The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Maiello's picture

    Clickbait Classics

    20 Things About Anna Karenina That Will Blow Your Mind


    Watch This Selfie Of Dorian Gray Transform In Front Of Your Eyes


    Bleak House and How You Can Make Money In Real Estate


    A Look Inside The Totally Cray Cray Upriver Party House of Mr. Kurtz


    This Bit At The End Of The Great Gatsby Is The Piece Of Writing You’ll Be Quoting For The Rest Of Your Life


    Ahab: Inside the Mind of an Addict


    Cat On A Hot Tin Roof GIFs


    Dead Dad Orders Son To Kill His Uncle From Beyond The Grave


    Is Your Diet Turning You Into Dr. Jeckyll?


    Lady Chatterly’s Lover (NSFW)


    Barnaby Drudge


    40 Astonishingly Phony People by Holden Caulfield


    One Weird Trick That Simulates Death So Accurately, Even Your Closest Loved Ones Will Believe You’ve Committed Suicide


    Detailed Recap of a Frenchman’s Life in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries in Seven Volumes (Contains Spoilers)


    This Is What People In 1948 Thought The Future Would Look Like In 1984


    See What Life Is Like On An Island Ruled By Children


    You should definitely consider a career in publishing.

    You are correct in putting this one at the top of the list

    That Will Blow Your Mind

    I see it all the time, all the time. Perhaps it's because boomers still secretly want their minds blown?

    This Is What People In 1948 Thought The Future Would Look Like In 1984

    This reminds me of the time I was at a used book store in 1980. Spotted this book, Greatest Psychic's Predictions for 1977. It was just a quarter so I bought it.

    No spoilers, I'm not going to tell you what I learned when I read it. You'll just have read one of these books yourself a year or so after the published date to get the "surprise" ending.


    Don't Hyde Your Inner Winner - Take Dr Jekyll's Injections 

    Put on 50 pounds of muscle FAST!

    (Side effects may occur).

    Men, add four inches where it counts...

    Reading comments backwards, I wonder where this is going - coincidence?

    Men, add four inches where it counts...

    by jollyroger 40 min 7 sec ago in Clickbait Classics
    • Put on 50 pounds of muscle FAST!

      (Side effects may occur).

      by Michael Maiello 1 hour 2 min ago in Clickbait Classics
    • Done.

      by Peter Schwartz 1 hour 15 min ago in Go Vote!
    • especially those who actually have to use this program

      There are plenty of people who actually have to use this program who are finding good policies at cheaper prices. As someone who spent decades in the individual market, I can tell you that the policies I...

    • Don't Hyde Your Inner Winner - Take Dr Jekyll's Injections 

      by Donal 1 hour 36 min ago in Clickbait Classics
    • Well yes, but it doesn't give much in the way of particulars. Hard to know what he means, exactly, or what it all amounts to. Below that, the principal author adds this:

      "I should add, too, that in saying 'sabotage works,' I mean it does material damage, not...

    • This Is What People In 1948 Thought The Future Would Look Like In 1984

      This reminds me of the time I was at a used book store in 1980. Spotted this book, Greatest Psychic's Predictions for 1977. It was just a quarter so I bought it.

      No spoilers, I'm not...

      by ocean-kat 2 hours 17 min ago in Clickbait Classics
    • You are correct in putting this one at the top of the list

      That Will Blow Your Mind

      I see it all the time, all the time. Perhaps it's because boomers still secretly want their minds blown?

      by artappraiser 2 hours 58 min ago in Clickbait Classics
    • smiley Just saw now.

    • You should definitely consider a career in publishing.

      by Verified Atheist 3 hours 16 min ago in Clickbait Classics
    • One of the reasons Kentuckycare is working well (from NYT article here):

      people can check whether they qualify for Medicaid or subsidies without creating an account, a...

    • Art, now you are contradicting yourself about talking points. Reread the article you linked to and just look at the attitude of the author through how he couches the questions some uninformed rube is asking. I think most people, especially those who actually have to use this program,...

      by Peter (not verified) 3 hours 43 min ago in Dear angry American who has to pay more for...
    • I've got bad habits you haven't even guessed at ... yet. wink

    • Oh puhleez, you're just being ridiculous now. Sharing understanding of a system is not propaganda for that system.

      Edit to add: just the opposite, doing so halts the ability to propagandize. I am soooo very sick of the political talking points and spin on Obamacare coming from all...

    • No silly, I meant people like him, not you.

      Goes without saying that where I might disagree with you in that I wouldn't praise such talent in any way, shape or form. But I wasn't asking for a debate on that, I was just expressing my own estrogen-fueled fantasies.

      You do...

    • Don't splurge on the word count to the point that you actually finish a sentence.

      Brutal warrior tendencies and "talent" in the same.

      That didn't clear much up for me. I still do not know whether you are being critical of my evaluation...

    • Yes, I saw that, too. If there was any doubt about Ron Paul, his support for Cuccinelli should dispel it (or reinforce it, depending on what that doubt was).

      by Verified Atheist 5 hours 22 min ago in Go Vote!
    • Au contraire, I'd be willing to bet you that he has lots of very creative ideas about torturing females in his ideal society, and probably far more and uglier than any Salafi that attempts to stick to Koranic text interpretation, as warped as the latter may be.

      Things like outlawing...

    • Brutal warrior tendencies and "talent" in the same.

    • Would you expand on your comment and explain for me what you mean? I do not want to misinterpret you, and I do want to understand your comment, but I do not see what you mean by "... that condition you describe".

    • Those who are "shocked" by these revelations either haven't been paying attention or are seeking attention, Rmrd, to it's best to ignore them. Anyone who is just " learning" that other countries try to spy on us is either  been in a lifelong coma or is lying...

      by Peter (not verified) 5 hours 40 min ago in Moscow's Voice of Truth
    • Personally, I keep hope that someday medicine can find a treatment for that condition you describe.

    Not the most handsome man in your group? How to get the girl of your dreams by Quasimodo.


    Thank you.

    "But people just get uglier and I have no sense of time."


    the end

    Were Moviegoers from the 1950's audio-schizophrenics or were they just Complainers who chose balconies to ply their sordid sexual fantasies? Find out with this 2-book Special! 

    I can't put this one together!  Am I going to feel silly when somebody explains it to me?

    It's a stretch. Moviegoer and Portnoy. (or do I not recall correctly the baseball glove in the movie incident?)

    In any case, great blog.

    I'm not sure audio schizophrenic is quite the right description of Binx Bolling even though he has some serious conversations with himself and imagines other people saying things other than their actual words, plus he imagines they, and perhaps he, are dead while they are talking.


    Ask Prudie: Help, My Boyfriend Boyfriend Won't Stop Masturbating on the Crosstown Bus!



    She Slept with Every Man on Earth!

    Full-Frontal Nudity in her 'Garden of Eden'!



    Son of The Godfather

    We thought he could 'walk on water'

    Until one day they crossed him!


    Greek Special Forces Kill Terrorist Mastermind, Rescue Queen

    (Inside: How the kidnappers brainwashed a gorgeous celeb and turned her into a sex slave!)

    A man after my own heart.

    They thought the horse was going to be part of the sex show until it spilled its guts

    Ha!  But, they did think that!

    First sex show with Trojans?

    ba-da bum....thank you, I'll be here all week.