by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I was reading Hitchens again. Damn me!
He has made some off the wall statements that really pissed me off.
Christopher is dying. At least that is how the NYT puts it.
He is growing back some hair....who knows?
(He memorably — a lot of what Hitchens has written merits the adverb — shot back that his antiwar critics were “the sort who, discovering a viper in the bed of their child, would place the first call to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.”) And he is dying of esophageal cancer, a fact he has faced with exceptional aplomb.
Christopher Hitchens
Hitchens broke my heart when he backed our previous fascist administration.
But he had a point regarding our left-wing propaganda.
I mean there are those on the left who would feign concern for the snakes over our babies!
On the other hand...
Repubs never tell the truth.
They claim they are against killing babies and they would cut child nutrition programs.
They claim that they are against killing Americans and they wish for war every goddamn time. Oh Perry says we must get out of these wars and so does Mitt; but they are lying. Come on! George W said we should never get involved in foreign entanglements.
They claim that they are against killing and they cheer for murder in our courtrooms.
They claim that they are against killing and they cheer for the death of those without insurance.
They claim they are against killing and they cheer for taking health care away from the sick, sore and disabled.
They claim they are for family values and they would cut food stamps.
They claim that they claim....
I have a new idea for dems.
Let us match the propaganda that the devils hold so dear!
Let us put forth our own bullshite and maintain rules as the NAZI's do.
Always refer to Republicans as Repubs. I mean they always refer to us as the Democrat Party as a play upon Demo and Rats. They shall now be referred to as the Repub Party.
Always stay away from the term Global Warming. It does not work! Instead underline the need for clean water, for clean air and for clean agriculture. Go ahead and show stats and pics of people dying in this country as a result of impure water and impure air and impure farm land adulterated by big bad corporations.
Never attack windpower as an energy source. Fuck the birds. Although I always liked the Byrds:.
Quit screaming about pro choice. It does not work. We must hope that Roberts dies after convulsing on some dock as he falls in the ocean; we must pray that our Minority Member on the Court suddenly has a heart attack looking at porn on the internet as he eschews his ugly fat white wife, we must pray that Scalia eats some bad Italian sausage or simply opts for making millions on some reality show. That is all we got. The rest shall be taken care of by the states after folks like Walker are thrown out on the streets for graft and such.
Quit any discussion about sun-power disturbing the environment. Hell, everything disturbs the environment. I just farted and two pigeons on my window sill died.
Quit arguments that dogs and cats have equal rights. Jesus H. Christ; people are not going to vote for equal rights for dogs and cats. Hell a third of Americans do not wish to give Blacks and Hispanics equal rights! Besides it gets into this whole Gay problem with equal rights.
Do not, I mean do not, scream out that the death penalty should be abolished. Any sane person would wish that some arsehole who rapes and kills a 9 year old girl should be killed; and I mean immediately. We simply take the position that the death penalty should not be used indiscriminately—or rather discriminately against minorities. Hell, I feel that Wall Street management managed to kill thousands of people as well as millions upon millions of dreams. Kill them I say. Just do not kill them indiscrimately or rather discrimately. Let the courts sort it out BECAUSE YOU WILL LOSE ON THIS RIDICULOUS POSITION.
Do not jump up and down and scream that rich folks get better health care, better jobs for their children, better educational opportunities, better rides.....It has always been such and always will. Keep discussing the evils of the vanishing middle class. It sounds better.
Quit screaming peace all the time. We shall never have peace. The best we can do is to lobby for less war. It sounds better.
Quit ignoring debt. Keep screaming that the nation's debt is terrible and we need more money from money greedy bastard corporations. Scream that we must indict and go after the corporations who have killed so many folks and scream that we need to take away their assets for the damage they have done. I think that works. Center your concerns on no-bid contracts and corporate pigs like Cheney. Always picture Cheney and his contracts with Halliburton_
Constantly show pictures of the homeless in our slums. You do not have to say anything. A picture is worth a million words on MSM. Just keep posting the pictures.
Broadcast every single goddamn video or blog piece demonstrating graft on the right. It may do justice just to skip any narrative. Show Walsh in the courtroom arguing that he does not have money for child support, show Perry defending his slush fund and show thousands of pix and stats and graphs demonstrating proof that depict his real contributions from corporations seeking state aid.
Broadcast every single lie that any repub has ever said. That is quite a monumental job since repubs just lie every single day...but basically we need 1,000,000
There are, at very rare moments, well-crafted images which take one's spirit to a whole different level of consciousness. Such was your unexpected assertion that your passing wind has the ability to cause the deaths of nearby pigeons separated from you by at least one pane of glass. That image evoked in this reader, a laugh so sudden that it scared six cockroaches completely out of my kitchen. When last seen, they were headed towards the cathedral of St. John the Divine in hopes the soup kitchen was still open... but never mind that.
As always, you make good points, but, I fear you simply don't go far enough. You've made far too much sense, and have made far too reasonable suggestions. Please, now that you've given us the safe, completely reasonable version, let yourself go, kill a couple dozen pigeons and perhaps a falcon or two, and treat us to the full out, no holding back, no holds barred, scorched earth DD version we all are hoping and praying for.
by MrSmith1 on Fri, 09/16/2011 - 11:02pm
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 1:20am
Glad to be of service again Smith!
Damn pigeons just poop on my sill all the time anyway! ha
by Richard Day on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 1:54am
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 1:25am
Thanks for chiming in Momoe, as always.
I noticed that pretty boy on CNN took Bachmann to task. I mean he read the riot act on her propaganda showing fact after fact after fact that she is not fit to be president.
Except for MSNBC, the moderator will just sit there and say:
You decide!
by Richard Day on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 1:57am
Hence you remain my favorite die-hard Democrat. Pure awesome ... hahahahaha.
There's actually a lot of good really stuff in here - and really effectively presented. If you are serious about not fucking around though, gotta give you one more.
15. Stop calling people fascist or Nazi unless they are literally self-identified fascists or Nazis. It produces a confluence of negative reactions that really won't help any cause worth helping. Take it from someone who lives in a place where a lot of republicans who believe all sorts of shit that really pisses you off (and me, but to a lesser degree) are important partners in the fight against the real McCoy.
Random other thoughts.
#2: Don't emphasize it, but don't undermine important science by accommodating nonsense either.
#9: I agree don't scream about it. But, do mention it from time to time while screaming about the vanishing middle class. Especially mention the income gap. With charts. Fuck Ross Perot ... the guy was a goddamn cadaver ... even the best charts in the world couldn't help him ... but generally charts are good. Use an image of a New Bentley for the rich-guy's marker and like a beat-down ' 87 Cougar for the rest of us.
#11: Agreed with the framing for how to approach the deficit (think I've pretty much been on it for this one). But realize, only 12% of the nation is polling the deficit as their primary concern right now. You really need to hammer the idea tax cuts are bullshit and investment in jobs yields increased revenue and decreased deficits. Folks are primed for that. One of the implications of The Fox guys' recent observation that 50% of the nation doesn't pay taxes right now after all the credits and stuff (demanded by republicans as "stimulus," BTW) is that people are increasingly not seeing the concept as directly beneficial to them. Obama's right to pivot to jobs ... not sure he's done so credibly, but it is a good bet for the mood of the nation. However there is a serious blood-lust that you allude to that should really be mined; focusing on supporting and highlighting the State Attorneys like Schneiderman, Beau Biden, etc. would be the way to go on that if you are thinking the Democratic brand in general vs. Obama in specific .... the national operation sure isn't going to start threatening big banks at this point.
The bit that should scare the bajezuz out of y'all from that report is the question of what party would do a better job of handling whichever problem they named as most important .. the dive is brutal. Honestly, with how truly clown-ass the republicans are ... that kind of surprised me. One really has to wonder how often the exclamation "Seriously?" was uttered before answering that question.
#14: Mostly people already accept politicians lie as a matter of course. I think screaming and hollering about the full-on corruption is a better bet. It's getting pretty blatant in a lot of state party operations right now in ways that increasingly seem to have plausible ties directly back to the national organizations. Ask the question over and over and over.
Way fun post. hahahaha.
by kgb999 on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 3:24am
Well thanks KGB.
I was afraid nobody would read me again! hahahaha
Oh, and don't call me serious or surely. hahahahaahahaha
by Richard Day on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 3:29am
#11....Scream that we must indict and go after the corporations who have killed so many folks and scream that we need to take away their assets for the damage they have done.
Scream from the roof tops we believe in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
We will not accept that corporate shields; are an excuse to avoid PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
by Resistance on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 4:44am
You always get this message right Resistance. ha!
Personal responsibility is the key message.
by Richard Day on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 4:48am
Watching he Republicans the other night, really got me fired up
I believe it was Cain (not the "I am not my bothers keeper, the bother murderer) mentioned about the need for tort reform and how it was a job killer.
I wish someone had asked Bachman, do you believe in tort reform?
"Do you think that if someone forces kids to have a vaccination and something happens the parents should not be allowed to sue?"
The republicans are such hypocrites.
They fight regulations intended to protect the people
They kill and maim the people, and then prevent lawsuits to punish the wrong doers.
To republicans; your newly acquired problem; is your Personal responsibility
by Resistance on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 5:16am
Always remember how Gore Vidal described American politics: there is only one political party, "The Party of Property", with two right wings, the Democratic wing and the Republican wing. If you think the Democrats are really ever going to "fight", I have this bridge I'd like to sell you.
by David Seaton on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 12:12pm
Oh David, us dems are good at fighting...
We just end up fighting each other more or less.
We are not very good at goosestepping in sync like the repubs.
How else could the top ten percent control the bottom 90 so well!
by Richard Day on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 12:18pm
America politics is a Punch and Judy show.... what is important to know, is whose hands are stuck up the puppet's bottoms
by David Seaton on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 2:16pm
Well done, especially the Byrds. The next time one of our friends does that tut, tut about the President not doing what he could when he "controlled" the Senate, they should be required to consider that this supposed majority included Mary Landrieux, Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman, Jon Tester, Max Baucus, Mark Warner, Bob Casey and Jim Webb and now includes Joe Manchin.
These are not New Deal Democrats, my friends, and though I am happy that they organize with us and put Senator Reid in charge of the Senate's agenda, you can't really count on any of them for anything.
by Barth on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 4:40pm
Yeah Barth and people forget that in those good ole days, two dems had to come onto the Senate Floor in Gurneys. Ha!
by Richard Day on Sat, 09/17/2011 - 5:20pm