by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
You can take the repub out of the bank but you cannot take the bank out of the repub.
Lawrence O'Donnell talked about a subject that has been bugging me for years.
He begins his discussion with the infamous limp dick commercials posted by Bob Dole following his loss to Clinton in 96.
(Which reminds me; watch a couple hours of the PGA Bayfuck Tournament
this week beginning on Thursday. Tiger and Phil and all the boys in the band will be present and there will be a slew of commercials about limp dicks. The rest of the world might suffer from maladies related to polluted water and malaria and hunger and lack of medical care...but repubs suffer from one major malady—except for Tiger of course—and that is the limp dick syndrome!)
Then Lawrence skips to that SOB (following a short stint on L&O) selling reverse mortgages.
O'Donnell's short essay is a fun watch.
But I was thinking about all of this.
I have come to the conclusion that the repubs had far more moolah in their coffers than the dems.
We will never really know what the totals come to because the repubs hide all all their contributions and have better felony prone accountants than we do; but with the Cock brothers and other billionaires such as that prick in Vegas, it was a foregone conclusion that the reds would have more money than most minor gods to use in their propaganda campaigns.
And I recall being worried about this economic fact and I have worried about it for decades.
Except things did not work out so good for the conservative oligarchs and I should have forecasted this!
There are articles that appear on MSM and the major internet sites demonstrating how the dems were more able to get a bang out of their bucks.
I am educated about ad times and availability and sentience on the part of the dems with regard to planning ahead and oh I am so proud of how smart our dems are.
Anyway, smart planning is not what the repubs lacked with regard to their propaganda campaigns.
The biggest problem with the repubs was out right theft by the conservatives collecting all the monies.
Speaking of Dicks, Dick Morris appears to be the biggest felon out there. He stole those mofo's blind. It almost looks like ole Dickie was working for us.
Of course Morris would have his contract with FOX NEWS and at the same time get paid by the Cock bros and others every single time he appeared on the tellie—without giving full disclosure. I mean, like Morris had ever given full disclosure about anything during his entire lifetime.
Sometimes I feel that Mediamatters wastes too much time stating the obvious since FOX was making 4 minute commercials for the repubs right and I should say right. There would have been no teaparty had it not been for FOX for chrissakes!
But it's a dirty job and somebody has to do it!
The real felonies perpetrated by that Morris dick involved out right theft.
Morris would collect the monies from his constituents; making promises that would never be kept.
He then would 'purchase' lists of possible contributors/voters/mentally ill folks and then 'reach out' to those folks for money and votes and....whatever.
Except it turns out that he was purchasing those lists from himself. Hahahahahah
He would take in all this money and then pay himself as some sort of CEO and then use other contributions to pay himself for these phony lists. Hahahahaha
And then this Morris dick would go on FOX telling the viewers that if he could get just enough money the lame brained Kenyan Muslim Communist Dictator that held the Oval Office would be unelected!
But he needed more money in order to execute his plan.
And if only the good repubs would give him and his ilk more cash, the communism would be removed from the White House and we would all live happily ever after and those goddamnable welfare queens would be dispossessed and the entire world would be a better place.
In other words, the repub money problem had little to do with bad planning; the repub problem dealt with a key repub malady.
So we end up with Morris on FOX telling us that the 2012 election was a shoo in for Mitt and that the Senate was going repub and please send us more money.
Karl was doing the same damn thing for chrissakes.
Rover was pulling in ten times the amount of money that the Morris dick was pulling in; although I am sure he paid himself a smaller percentage of the gross.
And Rover was telling all of us that the Mitt was a shoo in and send us more moolah to insure that America will be safe again.
The conclusion.
Repubs are crooks. And they will steal from everyone including repubs. Hahahaha
And the one hope we have as a democracy is that the repubs will just keep stealing from the repubs!
Scamming is the primary human propellant as far as the repub creed demonstrates.
We don't need no more regs, we don't need government enforcement of regs already in place, we don't need any heroes.
I was short on sites today, I am lazy and I hate sites and links and repubs. Hahahahah
Dick Morris was never right about anything.
Dick Morris predicts landslide.
Dick Morris is a big PAC felon.
Rover is a big PAC felon.
Rover needs more money to get rid of stupid GOP candidates.
Rover knows Mitt is leading in the 2012 election (just ask WSJ)
Thanks for the Tina Turner concert. She still got it at the age of 72. She lives in Switzerland and is a citizen there. She is considered a super star in Europe and packs them in with her concerts. I sure hope I still have her energy when I hit 70. She is on the cover of Germany's Vogue Magazine this month. She is also a hero the way she picked herself up after her split with the abusive Ike.
You are right. The GOP is dying from its own cancer.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 03/21/2013 - 12:06am
As long as we have an electorate with the determination of people like you Momoe; we will continue to see the good guys and gals win elections!
by Richard Day on Fri, 03/22/2013 - 1:18pm
Didn't any of these guys read Nate Silver?
Until the end of Sept I thought Romney had too much money to lose . And wrote that here. .That Silver was reporting what had been not what would be.But 538 was imperturbable and after Oct 1 I started to remember the cliche that no one decides before Sept 1 or after Oct 1.
What puzzles me is how Romney, Rove et al could go into Election Day ignoring Silver's argument that the national polls were superficial and that for reliable information we should look at the state polls and they were showing :Four more years.
Thanks for the links BTW
by Flavius on Fri, 03/22/2013 - 8:22am
Maybe they were thinking they'd be able to manipulate the results, either through changing polling hours or through even more devious methods?
by Verified Atheist on Fri, 03/22/2013 - 10:26am
Well the state republican officials are still attempting to curb voting on the part of the peasantry.
Comments right at this blog from folks like Momoe in Florida demonstrated that us peasants would stand in line to vote for hours in reaction to these attempts.
Now people like Rove most probably felt that the attempts at curbing the voting of the lower classes would work. And I think the peasantry really surprised these 'professionals'!
by Richard Day on Fri, 03/22/2013 - 1:16pm
FOX News and other pundits from other networks (like Scarborough) were dissing Silver throughout 2012.
I think the strategy was that the electorate likes winners so it would be better to stress those polls that showed the repubs with an edge...
As November approached, Morris and Rove and others were just doing a sales job to get more contributions.
Others like Mitt were just believers in the power of positive thinking.
by Richard Day on Fri, 03/22/2013 - 1:12pm