by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
When the internet was invented by Al Gore’s uncle I wonder if Unky Gore realized that while it would revolutionize the digital world it would also become a freak show. And not just the traveling kind with a bearded fat lady, dog boy, and some guy with way too many weird tattoos, but the holy shit I can’t believe how depraved and psychotic people are freak show. Need I remind you of two girls, one cup? I’ve never actually seen the two girls or the one cup in question, but I had it described to me in vivid fashion and I think that’s enough.
Like every technology, the internet is a double edged sword, both useful and scornful. A good example of this is the relatively recent phenomenon of Chat Roulette. In case you’ve been living under a digital rock, Chat Roulette is a blah blah blah – if you don’t know by now, figure it out. As everyone has discovered by now, the site is full of men being perverts, not surprising seeing as most of the internet is dedicated to men’s perversions. How surprised should you really be?
Who are these guys? Who is sitting around Saturday night and thinking to themselves: You know I could really go for exposing myself to stranger tonight. It’s be a real hoot to wave my shlong at an unsuspecting victim.
Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I like to get to know a person before I flash my stash. I don’t have to know them that well mind you, just well enough to know that my junk is a welcomed attendee to the party. I don’t need a written RSVP, but… you get the point. Enough about my views on proper penis viewing – I could go on and on.
Below are some fun, dick-less (at least in reference to anatomy), videos from Chat Roulette. I applaud the creators of Chat Roulette for giving the internet a new venue for finding out what freaks everybody is – now that’s entertainment!
Freestyle Piano: This dude has some serious skills “Mutha-F*cking 3!”
Daily Show: Hilarious send up with news guest spots
Na’vi vs. Chat Roulette.
A short documentary - a minimentary if you will
Were you going for a Beckettesqe post, or were those large white-spaces supposed to contain something? (Maybe it's just my browser, though.)
by Nebton on Mon, 04/05/2010 - 12:00pm
Sorry, we were experiencing technical difficulties. They should be working now. YouTube nixed the first one though.
by Michael Wolraich on Mon, 04/05/2010 - 4:22pm