in general, we don't even see it, they do not give hardly anyone fear, even though without even a bomb they are two tons barreling down the street powered by harnessed "explosions". I think that the irrational kind of fear is what international regulation tries to focus on. Not offering an opinion whether that's good or bad, just pointing it out. There is a lot to be said, though, for pointing out the hypocrisy of caring about just the numbers of people killed by something, body counts. Because if body counts upset, there's a lot of things that do that kind of damage outside of war. Either you're going to be rational about it or not. And this gets to Trump's "little babies" argument = that was 100% emotion, no rationality.
by artappraiser on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 2:47pm
Reminds me of that early compact car, the Yugo - maybe they were just trying to spell "Yuge" in Serbo-Croatian. Could have made a perfect pre-packaged car-bomb, IED in a running box. Maybe Uber or Google can field a self-navigating version, something for Terry Gilliam's Brazil II.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 3:55pm
That reminds me of an NPR radio show, "Car Talk." Where a couple of very funny and very knowledgeable guys would give advice about a broad range of car questions. One woman called in and said she was 55 years-old and wanted to buy her 'last car.' She wanted to know what would be the car that would last through her remaining life.
The guys went through some options and finally decided she had two choices: A Volvo, which would probably last 20+ years with good maintenance. The other was to buy a Yugo and drive it off a cliff!
by CVille Dem on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 7:33pm
Calling Successor a ‘Traitor’, Afghan Ex-Leader (Karzai) Denounces U.S. Bombing
By Mujib Mashal @ The New York Times, April 15
by artappraiser on Sat, 04/15/2017 - 1:22pm