by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Well folks, this story, if it's a story, has taken a strange turn.
Colin Small, an employee of a Republican firm, was hired to register voters, with an emphasis on registering potential Republican voters. Early in the afternoon of the last day of voter registration in Virginia, he was spotted throwing eight registration forms in a recycling dumpster near James Madison University, a dumpster which is thought to be just a five-minute drive from the Registrar's office where the forms were to be filed.
A US News & World Report "Washington Whispers" story by Elizabeth Flock quotes an unnamed source close to the story as saying that Small panicked because he couldn't file the forms by the deadline, which was that day.
I don't think this assertion holds up. A quick look at the instructions reveals that any mailed-in form with a postmark 22 days before the election would be accepted. So, even if the forms had to go to other, faraway offices rather than the Harrisonburg office, all Mr. Small would have had to do to meet the deadline was put them in envelopes and mail them at any postbox with a late afternoon pickup.
What reason would this young man have to panic?
This information casts real doubt on the idea that Mr. Small threw away the forms because he couldn't file them, and I hope that the Virginia State Board of Elections will reconsider its decision not to pursue its investigation.
erica, I'm reposting this (already posted in your 'binder' post) so hopefully you will get the info.
erica and flowerchild, et al.
Here it is, so what can we do about it?
The article states in part:
But there is so much more, please click on link and read in entirety. Now, I'm really upset. How does this happen?
by Aunt Sam on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 11:13am
Hi Aunt Sam,
It's a pretty obvious conflict of interest. These voting machines have been the subject of much criticism in the past. Having the Romney family in on the ownership murks it all up even more.
Maybe Bob Schieffer will ask Romney about it in the debate tonight, which would be great. Bob's kind of an old-timey Republican, and has been pretty sharp in his questioning of the "say anything" crowd.
by erica20 on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 11:26am
Since it's suppose to be all about foreign policy tonight, I doubt if it's even discussed.
I'm stunned that TPM or Politico or Huff hasn't done something about the voting machine debacle.
Very concerned.
by Aunt Sam on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 11:35am
I know. It's a bummer that Schieffer is doing FP, too; he's better at domestic affairs.
AA notes that the Solamere story has been covered. I guess no one cares; I don't know.
I'm bummed about this business of the guy in VA trashing the forms; the story seems to be that he panicked because it was the last day to file them and so threw them away. But that's crazy--according to my research he could have MAILED them in and they would have made it! Why would he panic? It doesn't make sense.
by erica20 on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 11:55am
IMO, it doesn't make sense because it's ridiculous and most likely not true. 'They' seem to be hiring idiots to do their dirty work and didn't give them specifics on how to dump the forms and how not to......
This whole debacle is, I'm beginning to believe, only the tip of the iceberg - and yet, little outrage by public - nor have I heard much about further investigations.
Our whole electoral process is rapidly becoming a tutorial on how to pervert Democracy.
by Aunt Sam on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 12:07pm
The Romneys having ownership in the voting machines be used in Texas, Ohio, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, Arizona and many other states. Thousands of people are contacting the U.S. Department of Justice Voters Fraud Division to file formal complaints to disqualify Romney in counties using his 'family-owned' voting machines or disqualify use of these machines in this particular election.
Call this phone number (1-202-514-2000) to file formal complaint. When you call, the switchboard operator will ask for your name and your telephone number. It is my guess that the dept is asking this to confirm citizens complaints.
(fyi - obtained from another site/thread comments.)
by Aunt Sam on Tue, 10/23/2012 - 3:46pm