by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Just an add on to Ramona's essay, actually:
“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," Robertson is quoted in GQ. "Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”....
(The NAACP, needless to say, was not that happy about this recent communication from the Duck Soup Clan!)
We want to be clear why Phil Robertson’s remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate. Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow. What he didn’t see were lynching and beatings of black men and women for attempting to vote or simply walking down the street. And his offensive claims about gay people fly in the face of science. In fact, it’s important to note that every single leading medical organization in the country has said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being [lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender] -- it’s not a choice, and to suggest otherwise is dangerous.(HUFFPO)
October 22: Buchanan appears on the White Supremacist Radio Show, “The Political Cesspool” to promote his book: “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” which contains a particularly offensive chapter called “The End of White America.” The book is vintage Buchanan, in that he yearns for the good old days when white Christians ruled. (Pun intended.) October 22 is also noteworthy as the last day Buchanan appeared on MSNBC is his pundit role.
After Sen. Carol Moseley Braun blocked a federal patent for a Confederate flag insignia, Buchanan wrote that she was "putting on an act" by associating the Confederacy with slavery: "The War Between the States was about independence, about self-determination, about the right of a people to break free of a government to which they could no longer give allegiance," Buchanan asserted. "How long is this endless groveling before every cry of 'racism' going to continue before the whole country collectively throws up?" (syndicated column, 7/28/93)...
In a memo to President Nixon, Buchanan suggested that "integration of blacks and whites -- but even more so, poor and well-to-do -- is less likely to result in accommodation than it is in perpetual friction, as the incapable are placed consciously by government side by side with the capable." (Washington Post, 1/5/92)...
In a column sympathetic to ex-Klansman David Duke, Buchanan chided the Republican Party for overreacting to Duke and his Nazi "costume": "Take a hard look at Duke's portfolio of winning issues and expropriate those not in conflict with GOP principles, [such as] reverse discrimination against white folks." (syndicated column, 2/25/89)
But I take higher ground. I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good-a positive good. I feel myself called upon to speak freely upon the subject where the honor and interests of those I represent are involved. I hold then, that there never has yet existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not, in point of fact, live on the labor of the other. Broad and general as is this assertion, it is fully borne out by history. This is not the proper occasion, but if it were, it would not be difficult to trace the various devices by which the wealth of all civilized communities has been so unequally divided, and to show by what means so small a share has been allotted to those by whose labor it was produced, and so large a share given to the nonproducing classes. The devices are almost innumerable, from the brute force and gross superstition of ancient times, to the subtle and artful fiscal contrivances of modern. I might well challenge a comparison between them and the more direct, simple, and patriarchal mode by which the labor of the African race is, among us, commanded by the European. I may say with truth, that in few countries so much is left to the share of the laborer, and so little exacted from him; or where there is more kind attention paid to him in sickness or infirmities of age. Compare his condition with the tenants of the poor houses in the more civilized portions of Europe-look at the sick, and the old and infirm slave, on one hand, in the midst of his family and friends, under the kind superintending care of his master and mistress, and compare it with the forlorn and wretched condition of the pauper in the poor house. But I will not dwell on this aspect of the question; I turn to the political; and here I fearlessly assert that the existing relation between the two races in the South, against which these blind fanatics are waging war, forms the most solid and durable foundation on which to rear free and stable political institutions. It is useless to disguise the fact. There is and always has been in an advanced stage of wealth and civilization, a conflict between labor and capital. The condition of society in the South exempts us from the disorders and dangers resulting from this conflict; and which explains why it is that the political condition of the slaveholding States has been so much more stable and quiet than that of the North. The advantages of the former, in this respect, will become more and more manifest if left undisturbed by interference from without, as the country advances in wealth and numbers. We have, in fact, but just entered that condition of society where the strength and durability of our political institutions are to be tested; and I venture nothing in predicting that the experience of the next generation will fully test how vastly more favorable our condition of society is to that of other sections for free and stable institutions, provided we are not disturbed by the interference of others, or shall have sufficient intelligence and spirit to resist promptly and successfully such interference. It rests with ourselves to meet and repel them. I look not for aid to this Government, or to the other States; not but there are kind feelings towards us on the part of the great body of the nonslaveholding States; but as kind as their feelings may be, we may rest assured that no political party in those States will risk their ascendency for our safety. If we do not defend ourselves none will defend us; if we yield we will be more and more pressed as we recede; and if we submit we will be trampled under foot. Be assured that emancipation itself would not satisfy these fanatics: -that gained, the next step would be to raise the negroes to a social and political equality with the whites; and that being effected, we would soon find the present condition of the two races reversed. They and their northern allies would be the masters, and we the slaves; the condition of the white race in the British West India Islands, bad as it is, would be happiness to ours. There the mother country is interested in sustaining the supremacy of the European race. It is true that the authority of the former master is destroyed, but the African will there still be a slave, not to individuals but to the community,-forced to labor, not by the authority of the overseer, but by the bayonet of the soldiery and the rod of the civil magistrate.
So we have Duck Soup contending that there were all these Happy Blacks singing and working in the fields until those goddamnable Abolitionist/Civil Rights Workers came down here to screw up the peace.
John C. Calhoun still lives.
Do not fool yourself.
This view of humanity, this view of Equal Rights, this view of Justice will never go away.
Duck Soup hates Gays, Duck Soup hates Civil Rights, Duck Soup hates Blacks!
It is that simple.
Do not complicate this message.
There are not always two sides to every damn story.
I did not make this up!
by Richard Day on Fri, 12/20/2013 - 4:58pm
Duck Soup hates women too, except when they are horny. Then they blame women for their lust.
by trkingmomoe on Sat, 12/21/2013 - 12:06am
I thought the gay issue was at the top of the charges against these ducks.
But damn, I am sick and tired of this revisionism.
I assumed these multimillionaires looked down upon women; of course I never spent more than two minutes watching this silly show.
They have accumulated some 400 million bucks selling their show and dolls and all sorts of things, I guess.
I never happened to see any women with duck calls or weapons!
But again, I am not a fan of that show...unless I lost my remote or something. haaaha
It does come to mind that the ducks are a good reason for women bearing arms; instead of other parts of their anatomy. hahahaha
by Richard Day on Sat, 12/21/2013 - 12:19am
I was sorta confused by your video reference. Because the Duck Dynasty family is in the business of selling duck calls, whereby a duck is fooled into believing a friendly or a lover is calling, so that that the duck can be shot. Actually, the family business might be a clue into how they operate in social interactions in general.
by artappraiser on Sat, 12/21/2013 - 2:40pm
Oh, trolling; I get it!
Actually, ducks are all over the place here, on the pond (spring, summer, fall) and all one would need would be bread crumbs and a bb gun. hahahah
I do not like these peeps at all.
by Richard Day on Sat, 12/21/2013 - 3:14pm