by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
The strange thing about tonight's debate is that telling the truth about foreign policy would be an electoral disaster for either candidate.
The bizarre moratorium on mentioning George Bush or Dick Cheney, or saying anything accurate about their eight years at the helm, means that it's impossible to tell the truth about US foreign policy, or about our place in the world.
After the fall of the Soviet Union post-1989, the NeoLiberals down at Project for the New American Century got the idea that America should take its place as the world's sole superpower. Forward bases throughout the world and especially, getting a handle on the Middle East and the oil-rich areas known as the "Stans" were seen as key to success by the "Corporations are People" People. Efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq evolved in support of this goal.
There are those of us who would say it was an idiot's errand to begin with (which is why I almost always agree with Dan Kervick) but in any case the NeoCons royally bollixed up the effort. So instead of genteel-ly guiding the process of creating a more peaceful, multipolar world, we're stuck years later having lost much of our economic power, most of our international standing, and deep in debt to the gleeful Chinese, who can hardly believe their good fortune.
Democratic shame, Republican denial and our President's far-too-polite-to-mention-it-by-name squaeamishness instill any debate on the subject with a theater of the absurd atmosphere, like Thanksgiving dinner at the Pastor's house with his gay son and new boyfriend.
Should be a rollicking good time.
It will be interesting to see how Schieffer does as moderator. I used to think he was pretty good, but his odd and softball interview with R/R gave me pause. And now, he seems to be a bit of a pompous ass about the previous moderators except for Lehrer (they are good friends) which I believe were both women!
The dynamics will be a bit different too, with them all sitting at table together - but I'd bet the farm he definitely won't be fact checking Romney. His agenda is published and is all middle east for most part which many are critiquing him for........
(Still wish this was half FP and half domestic social issues.)
by Aunt Sam on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 5:15pm
I wish it were too.
by erica20 on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 6:18pm
And the new boyfriend turns out to be a log cabin Republican.
The gay son has an addiction from the days he sought to numb himself from the night he saw his Pastor father beat his mother because she burned the roast beef, while screaming scripture.
The gay son's dealer shows up at the dinner after getting a text fron the gay son.
He is by chance the illegitimate son of the Pastor's wife as a result of an affair.
The pastor's wife's ghost shows up. She was of course killed as a result of domestic violence at the hands of Pastor, an act of evil covered up by the church.
End of Act One.
by Elusive Trope on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 8:09pm
You know the Ibsens! What a nice family.
by erica20 on Mon, 10/22/2012 - 9:33pm