by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Sometimes I think the Democrat's worst enemy is himself or herself or itself.
I just heard that Fidel Castro is going to give the 'Keynote Speech' at our Convention
Now, whether you have heard this or not, the Keynote Speech has little to do with the Keystone Statement.
At political or industrial conventions and expositions and at academic conferences, the keynote address or keynote speech is delivered to set the underlying tone and summarize the core message or most important revelation of the event. Some of the more famous keynote speeches in the United States are those made at the party conventions during Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns and were by Steve Jobs at Apple product, system and service launches. Keynote speakers at these events have often gained nationwide fame (or notoriety); for example, Barack Obama at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and have occasionally influenced the course of the election.
I kind of ran out of time and I could not find my links to 'Keystone Statement' but I seem to recall it has something to do with the goings on at the Philadelphia Convention.
Do you have any idea what effect this choice of a keynote speaker is going to have on liberals and progressives everywhere?
Who the hell came up with this idea anyway?
Besides the fact that Fidel's health is not that great and that he may come across as even more Alzheimeric than McKlintock in his Republican appearance; I just discovered that all these years Fidel Castro has been a practicing COMMUNIST!
Boy are the repubs going to have fun with this one!
This just underlines almost all of the points that Dinah D'Souza (I wonder if he is related to John Phillips D'Souza?) makes in his new film: Why Obama Is A Goddamn Commie And An Ally To Terrorists Everywhere!
How a guy ever got the name Dinah is beyond me but I think his name kind of ties this conservative to the LGBT Movement.
Anyhoo Dinah makes the point that Obama's father was a dirty commie anti-colonialist (does that make Dinah a colonialist?) who hated America and Freedom and Cheetos. And everyone knows the expression:
Like father, like son, like commie, like alcoholic, like wife-beater.
(Which reminds me; do you think Dinah ever directed a marching band?)
Getting back to D'Souza as a colonialist; he does run an education institution known as 'King's College'.
He teaches princes and other high aristocracy how to best act as King, once they get the chance.
The basic curriculum includes:
How to properly eat with a knife and a fork.
How to properly put others down at the dinner table.
How to properly bleed the common folks in order to keep the aristocracy in tact.
How to properly bleed your own nation of natural resources; making sure that the worker receives the most minimal of wages; making sure that the aristocracy reaps most of the profits and making sure that the King ends up with many luxurious gifts.
How to properly bleed other nations of their natural resources; making sure that the foreign worker receives the most minimal of wages; making sure that the domestic aristocracy reaps most of the profits and making sure that the King ends up with many luxurious gifts.
How to properly bribe and extort the press in order to ensure that the proper message concerning the ruler gets out to the uneducated masses.
Although I am told that Dinah is actually an Indian, I have no idea whether or not he is of Comanche origin or Cherokee origin or Ojibwa origin or if he is some mixture.
D'Souza takes us on a trip around the world to find the mud huts that our Current Leader called home and the commie schools our Current Leader attended and the women our Current Leader left as single mothers. (I am not sure about the single mothers because I could not finish the film due to inner colonic issues. But I am sure the fellow must have covered this subject.)
So Dinah sets the stage.
All Democrats are commies.
All Democrats align themselves with terrorists.
All Democrats hate The Lord and His Sacred Word.
All Democrats love Socialist Medicine.
All Democrats love Cuban Cigars.
All Democrats hate Truth, Justice & the American Way.
All Democrats leave women as single mothers on food stamps.
All Democrats are on food stamps.
See, all Democrats are exactly the same as Fidel Castro (except for the part about food stamps; I mean Fidel could never have been on food stamps due to the embargo and everything. But—and this is a big butt almost as big as Rush's butt—if there had been no embargo you can bet your bottom that he would have been on food stamps!.)
Anyway, the dems are being rather secretive about what the hell Fidel is going to talk about.
My guess is that this bearded icon will discuss subjects like health care and poverty and death squads who reside in mountain communities.
Whatever Castro discusses, the repubs will turn the event into a parody of sorts and relentlessly throw the real Democratic message points down the shitter.
I mean would you choose as a keynote speaker someone named Stalin?
(I was in a hurry and wrote most of this from memory; links will be supplied upon request for the sum of $49.00 plus S&H.)
Do you take personal checks? How much is S & H? (Are the links sent by priority mail? And I hope the 'links' are naturally cured pork with sage and other mild seasonings.)
by Aunt Sam on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 9:08pm
Okay, okay, okay.
No links are substantiation.
Kind of like transubstantiation really! S & H is shipping and handling and important Federal types of charges that apply to....
Well, okay.
Let's start over again.
Jimmy whatever has nothing to do with links.
On the other hand I am watching very closely as the BW or whatever approaches on Thursday...I mean that is certainly a subject related to links.
I am currently confused but I shall get back to you....
by Richard Day on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 9:58pm
Hey, where have you been?
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 2:14pm