The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    The pant suit shall obliterate the Orange King of a Hundred Knights--today.




    We are about to elect Hillary Clinton as the 45th President of the United States of America.

    So 228 years following the election of George Washington as our Commander-in-Chief, we shall elect a wife and mother and grandmother as Commander-In-Chief of the largest armed forces ever seen on this earth.

    Hark the Herald Angels sing

    Glory to the erst born Queen.


    We shall witness the final snub to the orange fascist. That we have have not seen since 2011 and I do not give one goddamn if Donald whimpers or cries or if he refuses to be gracious and humble (when was the last time Trump was ever gracious or humble?) following his greatest loss.

    There are other contested contests of course on the menu today.

    The Dems need to see a few wins in order to lead them to a 50-50 tie in the Senate; which will make Timmy Kaine returning as voting member of the Senate once again.

    The GOP Senators remaining might (or will) attempt to filibuster all proposals from our first Female President.

    But this new Democratic Senate Majority might just get rid of the old rules and give their Advice & Consent to the Presidential judicial nominations with a simple majority of votes!  This country might see 9 Supreme Court Justices again. We might see 200 or more Federal Judges confirmed. Hillary might see all her cabinet nominations confirmed in short order!

    The House shall be the House of course, and no one will be able to talk to the House of course, except of course a few GOPers who might go maverick who were sickened by the Orange King might finally stand up to the chaos supporters who drink tea instead of coffee--like regular Americans.

    And there shall be more House investigations of the Pant-Suit CIC, but as always these investigations shall lead to naught. hahahahaha


    I write this following the melt-down of my hero Bill Maher on Friday.

    Maher was so damn frustrated and so damn mad as the prospect of the Orange King, that he claimed to have had a couple of scotches prior to the airing; however his old friend Martin Short accused him of having more than a couple! hahahahh



    Of course, Bill never slurred his words or lost a thought during his presentation.

    But Bill did demonstrate my personal angst.

    anyway, I expect to keep commenting on this post throughout the day will naps and bathroom breaks of course.

    I am four minutes from viewing Mornin' Joke.

    Following a victory in Florida or some other state that insures a Hillary win, I shall turn to FOX in order to witness the pulling of hair and the gnashing of teeth.








    There he is, Joe S, telling us all that it is not over till its....

    Oh who gives a damn!

    Joe keeps hedging his bets. hahhahahahah

    Well Colorado is.....? What?

    Donald could get NC and he could get Florida and he could get exiled to Cuba for chrissakes!


    Joe keeps equivocating and is looking more and more down, down, down.

    So he has the Trump son who combs his hair like Charlie Sheen in the first Wall Street; and the look on this proto Sheen character is hilarious.

    I switch to CNN and finally, towards the end of the hour, there is the beady-eyed ex-campaign chairman for Trump looking more sinister and more vacant all the time. hahahahahah

    Trump continued to talk about how "the blacks" and Latinos were going to vote for him at his rallies last night. The media gave this racist tons of free airtime and now wants to be the "objective" analysts of the election.

    No more speeches from Donald!

    I wont have to look at his finger gestures either.

    Thank the Good Lord!

    The 'tone' at MSNBC and CNN seems to predict a Clinton win by 10:00 AM CST.

    Of course 40 million Americans have already voted.

    The Hispanic/Latino turn out seems to be the biggest story so far.

    10 PM?

    No, my sentence was vague. I meant to say that at 10:00 AM things look pretty good!

    Of course Lawrence O'Donnell has said that we should know who won and who lost rather early tonite. But I doubt that because counting votes in Florida is going to take awhile.

    But there are so many states that could carry Clinton over the top that an early projection will probably be in the cards.

    11:00 AM and all is well!

    MSNBC reports that Hillary's campaign staff is pretty enthusiastic.

    Trump keeps denying reality.

    So far, so gooooooood.

    I cannot resist this latest gem from Ann Coulter that sums up all my feelings about the Trump campaign:

    If only people with at least 4 grandparents born in America were voting, Trump would win in a 50-state landslide.


    It just hit me that none of Trump's kids could be included in Coulter's illustrious grouping.

    Hell, I am not sure Trump himself would qualify either?

    Trump is of German ancestry on his father's side and Scottish ancestry on his mother's side; all four of his grandparents were born in Europe. His father Fred Trump (1905–1999) was born in Queens to parents from Kallstadt, Germany and became one of the biggest real estate developers in New York City.[9][10] His mother, Mary Trump (née MacLeod, 1912–2000), was born in Tong, Lewis, Scotland.[11] Fred and Mary met in New York and married in 1936, settling together in Queens.[11][12] His uncle John G. Trump, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1936 to 1973, was involved in radar research for the Allies in the Second World War, helped design X-ray machines that provided additional years of life to cancer patients, and in 1943, the Federal Bureau of Investigation requested him to examine Nikola Tesla's papers and equipment when Tesla died in his room at the New Yorker Hotel.[13] Trump frequently invokes his uncle as proof of his family's smart genes.[14]



    Two days in a row the stock market is rocketing.

    11 days ago everything was turning to crap. Why?

    Because Wall Street was scared to death that Trump might win the election following the FBI disclosure.

    Anyway, the capitalistic pigs do not wish to see a Trump victory.

    My cite is CNBC


    1 PM and all is well, well sort of.

    Over the last hour or so Trump is already suing a voting authority in Nevada. hahahhahaah



    It's a wonderful day!  The sun is shining, I've voted and will be among lots and lots of happy Democrats at a watch party later tonight ... and if that weren't enough, there's this.  Next up?  President Hillary Clinton!

    Oh Missy, the weather reports I am receiving on cable tells me that there is sunshine all over this great nation.

    I guess they might be experiencing some showers in Texas but...

    There are long lines to the voting booths in some areas, but weather aint gonna be a problem and as you well know, the more people who vote, the better off we all are!

    2:00 and all is well.

    I lost 15 mins when my pc froze up. It does not like it when I stream NETFLIX, hahahahaha.

    At 2 Kornacki shows up on MSNBC foreshadowing the next twelve hours for chrissakes.

    There he is fingering the computer screen again and attempting to demonstrate the narrow narrow path to a Trump victory; like he has been fingering for the last 12 months or more. hahahahah

    I like Steve, but I am becoming as sick of his song as the MSNBC theme song. hahahahah

    CNN had a nice discussion of the Hispanic/Latino vote. Hundreds of thousands of Hispanics are showing up and demonstrating an upward percentage in that group's voting numbers.

    It all still looks pretty good to me.

    3:00 PM CST and all is well. 

    I crashed again but...

    Kornacki is at it again. Steve cannot keep his fingers to himself.

    Three hours until the first polls close.

    I predict NY goes for Hillary. hahahaha


    That is the end of the Holocaust. hahahahah

    CNN reports that a Judge in Nevada has ruled against Trump's silly suit against a voter authority in Nevada.

    At 4:00 PM CST Chucky Todd is giving us all the info we need on MSNBC.

    Two and three hours from now, God will give us all the info.....

    Thanks Chucky, will we be 'told' in three hours or four hours or....

    Charley Cook is here.

    Gene is here.

    Hispanic surge is there?

    Well there are more millenials than old farts here now.


    BY the way, I would have thought that millenials would be people born in 2001 or 2000?

    I guess they add ten years. I mean why not.

    And I deduce so far?


    Thanks a lot.


    Kornaki is now fingering the screen, white voters with degrees and without degrees and without common sense and without their own residence and....

    It looks like Florida and Ohio will not be decided (or projected) until sometime tomorrow but Obama was the projected winner in 2012 two days? before Florida was decided in his favor.



    HEY Q, how the hell you doin?

    My Gawwwwwwd, how I hate the Trump rats. hahahahahahahaah

    I'm doing well, Dick. But this shit is insane. INSANE. 

    You know how they proposed to move everyone out of North Dakota and turn it back over to the buffalo?

    This is way crazier. 

    You know how John Lennon married Yoko Ono?

    Way crazier.

    Cubs winning the World Series?

    Way crazi....... wait a minute.

    Anyway. F*ck this Trump guy, he's a Nazis, and thank God we don't have to beat around the bush anymore when using tha word.

    Just beat them Dick. BEAT THEM. And when you're done, HOLD THEM DOWN AND BEAT THEM SOME MORE. Trump and all his Nazis freak show organizers.

    And how're YOU keeping?

    hahahah Q my biggest problem involves flouride but damn, I really thought that ND was already turned over to the Buffalo. I thought at the least that the fracking companies won the day. I mean how much oil and gas can a buffalo give me anyway. Although buffalo farts do cause global warming or at least some odorous mist?

    And Ono. I mean oh no ONO? And all that tax money we spent attempting to obliterate those people?

    Q, my biggest problem is that I actually have dreams of hitting this T-Rump with a baseball bat.

    He would never know what was comin, just like now. I mean Donald really does not know what is comin.

    the end





    Got a friend who knows Trump really well. Like "personally."

    Says he's got a tiny dick.

    Not huge.


    A teeny tiny little thing.

    But. She's never told.

    Says she's waiting to tell the media AFTER he loses.

    So that way the story will hurt more.

    She's kinda hoping he cries on air.

    I like how she thinks.

    Okay, one hour to go for the first poll closings. I have not checked for the Czech closings or....


    Anyway I purchased a  brownie box mix and yesterday I fixed it. I cheat and add about a third of the required oil and add sour cream and end up with a nice chocolate cake.


    Oh, I cannot eat my treat right now following drum sticks or I will have to nap.

    Anyway Chris has received a hair cut on his balding head. hahahah

    And Chris is now a philosopher and discusses everything he knows about Hispanics and Rachel is attempting to tone Chris down. hahahahah

    Big Brian is there and so is that goddamn music.

    And results?

    In only 90 minutes more state polling will be closed unless those damn busses show up.

    I PREDICT THAT NY STATE will elect Hillary Clinton.

    I just could not wait anymore to make this prediction.

    Otherwise it would not be a prediction would it?


    Trump has an early lead.

    Surprise, surprise, Trump won Indiana and Kentucky..

    But Hillary gets DC

    All righty then.

    But Georgia is too too close to call?


    Indiana's a shit-hole, Dick.

    Trump can have it.

    Then, when the election's over, we send him there and build a wall around it. 

    Let 'em get creative with all that corn. And Donald.

    And the corn.

    I have PC issues that do not concern obscenity. hahahhaha

    Well things do not look that good.

    I cannot believe that people would vote for this bastard?

    I think things look terrible. 

    {{{{Hug}}}}   It don't look good for the Dems.  Enjoyed your run down today.  I have to get back to Reddit things are interesting there.  The Daily Kos is having a melt down.  

    The sun will come up as always on Wednesday morning and we will keep on keeping on. 

    This one is dedicated to you. 

    I think it is terrible. Fascism looms.

    Our country is in deep shit trouble.

    I guess I am a sore loser.

    But I just canceled Waspo this hour.

    I shall not write about politics for at least a year from today.

    I will not visit Huffpo or Mediacom or Daily Beast or KO's or any blog discussing politics for a year.

    I do not know how much time I have left on this earth; but for the next twelve months I shall read no 'news'.

    I am flabbergasted at the results of this election.

    I might go back to Chester A. Arthur as the worst president of the United States of America following the Civil War.

    I cannot handle it anymore.

    What is is and what is not is not.

    I have given up on the American voter.

    I have given up on America as a goal or aim or whatever.

    I do not feel that there is anything I might add to the 'discussion'.

    For right now, I do not care anymore.

    My message is beside the point.

    My consciousness has been beside the point.

    And yet, I am sure that the results from last night have nothing to do with me.

    A year from now or two years from now or three years from now....?

    America has spoken.

    To iterate my problems with the latest winner is futile.

    I GIVE UP.

    Now I have about 30% capability with my present PC.

    I shall show up from time to time with offerings concerning other subjects.

    But I have given up on the electoral process, at least on the Federal Level for the present.

    If Americans wish to elect Mr. Trump, it has nothing to do with me.

    I GIVE UP.



    Richard, venting is good for one's mental health. Your social responsibility was to vote. You voted, Hillary won the popular vote. You have earned the right/ obligation to complain. Your vote gives you a voice. Your voice is joined by a significant slice of white voters, Latinos who supported Hillary > 2:1 and blacks who supported Hillary 11:1. You speak along with people who casts the most votes. Your voice in opposition to Orange Hitler is even more important now. The enemy has all three branches of government, Wikileaks, Russia, and the FBI. Your word are more important now than ever. The enemy wants you to give up. Your writing has impact and will inspire others. Don't quit.

    I have been depressed all day. I had black friends who were in tears. They told tales of their children being afraid of going to school. There was fear of being shipped back to Africa. While that seems an overreaction, children are telling us they feel unwelcome in their own country. After dealing with these issues, I talked to a friend who is white. Without missing a beat he asked how the country could elect this racist misogynist. He noted that Trump reminded him of Hitler. My friend said that Trump was using dog whistles to gain votes from uneducated whites, but wondered why many educated whites fell for his crap. I felt much better. That brief conversation let me know that there are plenty of people who realize that tragedy that just occurred. We have to lift each other up. Staying silent will not make the evil one go away. We have to make sure that those who voted for Trump know how we feel. Our words are important.

    Thanks for your long record of intelligent and discerning commentary. And to Richard for telling exactly how I feel so often with his.

    Given his personality defects and thin skin it seems almost certain Trump cannot handle the job. He can handle ginning up a hateful mob or berating the press, but that is not going to work with running this country.

    I don't know how this ends, and I don't think Republicans do either.

    I think the republicans know he's clueless about public policy. They hope Pence will be the president and work with ryan and McConnell to pass a standard republican agenda. That would be bad enough but it's possible Trump will set his own malicious and vindictive agenda. That could be anything and you're right, no one knows how this ends.

    Well stated. Key point:

    1. A President must be accountable when things go awry, and reassure the nation he has things under control.

    2. Trump's personality excludes taking any personal accountability for failures.

    So he blames others (his aides? press? Congress? foreign leaders?) and/or denies the reality of failure.

    That's one of a dozen qualities a president needs that Trump doesn't have. It's going to be a long 4 years, at least.


    We need to keep speaking out and supporting each other. The media will try to pretend what happened was normal. Trump terrified families and children during his campaign. He has not apologized. Media has not called for him to apologize. Trump cannot be forgiven for what he did.

    Fuck that, Dick.

    Take a day or two, then it's back to business.

    Think of that great big fat juicy puss on the Trumpster's Dumpster.

    Yer gonna want to smack it.

    Feel free. 




    REMEMBER...... THE..... CUBS!!!!

    Thanks, Q, only 38,xxx days to redemption. TMac can stay stoned til then, you can play beer hunter -what about the rest of us?

    I am with Q on this.  Take a few days off. Spend some time feeding the ducks in your pond.  Holidays are coming up.  I didn't have a horse in this race this time.  My horse lost in July.  I have been watching sappy Christmas movies on you tube ever since and making items for my Etsy store. It works for me. I took a vacation from Face Book until after the election. 

    Besides I won't have any reason to come back here and lurk if you don't write. 

    Oh DD. I can't even figure out how to explain this to my adult children. But please keep writing.Maybe we'll come up with something. I lurk here too.  Just so you know, love... stratofrog

    DD, quit wallowing in self-pity and man-up. We're depending on you to help us survive for the next four years without going insane. Think of it as an urgent humanitarian mission.

    Save the bloviating whales? mission to Mars? Maybe the NE US can join the EU, replacing the UK minus Scotland and Northern Ireland - Massachusetts can take over stewardship of "The Troubles". Philadelphia can join up with New Jersey. NYC might be an international "Safe Harbor". Now that pot's passed in Mass and maybe Maine, hemp can be the currency until ripe for the Euro. Build that Wall, Donald, and stay out. Melania's welcome to visit - European roots and all.

    You have correctly identified secession as the cure to our ills....unfortunately the secession that would have helped those in the areas you have identified was forcibly  prevented in 1865.


    On reflection, perhaps a mistake.

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