by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Liberals and the Twitters are all abuzz after it was announced that Keith Olbermann taped his last "Countdown" show on MSNBC tonight and will be leaving the network. While immediate speculation was made about Comcast's purchase of NBC being why, thus far, no reason has been given. The exit was so swift, MSNBC continued to rum promos for "Countdown" after the announcement was made.
Last year, Olbermann tweeted that he believed a Comcast takeover would make NBC "more liberal." However, Fox News demagogue Glenn Beck made a shockingly prescient statement in November, stating Olbermann would never survive a Comcast takeover.
The press release from MSNBC stated simply:
MSNBC and Keith Olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” will be this evening. MSNBC thanks Keith for his integral role in MSNBC’s success and we wish him well in his future endeavors.
Olbermann made millions of friends and just as many enemies while at MSNBC, as his razor-sharp wit and blunt assessments made him a must-see TV for many liberals. His "Special Comment" series made numerous headlines, especially during the Bush era.
While the mystery will soon be resolved as to why Olbermann and MSNBC parted ways, one thing to remember is this - Olbermann has long beena nomad in broadcasting. From being a local sportscaster, to his time at ESPN, and now MSNBC, Olbermann has regularly dazzled with his brilliance, only to leave.
My take? Olbermann has never shown that he plays well with others, especially those in authority. While the Left is losing a strong voice, his departure had to have been expected by any that have followed his career, especially following his recent clashes with MSNBC management.
More at Crooks & Liars, including video.
I was just watching and am absolutely horrified and shocked!
Keith gave no indication whatsoever about why the show is over. Unless someone provides a very compelling reason why it is otherwise the timing of this sudden end and the fact that Comcast just tookover is more than mere coincidence. I thought when they suspended him over the contributions that it was just a matter of time before he got axed. This is just horrible! When nobody else in the country with any sort of real media platform had any balls at all Keith Olbermann stood up and objected to the insane and illegal wars, the usurpation of powers by the executive branch, the repressive domestic spying regime, torture and all the other rotten developments of the past 8 or so years. Obviously, Maddow will be next to go but this sort of ham handed smack down of the leading progressive voice in the media needs to be met with serious public anger. This is a simply shocking development though we sholdn't be surprised by anything in this era of tyranny from our ruling elite.
by oleeb on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:19pm
I for one won't be watching anything else on Com-er-I mean MSNBC at the 8pm hr. The ratings can go to hell for all I care. Serves comcast right. This is outrageous!
by jbird (not verified) on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:26pm
Ditto for me! I won't watch whatever they put in his place either and I hope MSNBC and Comcast go down in flames as they deserve to! Sadly, I think this is just their opening move. Maddow will be next no doubt, then Ed.
by oleeb on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:32pm
Lawrence O'Donnell is taking the 8 o'clock slot, Ed is moving to 10 o'clock, and there are rumors that Cenk will be on at 6.
by Ramona on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:36pm
Lawrence O'Statusquo? He sucks! Watching him is torture. Keith got him his show. If he had any honor he would refuse to take the slot.
by oleeb on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:37pm
Have to disagree. Lawrence is a must-see for me. He knows the WH and the halls of congress better than any other commentator and knows exactly what they're up to. Plus he's great at taking down the high and mighty. He's a treasure.
by Ramona on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 10:14pm
Your take on Odonnell doesn't surprise. You couldn't find a bigger apologist for the status quo. I cannot stand him and his smug insiderism. But hey, if you like even more of that crap, fine with me.
by oleeb on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 11:03pm
Likewise. Fine with me if you don't like him. Just thought you should know your opinion isn't the Last Word.
by Ramona on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 6:15am
O'Donnell is a corporatist tool.
by Lazy KGB (not verified) on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 4:16am
I had it on but was only half listening until he said this will be the final edition of Countdown. Then he went to commercial, and I thought it was his idea of a joke and all would be explained when he came back. I couldn't believe it. Went to Twitter and found it, yes, abuzz. What a shocker.
He'll land on his feet and come back stronger. But I'm getting shivers from the chilling effect.
by Ramona on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:24pm
And I think that really is the point here too Ramona: the chilling effect. They're sending a message to all those troublesome liberal voices and it's not friendly.
by oleeb on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:30pm
I am appalled that Keith Olbermann has been axed. Why has MSNBC done such an idiotic thing? While I am still trying to catch my breath at this terrible news, I KNOW that Mr. Olbermann will be back soon in some other form... and I look forward to that day !
by Deen in Dixie (not verified) on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:26pm
It is a very sad day in America. Until I discovered Countdown with Keith Olbermann I was in the dark about what Washington DC was all about. I will miss this Truth Teller, I hope he finds another venue to continue and that I find him.
by Julie Sparrow (not verified) on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:32pm
Josh Marshall was on during the early part of Countdown. Here's his take on it:
by Ramona on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:35pm
I forgot that poor Josh is also losing his rather regular appearances on Countdown. Oh well, Josh's 15 minutes of TV fame stretched on too long anyway. He needs to stick to his, now mostly non-interactive, blog. What goes around comes around. :)
by mageduley on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 12:30pm
Interesting that just now as I was reading comments posted on this site, MSNBC played Keith Olbermann's spot ad that is part of their "Lean Forward" campaign. About 45 minutes after he announced his departure from the network. Perhaps Keith is leaning further forward than the network.
Keith will be missed. But not for long. I am sure he will turn up again on the air very soon. We need to hear what he has to say. And we appreciate the point of view he expresses amidst the sea of conservative sea of broadcasts and lies the airwaves and cable are infected with.
Keith, get back on the air and tell us what we need to hear. SOON!!!
by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:38pm
Here's the video.
by Ramona on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:45pm
by Palmetto Pride (not verified) on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:46pm
I guess you don't watch Fox then? You don't know hatred and spewing until you've watched Fox.
by Ramona on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:51pm
Palmetto? As in South Carolina? Home of sedition and treason?
by oleeb on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 11:09pm
And Appalachian Trail walking governors.
by seashell on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 11:11pm
I can relate since I am strongly anti-authoritarian myself.
by cmaukonen on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 9:58pm
Hey, I'm with you. I'm the worst lol
by William K. Wolfrum on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 10:04pm
Where do we contribute to Keith Olberman for U. S Senate to replace Joe Leiberman?
by Doorway Blocker (not verified) on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 10:05pm
How about for President? We could use an actual Democrat in the White House for a change.
by oleeb on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 11:09pm
I love that idea! Who wouldn't watch a debate between Keith Olbermann and Linda McMahon? hahaha
by MrSmith1 on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 11:20pm
Olbermann has never shown that he plays well with others, especially those in authority.
Did the thought ever occur to anyone that was the message all along?
We give into authority too much. We don't ask. We just accept what we're told. We never question. We never demand a straight answer. In short, we never task those in the media to deliver information in an intellectual format that isn't ripe with spin and innuendo flavored by the political entities intent on manipulating public opinion in favor of a specific political outcome.
by Beetlejuice on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 8:39am
Well, KO's track record isn't just giving agita to the bosses. He also has a long history, which I've heard him acknowledge, of being extremely hard on co-workers and subordinates. We're talking about a man who made other adults weep while he was doing his dumbass sports news show. I enjoy SportsCenter, but it's not worth messing with other people's emotional welfare to produce.
I'm all for strong liberal voices in the media, and I'm very unhappy to see one less, but Olbermann's mistreatment of people who work for him isn't limited to his peers, or his superiors, and it hasn't grown out of his noble mission. He was horrible to everyone around him when he was just doing sports entertainment.
by Doctor Cleveland on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 9:39am
Didn't know bout that. It's one thing to be aggressive in your view point, but that doesn't give one license to mistreat people. So his message may have been tempered for the audience, but the methods he employed to carry them out were extreme. Now I have to re-evaluate what he's said in the past in the same light as Fox News. Thanks for setting me straight.
by Beetlejuice on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 12:07pm
I strongly doubt that the way Olbermann treated people on or off set had anything to do with Comcast's decision. Except that they're happy he isn't perfect because that gives them a little cover.
by erica20 on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 4:13pm
Actually, I don't think for a second that it *did* have anything to do with the end of his contract. The higher-ups in TV really don't care about that. Stars emotionally damaging the production assistants doesn't bother the executives at all.
But I did want to put Wolfie's "doesn't play well with others" in its full context, and not have it simplified into a narrative of Sticking It to the Man. Olbermann has stuck it to various men, various times, and I'm all for that. But he's also a difficult personality.
by Doctor Cleveland on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 8:53pm
Point taken.
by erica20 on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 10:46pm
Not "taped" his last program. It was quite live. Read both Josh's post and somewhere Jonathan Alter's shocked report that he saw no sign of any of this, except Keith's oblique "thanks for everything" as he walked off set as the last guest.
I wonder whether Keith started the broadcast not knowing it would be hs last, but suspecting it could be based on whatever settlement had been reached. Broadcasters, as he suggested, like to hold off telling "talent" that this is their last prgram, lest it turn into the "Network" moment to which Keith adverted. (I particularly recall WQEW's end as standards radio station in New York City, managing to go under without giving Jonathan Schwartz a chance to go ballistic on the air, as he likely would have done.) Josh makes note of a few extra people on set, though he is not sure that that was unusual. If it was, it was to make sure Keith did not Boyle the moment.
But we do not know the details and I suspect Keith got paid a lot of money not to tell us the details.
Some day, because he is who he is, he will tell us the story, probably more than once, but it may be a few years until he does.
by Barth on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 2:12pm
by artappraiser on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 3:12pm
Keith Olbermann Is Leaving MSNBC, by Gabriel Sherman, "The Daily Inte"l @ New York Magazine, 1/21/11 at 11:25 PM
by artappraiser on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 3:24pm
More similar as the Times' from similar sources though less detailed:
and then this from a less trustworthy site but also one that does specialize in being able to get inside info. on such things, an explanation that does fit well with all of the above, and with the abruptness, and also syncs with the exit of his "protector" Jeff Zucker:
And see Flavius' reasoning here in his reader blog on Dagblog, which also fits with all of the above.
by artappraiser on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 11:41pm
And again with more detail and embellishment--turns out he just got himself a new agent, and a powerful one in the entertainment biz I have no idea how trustworthy this site is, but this is really the Hollywood biz, kids (cable TV news became part of it--entertainment--when Ted Turner left,) where you have someone creating this buzz on purpose, like agents for highly paid "news" anchors and pundits:
Some of you might be disappointed to think of Olbermann as a celebrity selling himself and having an agent to plot his career ambitions and doing what that agent thinks best, thinking of him as someone with more high minded principles. I am not surprised as I always saw an entertainer/sportscaster first, who happened to be enjoying a chance to influence political media according to his own political preferences, but sitll someone with personal celebrity ambition over all, Certainly not a Walter Cronkite type,definitely more Ariana Huffington.
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 12:06am
by erica20 on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 2:37am
Some quick googling says Jean Sage at TV Talent/Napoli Management Group for many years:
here in June 1997 representing him in switch from ESPN to his first stint at MSNBC:
here April 19, 2005 she's doing damage control for him:
here cited on chart April 18, 2008 as becoming Maddow's agent as well as his right before she joins MSNBC because of him:
here's someone on a discussion on the "Keith Olberman Fan Forum", a thread about the November 2010 controversy, saying Sports Journal on October 4, 2010 says he just signed with ICM, the commenter also says he "probably still retains Jean":
The commenter also says Nick Kahn is the ICM agent that signed him:
Here's Howard Kurtz at The Daily Beast November 14, 2010 on the same November 2010 controversy in extreme detail, titling it "Vicious Infighting at NBC News," someone leaking all kinds of stuff to him about the related meetings with the new agents included, someone who obviously is no fan of Olbermann's tenure there:
Here's an intereview with Ted Chervin, introducing him as "cutthroat" enough to be a major player in the agent business because he's a former New York Assistant DA, and says as of late 2006, he is "Co-head of worldwide television, ICM, Los Angeles":
by artappraiser on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 4:26am
The above is confirmed in a NYT piece today, see my link to it at bottom of the thread. In the last several months, he got rid of his old agent and hired ICM to help him negotiate outta there (and probably plan his new career moves as well.) And as Barth notes right above that, this is also confirmed by his public announcement: that he had not been happy there for quite some time.
by artappraiser on Mon, 01/24/2011 - 10:00am
If you're Comcast, having people on your shows who complain about your business model, as well as talk about other annoyingly liberal issues, is unnecessary and destructive. Especially if those people do it well enough to get large numbers of other people on their corporation-critiquing, liberal-issues bandwagon. It's just a pain, you know?
In the big picture, the profit generated by the relatively measly number of liberal viewers is not worth what it costs you and your other corporate "competitors" to lobby against them on issue after issue, especially if you count the cost of opposing Liberals on issues important to viewers/voters who are generally supportive of your agenda.
Bottom line: putting Liberals on your shows just gets them all worked up about opposing the corporate agenda, and that, my friends, is bad for profit. Given that it's proven that people will watch pretty much any old crap that you and your corporate "competitors" put up, why broadcast any free speech other than the kind that supports corporate goals? Especially if the FCC isn't going to stand their ground on that whole "public interest" thing, at least not in any way that matters? I mean really, why would you? So the thing to do is to get rid of the Liberals.
Here's how this came down in my opinion: Olbermann knew that once Comcast took over MSNBC, Liberalism's days were numbered on the network, and that even if he tried to continue, he'd be unbearably squeezed. So he started looking for the best deal by which to end his contract. Knowing that Comcast would probably rather give away money than concessions, he asked for a huge amount of cash and reasonable rights to pursue his career after the severance, knowing that he might not get them. Comcast said they'd think about it.
Comcast didn't let Olbermann know that they'd do the deal until the day of the show. Then they called Olbermann, told him that they'd give him all the money and none of the concession, and made it clear that he had exactly x number of minutes/hours to put together his sign-off. They also made it clear that if they didn't like what he said, he could consider himself fired, people were ready to escort him off the set at the end of the show and they'd spend almost any amount to make sure that he walked away with as little as possible. Olbermann took the deal.
So what does this "don't let the screen door hit you in the pooper on the way out" approach tell us, literally and in "underspeak?"
1. Liberalism is out at MSNBC.
The message to pro-corporate elements is that they're bringing things into line.
The message to viewers/pundits is that MSNBC is being purged of pinko-commies and will soon be safe for reg'ler Americans again, especially if reg'ler Americans step up the pressure to get Maddow and Schultz out of there.
2. Maddow, Schultz and other Liberal voices will be tolerated only as long as their success is limited enough to not trouble the folks at corporate.
The moment they succeed in raising enough opposition to business goals to make things uncomfortable for the corporation (s?), they'll be taken out by any means necessary, including but not limited to, the approach taken with Olbermann.
This is brilliant positioning by Comcast because it can now be implied that anything Maddow/Schultz et al. say or do is motivated either by petulance at Comcast over Olbermann's firing, or by a desire to keep their jobs: their credibility can and will be questioned by everyone who can be paid/bamboozled into questioning it.
Really, what can Maddow/Schultz do except look elsewhere for employment?
I hope I'm wrong about the larger forces at work here, but I'm afraid I may not be.
by erica20 on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 4:02pm
On the other hand, maybe Olbermann fell on his sword to make it LOOK like Comcast wasn't interested in broadcasting a variety of opinions. Can I have a show of hands, please?
by erica20 on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 4:06pm
I thought this was funny coming from Fox Braodcasting's scheduler of prime time entertainment programming who may or may not be destor.!/maskedscheduler/status/28688500341608448
by EmmaZahn on Sat, 01/22/2011 - 5:43pm
Peope's read his comment carefully. He was unhappy. I am certain he did not ewant to return after the suspension. I suspect it was less his political views than that he does not like being told what to do. That was his right, but until he owns a cable compnay, his rights have limits:
by Barth on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 7:16pm
by artappraiser on Mon, 01/24/2011 - 10:29am
Hmm, well maybe I can tuck away that post about the crumbling of free speech on the tee vee for another day....
Interesting research, artappraiser. That Ted C sounds lilke just the kind of guy a person hopes their sister never starts to date!
by erica20 on Mon, 01/24/2011 - 12:21pm