by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Who'dathunk we'd end up in this mess when folks like Peter here were being celebrated two years ago?
Warning: Don't watch on the computer you'd hate to see a fist put through
0:38 Gulp
1:37 Hey, Apple is actually lower then!
1:58 I actually preferred Pete and the empty box
2:18 I see indebted people (Gulp)
2:20 Oh, we are in a recession - Wall Street can't even afford $1 bets anymore!
2:33 Art Laffer = G-E-N-I-U-S
2:38 Nothing screams financial knowledge like a Robin Leach wannabe. Seriously, why would anyone of sane mind watch Fox for financial advice.
2:43 Hey look, it's Tony Little. That guy totally hasn't been ripping off everyone his whole life
2:55 "The Cost of Freedom"? "Coming up on Fox the price of life, liberty and the pursuit of awesomeness"
2:57 (Bottom of the Screen) Irony
3:35 What are these artificially lendy thingies you speak of?
3:47 God, I hope this dick can't afford hair gel now. That would make me laugh
3:55 Really, why wouldn't I trust a retired greased out "Poison" roadie with my IRA?
4:16 All the short-sellers 'Won Ben Stein's Money.' Interesting, no?
4:35 So if nuclear war was Down 13,000 that would make today's dow the Big Un-Bang?
5:12 "You must be a laugh riot at a party." Yea, Fox is must suck hanging out with people who have any idea what the heck they're talking about. I think this clip also cut off his 2nd question: "You're a briefs guy aren't you?"
5:55 (Looking at my watch here) Nope
6:05 Sorry Robin
6:09 "The Fundamentals are not sound" OH MY GOD, HE DOES HAVE A CRYSTAL BALL!
6:26 Top stocks at Rock-Bottom prices. This is only a suggestion folks, no need to go out and take our advice on buying the "best shit on earth thrown in the trash can at a firesale"
6:42 That's odd, I found Lehman stock in my last box of Cracker Jack's
6:52 Agreed, Bear is pretty cheap
7:08 (Fair) "The Creme de la Creme, like Dolce Gabana on sale" (Balanced) "Yes, but isn't it a part of the Wal-Mart day after Christmas sale?"
7:19 Yes, I too believe he has heart problems as well as a gold-plated toilet
7:50 Ummm, did Neil Cavuto just say he believed in Santa Claus? Does Peter have to fill them in about that too?
8:11 Who the heck is that nothing candidate in the top right?
8:39 Holy Crap, the police killed Tiger Woods!
9:00 It must be hard grabbing things with those nubs
9:14 Wrong! Y tu Peter Schiff?
9:58 I have just kissed your Bostonians
Video humiliation is too lenient for those bozos. Aren't there stockades in some storage room in Plymouth? And couldn't they be transported up to Time Square pretty easily?
by Orlando on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 9:04pm
i saw that Schiff/Laffer video a couple of weeks ago. I'm very impressed with how right Schiff was, but I'm more flabbergasted at the poor advice from everyone else (tho I know there are embarassing video clips of me saying stupid things, so I can't get too haughty!)
by Deadman on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 1:18am
It's not the embarrassing things or even that they were utterly wrong while he was spot on. It's the total lack of respect for a dissenting voice. You can disagree with someone, even vehemently, without demeaning them. I suppose nothing that happens on Fox News should surprise me, but I find it disgustng.
by Orlando on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 5:26am
Completely agree. It's beyond reckless on a "financial advice" show to demean and mock the opposing view. I'd prefer they didn't even bring on Peter and just cheered uninterrupted like they were in la-la land. Instead it forces everyone at home who might agree with Peter to feel like a jackass when the entire panel circles around him, points fingers and throws tomatoes. It's painful how destructive the above segment is. Unfortunately they will never be held accountable outside the world of youtube. Ben Stein will still have his yahoo finance column, he'll still be on television every other day and journalists will still pretend that his opinion still holds water - nevermind the fact that he couldn't have been more wrong about the biggest financial disaster in his lifetime. Really, what right do any of these analysts deserve when they belittled the correct and responsible view while standing on the train tracks? I would have been better served with an Orangutan as my financial advisor
by Mortimus on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 11:09am
by Mortimus on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 11:15am
My bad. I had to fix the formatting because it was screwing up the rest of the site, and I think that I managed to cut off the end of your live blog. I should have been more careful. Sorry about that.
PS How did you get all that formatting crap into your post?
by Michael Wolraich on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 12:29pm
by Mortimus on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 1:25pm
There are hidden html tags in all the posts. If you want to see them, edit your blog post, and click the "disable rich text" button underneath the edit box. The html controls the formatting--line breaks, fonts, italics, etc.
If you paste formatted text from another editor, hidden html will be pasted along with the text. That can really screw things up, not only in the post itself but in the rest of the site. That's why I encourage people to paste only clean text from a simple text editor and then add any formatting using the dagblog editor. Did you paste your live blog using textwranger? There was some weird html in place of the line breaks.
by Michael Wolraich on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 3:01pm
by Mortimus on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 3:08pm
Saw this video a couple of days ago. I had recalled seeing a portion of it before. The powers of the Google allowed me confirm that I had indeed posted it earlier this year at TPM.
by DF on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 3:25pm