by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
run in circles , scream and shout.
1. Trump's not Putin .Yeah he'll be an undignified President but not a dumb or mean one .Personallly I agree with him (and Keynes)that "all goods should be homespun". Maybe clutching at straws but I'm hoping Ivanka will be a "friend at Court" re Global Warming.
We survived worse . Nixonl
2. If we retake the Senate in 2 years we can save Roe.
3. We increase the odds of that if the only demonstrating we do is
to demonstrate our support of Chuck Schumer.
1. Trump does not care about Russian interference in the election. He dismisses the findings of the intelligence agencies. Republicans are tied to Russia. Russia is tied to the far Right globally. He wants names of people in the Departments of State and Energy who supported projects he finds objectionable. Nixon came with Affirmative Action. Trump comes with Sessions and Stop and Frisk.
2. Whites voters will double down on their mistake in 2018 and keep Republicans in power. We will have to fight voter suppression. You have criticized protests.
3. To be successful we have to show support for Democrats, but also vigorously oppose Republicans. In fact Congressional Democrats will have to oppose Republicans openly.
Edit to add:
The majority of white voters are lost to the Democrats. As an example, they do not care about the Russian hack.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 10:29am
Really? Trump is neither mean nor dumb? I think he is both, but would add childish, emotionally unstable to the point of recklessness, vindictive, dishonest, misogenistic, entitled, and paranoid. Because of his narcissism he is malleable by those who flatter him. Surrounded as he is by Russian advocats (if not actual agents) I have no faith that he will act on behalf of the nation.
i would welcome Nixon over trump in a heartbeat. We recovered (pretty much) after Nixon. With the administration he will have there seems to be an intentional dismantling of all protections and help for ordinary people.
by CVille Dem on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 11:30am
Regarding Nixon, Carl Bernstein was present during the Nixon era and rates Trump as the bigger liar
John Dean is on "A.M. Joy" this morning. Dean also rates Trump as the bigger liar compared to Nixon.
There is no hyperventilation, there is observation of facts. The GOP is planning to defund Planned Parenthood and dismantle Obamacare without having a replacement. You cling to a hope that Ivanka will care about the environment and not the bottom line. We will be here to support you when your hopes are dashed.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 11:30am
I don't know what "demonstrating" can do to weaken the other side but I also do not know how it could weaken other efforts.
If this election cycle has shown anything, it is that there are a huge number of people who do not care what the opposite numbers are doing at all.
What is hanging in the balance of the restraint you are asking for? Your idea presumes that there are these people who will give or withdraw their support on the basis of how the "Left" responds to the emergence of the Trump administration.
Who are these people and why should anybody listen to them? Are they listening to themselves? The airwaves do not include this voice. You are doing a better job of speaking for them than they are for themselves.
by moat on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 7:16pm
Thank you, The argument seems to be based The the belief that they are not serious in wanting to erode progress made by minorities and women. It appears to be based on the false hope that Ivanka will protect the environment. I don't understand the fear of confrontation.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 01/08/2017 - 10:16pm
At one point Ken and I worked for Charlie in a largish firm. Ken was certainly the smartest. He'd published several Math text books to augment his retirement funds.
A couple of times a year the three of us hosted a fancy dinner for our 50 or 60 bankers.
Charlie once remarked after one of those occasions : "I always know that Ken's in the room when I hear a loud voice say : And where you're completely wrong....."
I'm too tired and old and dumb and sleepy to produce an omnibus reply brilliantly refuting you all.. Particularly since every one of you wrote something with which I agree .And some, a lot.
The lazy way out is quote. I'll use Nadime Gordimer. In some good novel she has a character think:
That also figures in Greek mythology as moat can tell us.
My golden thread is : you don't win many elections by saying : "And where you're completely.......etc. etc."
by Flavius on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 1:17am
Telling people that Democrats were wrong is exactly how Republicans win repeatedly. Some Liberals help Republicans by pointing out why the Democratic candidate if Republicans aren't challenged, why vote for the Democratic candidate. At this point, there is more to gain from encouraging minority and Third-Party voters to engage with the system than to encourage Trump supporters to switch to the Democratic Party.
Keith Olberman notes that Trump voters know that they made a mistake.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 6:22am
The Donald tweeted about Meryl Streep criticizing him at an awards show. This is the President-elect! We would be insane not to openly oppose his Presidency and point out the danger he represents. Why be afraid to state the obvious? The brave people who opposed the Klan and White Citizen's Councils did not think they would change the minds of racists, they spoke out because of their moral beliefs.
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 2:06pm
from tom toles blog:
by NCD on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 12:38pm
I refuse to pretend that this is normal. Trump is an Authoritarian.
Edit to add:
Trump just named his full of business conflicts son-in-law as senior adviser to the White House. Want to take bets that Ivanka will get both of these guys to care about the environment?
by rmrd0000 on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 2:13pm
There's a good novel. Henry Green I think, That ends "And the next day they all went on the same."
They're gonna do what they're gonna do. Everything we do for the next 22 months should pass one test: will it help to defeat three Republican incumbent senators. If that means pushing my republican neighbor's car out of a snow bank I'll put on my boots.
by Flavius on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 11:52pm
Some people will try to avoid confrontation.Others realize that actions in the streets and court action removed a Republican Governor in NC. The attempted takeover of NC by the Republican legislature was slowed if not completely derailed by action in the streets and in the courts. The protests at the pipeline halted construction. People are free to push their neighbor's, something that is an act of kindness many people would do. I would still expect to see my Republican neighbor on the other side of the aisle in the courtroom. People are free to push cars. One would hope the car pushers would stop criticizing those practicing civil disobedience and those taking cases to court. Push cars, but get out of the way afterwards.
Edit to add:
MLK took the action to the streets. Things changed. Moral Mondays slowed voter suppression. Can you cite a success from pushing cars?
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 01/10/2017 - 12:01am
The short answer is "no".
But even so, that's my recommendation. Maybe I'm the only one but I' m far more apt to be persuaded by civil contact than by physical opposition .Which at the very least tempts me to support the other side. ..
(Just to be clear I completely agree with going to court.)
And there obvious cases like the 60' sit ins, and draft opposition which I endorsed, .
But not Intimidation. Whether in front of an abortion clinic or the steps of the Underground - if we win the battle that way we lose the war.
That's the topic for another boring blog.Groan.
by Flavius on Tue, 01/10/2017 - 11:17pm
People are protesting Trump nominees during testimony before Congress. Democrats in Congress are protesting the pace of the nominee appearances. The unvetted nominees are now being presented at a slower pace. Activists and in your face tactics work. When you can document success using your method, people may listen.
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 01/10/2017 - 11:36pm
First frame: Two Knights in armor face one another.Each has a broad axe with a 5 Ft handle.
Second frame : Just after A used his axe, cartoon shows ,via the conventional line to indicate movement, that the trajectory was horizontal , 5 ft from ground , towards Knight B. His neck
Third frame, just dialogue.
Knight B. : "You missed".
Knight A: Wait till you nod your head"
by Flavius on Wed, 01/11/2017 - 9:25pm