by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Every now and then I come back to Earth for a little look around, maybe a stroll through Turban Outfitters, looking for ironic t-shirts and throwback burqas for the ladies. Nothing apocalyptic about it. I’m chill, man. It’s just that when you change the world like Jesus, Moses, Einstein, Picasso or Elvis, you continue your interest in worldly things long after you shuffle off the mortal coil. Me and Elvis live on the same block uptown, you know
That’s my crew, by the way. It’s me, Jesus, Moses, Picasso and Elvis. We call ourselves the Justice League. We fight crime. Or, we would, if there was crime in heaven. But everything’s free up there, so nobody fights over anything.
One time Elvis said to me, “Man… if you go back for a look around, don’t be surprised if people are going really messed up shit in your name. You preach sex, drugs and rock and roll but you get the worst violence.” When he heard that, Moses said “Word.” Jesus just put up a hand.
As I turned to leave Jesus said, “Brother, a piece of advice.”
Jesus gives great advice, especially about carpentry. So, I listened.
“Don’t get worked up about how they draw you down there. Most of them think I’m a blonde white guy.”
Picasso scribbled something on a piece of paper and told me to take it to Christie’s so I’d have cash for my trip. Einstein calculated the proper warp factor for my journey so that I would arrive in the present day but also in the prime of my life. “Man, I don’t need your help,” I said. “Muslims invented math.” But, truthfully, you don’t say no to Einstein’s help in these matters.
I hit New York, sold the Picasso, deposited the money in an overseas UBS account and then headed over to Morimoto’s for lunch – sushi with extra Wahhabi – when I got the news about the Charlie Hebdo murders. I can’t say Elvis didn’t warn me.
“I wouldn’t think much of it, Muhammad,” said the waiter. “We all know that yours is a religion of peace.”
I know the guy was just trying to make me feel better and was maybe sucking up for a little extra tip, but I have to be honest with you – I never set out to start a peaceful religion. You have to understand, when I was doing my thing, the Arab world was basically in a feudal state. Warring tribes wandered the desert attacking each other’s caravans. Each tribe had its own god and customs. Total chaos. I was a merchant, deeply embroiled in all of that. I sold halal meat and thought, “my business would be way better if everybody ate this stuff.” I also prayed a lot. When I turned 40, the angel Gabriel appeared to me in a vision and started telling me stuff about how I could form a religion that would unite the entire Arab world and, also, help me expand my halal meat empire. When you have a vision like that, you listen.
What followed was a lot of animosity on both sides. People started to grok up my religion and of course the powers that be found that threatening and reacted with the usual ritualistic slaughter of martyrs. But Gabriel said to me, “Muhammad, you can use this for PR,” and I did. This happens to all of the religions. You start out oppressed, you get more and more followers and pretty soon you’ve conquered the world from Medina to Mecca. It’s not peaceful, but these things never are. We used to call it “creative destruction.”
So, look, bringing peace was never my bag. If I had to describe my accomplishments, I’d say I was a uniter, not a divider.
I guess if I had to address the Charlie Hebdo killers I’d say that there’s no way anyone in their twenties should be so certain of anything that they’d resort to lethal violence. I was 40 years old when I had my first vision. 40. You don’t know shit about life before 40.
I went back to heaven pretty depressed. I had a beer with Einstein. It’s okay to drink in heaven. The public transportation is divine.
“Man,” said Einstein. “Look what they did with my ideas…”
Thanks, Mo for trying to lighten the mood on a rather gloomy Sun-Day.
The Bizarro World we live in continues to produce new and strange spectacles for all to see.
We now see hundreds of thousands of Liberal French goose-stepping behind some of the most degenerate leaders in the world for freedom of rascist expression while in Germany tens of thousands demonstrate against Islamophobia and intolerance.
By the time most people reach 40 they are part of the problem not the solution that only the young can sacrifice to achieve. In my youth we didn't trust anyone over 30.
by Peter (not verified) on Sun, 01/11/2015 - 4:24pm
I do agree that the suppression of the freedom to wear religious attire as practiced in France goes against the ability to express oneself. There should be freedom of religion rather than freedom from religion.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 7:14pm
Peter: "Liberal French goose-stepping behind some of the most degenerate leaders in the world".....?
Dick Cheney and George W. Bush weren't there, and would probably be run out of town or arrested and sent to the Hague if they showed up.
The hubris of Americans never ceases to amaze. As I pointed out on the other blog and you noted, the 2 brothers were radicalized by the US invasion of Iraq, and US torture of Muslims.
The 'goosestepping' French were against the Iraq war and said they would veto it as a Permanent member of the Security Council. .....recall Freedom Fries, GW 'no permission slip etc. GW lit the fuse that set the Middle East up in smoke.
The French are a helluva lot less likely to 'goose step' behind a guy like GWB than Americans, so confine your criticisms to our borders please, we need it.
rmrd, French regulations are on wearing the nijqab in public, which covers the entire face except for an eye slit. It is not required to wear one in public to be Muslim, and has been used to conceal identities of users who are sometimes male criminals.
Assume the French have a better grasp on how to run their nation than you or I do. The Niqab:
by NCD on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 7:52pm
I have no power to change policy in France. I do remember a British group arguing that rejecting the covering was rejecting Islam.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 8:05pm
The French have come a long way from their rejection of sending troops into the Iraq War. Now under their so called Socialist regime they are more than willing to join with Obama in dealing death and destruction in the ME and return to their colonialist behavior in North Africa.
Your comment about the . Niqab Law is the lamest apologia I have ever heard for a law that targets Muslim women even schoolgirls.
Over 20 gun and grenade attacks on Muslims have been reported so far not including the Paris area so illegal weapons appear to be readily available and some French people are showing their support for Charley for the world to see.
by Peter (not verified) on Wed, 01/14/2015 - 2:45am
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 5:53am
I forgot about this song. I forgot.
Peracles, this is delightful and I am too dense right now to get your point except...
Look what they have done to the Bible.
Look what they have done to the Koran.
Look what they have done to my Constitution!
Damn this is good.
I hereby render unto Peracles the Dayly (weekly) Comment of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site given unto Peracles from all of me--even though I am apparently three days late.
Again, with malice towards none, there is a point to be made here.
Thank you!
It's all right Ma, I''m only bleeding!
by Richard Day on Thu, 01/15/2015 - 9:29pm
Thank you both.
by Michael Maiello on Thu, 01/15/2015 - 10:57pm
I found this to be very funny. I might have even laughed out loud.
Signed, Nobodynevermind
by Ramona on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 4:03pm