by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
... To be clear, when I refer to whiteness, I mean the privileges, expectations, and elevated humanity afforded those in American society whose skin happens to be white.... Televised scenes showed thousands of Donald Trump–supporting rioters and criminals, largely white and typically mask-less, descending on the nation’s largely Black capital. They held alternate-reality rallies. They heard speeches intended to recklessly inflame emotions and not-so-subtly encourage violent confrontation.... despite the mobsters’ extraordinary disregard for the rule of law, for agents of law enforcement ... a near-mythical graciousness was shown to the insurrectionists. They were allowed in after the fences were breached. And they were free to wantonly roam the United States House and Senate hallways, entering offices, intimidating elected officials and their staffers ... taking selfies at times with willing Capitol Police.
President-elect Joe Biden
Great to hear Biden state the obvious
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 3:43pm
"Blacks would have been shot in the face", " Muslims sniped from the roof", Scarborough drops F bomb in 12 minute on air rant.
by NCD on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 4:19pm
If we are going to do "rhetoricals" or "what ifs": sure, probably because they would be presumed by authorities to be anti-police or anti-U.S. government! And presuming that people with white skin are pro-police and pro-law and order. Which happens to be an incorrect and racist presumption, mho. (Plenty of radical "abolish police" types are actually young rich white highly educated "socialists".)
But which many on the left like to trumpet and are even proud of. They even like to attack the Democratic governments of large cities for trying to police.
Maybe they should re-consider trumpeting that so loudly, and reinforcing hatred of police and government authority, huh? Because there are plenty of white right-wing nut cases are anti-police and anti-Federal government authority.
And there are plenty of poor minority neighborhoods who would like more and better policing and more government not to mention less ownership of guns for "personal protection."
In my mind the real "two sides" are: you either want to tear government down or you want to support and continually try to perfect it.
by artappraiser on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 4:35pm
The authorities knew why these people were coming. They opened doors for them, then held their hands to make sure they got down the stairs safely
There is no "What if?"
There is "We know what would have happened"
We saw the response to BLM
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 4:40pm
here's some AP photos to help your narrative along--
Here's the Capitol police opening the gates for a Trump supporter:
Caption: Demonstators loyal to President Donald Trump, are sprayed by police, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, during a day of rioting at the Capitol. It's been a stunning day as a number of lawmakers and then the mob of protesters tried to overturn America's presidential election, undercut the nation's democracy and keep Democrat Joe Biden from replacing Trump in the White House. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
here's the Capitol police shooting what looks like soothing aromatherapy into the crowd on a balcony:
Caption: Violent protesters, loyal to President Donald Trump, storm the Capitol, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. It's been a stunning day as a number of lawmakers and then the mob of protesters tried to overturn America's presidential election, undercut the nation's democracy and keep Democrat Joe Biden from replacing Trump in the White House. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
here's one of cops helping Trumpies move barricades
Caption: Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
Here's one offering a Trumpie a nightstick:
Caption: Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol in Washington. As Congress prepares to affirm President-elect Joe Biden's victory, thousands of people have gathered to show their support for President Donald Trump and his claims of election fraud. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
Here's some cops holding their hands:
Caption: Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol in Washington. As Congress prepares to affirm President-elect Joe Biden's victory, thousands of people have gathered to show their support for President Donald Trump and his claims of election fraud. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
Are you trying to tell a "story" JUST LIKE TRUMP DOES, using only cherry picked examples to create your "story", or are you interested in knowing what really happened there? Because it's really really easy to counter what you say if you are not interested in the whole truth but just selected out to support a "story"
by artappraiser on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 10:48pm
Compare apple to apples.
There were many more officers involved in the BLM protests
The use of pepper spray was much greater
The arrests were much rougher
Officers did not offer BLM liquids to soothe the burning eyes caused by pepper spray
You have already made up your mind that police action was the same
The link provides pictures that tell the true story.
Out in the real world, people now that you are arguing nonsense
There are segments discussing the differences in how the BLM protest was handled versus the kid glove approach used yesterday.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 11:38pm
Rationalize this all you want to support your prejudices about current events and American history, but intolerant ignorant angry white bigots in the Republican Party's precious base invaded and vandalized our capitol, tried to raise a Trump flag over the capitol, and along with a majority of white voters, put this vile, racist, bullying, lying, race baiting scumbag into office.
The only comparison between this and a lynching, which you made in another one of your posts, was that both involve white supremacy, white entitlement. The 'right' to extrajudicial killing. The 'right' to violate the law and the procedures of our democracy, incited by their odious cult leader.
by NCD on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 5:54pm
How do you know they were all Republicans? All we know about political affiliation that they were attendees at a "Stop the Steal" rally and yes, we know they had mostly white-colored skin. That rally, though, was challenging the rulings of all kinds of Republican state electoral commissions and Republican judges and challenging the beliefs of a majority of Republicans in Congress about who won the presidency.
So far identification efforts seem to swing towards Qanon and Proud Boy types and far rightie radicals who do indeed dislike police. The disagree with Congress in general, that's why the were swarming it. Many of them had hurled slurs at cops on the street, that much was in many videos. Also: a pipe bomb was found at RNC headquarters that evening.
by artappraiser on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 6:33pm
You accuse me of rationalizing. Well to be honest, I see you as constantly trying to rationalize that we still have a very clear red vs. blue division in this country, circa 1985, and no one has switched sides, there are no independents and no swings, you're either with one or the other, when nearly everything I read tells me to the contrary! That things have changed. ESPECIALLY since Trump. You rationalize everything into these two simple propagandizable categories, basically just like MSNBC vs. FOX, as if there are people out there who need to believe that in order to fight just one other side, whoever they are, just so the cognitive dissonance of reality goes away.
One thing I have concluded: extremists right and left are very dangerous anti-government movements.
What I am coming to conclude: official BLM stupidly let themselves be overtaken early on by radical white leftist theorists including activists who did not sufficiently denounce anarchists who coopted their movement and influenced them to approve of not just "defund police" rhetoric but "abolish police" rhetoric. This rapidly caused them to become extremely counter-productive effectively defeating their own stated goal of black lives mattering, hugely in actual lives, with many more lives lost to police pulling back in big cities, neighborhoods falling further into chaos and poverty with businesses and tax money leaving, more people buying guns, more violence. Then there's the Democrats losses in the House seats caused by those ramifications! Results = less help for inner city blacks coming, Republicans actual desire to "defund police" for real and not replace it with anything more likely. And last but not least: many more lives with colored skin lost to coronavirus because everyone was busy protesting and arguing for months arguing about a comparatively small number of deaths by police.
BLM has been a huge fail. AND TOTALLY IRRATIONAL!
Furthermore: why are you dragging culture war issues into a need to protect our main building of self-governance? If like al qaeda did it would you do the same? PRIORITIES! No matter who, we don't want it to happen. Right?
SO basically your argument is: if this mob were black the police should have been just as nice and easy on them? REALLY? Or they should have shot all of them because they are white, just to even things up. Or what?
by artappraiser on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 7:22pm
Despite the "evil" BLM
Democrats have the Presidency
Democrats control the Senate
Democrats control the House
They can work on legislation, judges, etc.
How do you rationalize this reality as equaling less help coming for the inner city?
BTW Cori Bush, a BLM activist, was elected to the House of Representatives in November
Rightwing terrorists invaded the Capitol
You focus on the Woke as the bigger danger
BLM is helping elect Progressive DAs and members of Congress
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 8:38pm
The Trump mob are Republican. Trump was nominated, supported, defended and renominated by Republicans. Republicans backed his conspiracy theories and lies for 4 years. Republicans held his impeachment trial called no witnesses, and let him off.
Open Qanons have been elected to Congress as Republicans.
The invasion of the Capitol had nothing to do with BLM.
by NCD on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 9:55pm
There can be no doubt that a double standard is revealed by what went down. Seeing all the videos of police lines physically being pushed back by the incursion doesn't square with the idea that nobody resisted it.
Somehow, both things are true. The whole incident is very odd. I would like to know more.
by moat on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 6:34pm
yes, a full step-by-step report of the Cap police reaction is not even out yet. I've watched for one but haven't seen anyone try yet. Should be soon.
As I noted after the more complete Sky News video came out, most of what we saw was drama shots where journalists present were obviously not trying to tell the whole story but looking for "hot" images.
For example, there have been conflicting citizen videos with the Cap police fighting to keep the barriers at the back door until they were violently pushed aside and others waving in on the front walk. And believable reports of pepper spray and other chemical determinants like tear gas being utilized by both the agitators with the protesters against Cap police and by Cap police against the initial entrants before reinforcements arrived.
Secret service shot a woman coming through a broken glass door. Some worked on clearing those who had entered via overwhelming the front door while at the same time, others had decided to wave more larger more peaceful crowds in!!!
Mostly sounds like chaos. Existence of crowd control practice: APPARENTLY ZERO! Teamwork: ZERO evidence as well. Every cop for himself. A rapidly put together group of bank lobby rent-a-cops could have done a more professional job, even if overwhelmed?
One thing is known for sure: several Cap police were seriously hurt, one is still in the hospital and a WHITE woman trying to enter was killed.
by artappraiser on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 6:52pm
One of the reasons I want to have the people who did this under arrest as soon as possible is that they will have to give a statement. They are the assholes who did this, let them explain themselves.
What other people say about their actions, including you and me, is just speculation.
by moat on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 7:14pm
Vox just published an attempt at a just posted both over on the thread about policing the Capitol
splainer; also the injured police officer has died,by artappraiser on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 8:18pm
Trump mob likely superspread COVID around the crowded halls, offices in Congress threatening Congress persons as well as each other, and people they contact in traveling. link
by NCD on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 9:20pm
Dr. Eric basically thinks it's a sure thing Edit to add: he's also applied a fine research mind to watching a lot of the videos and ID'ing many of the perps and their activities, mho.
by artappraiser on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 9:47pm
Roxane Gay's response to what Democrats should don in the wake of the obvious double-standard in dealing with the attempted coup (the term used by Gay)
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 10:28pm
Michelle Obama on the response to the attack on the Capitol
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 8:41am
The mob mirrored exactly what Donald Trump is and represents, and why the radical core Republican apparatchiks and base identifies with and loves him.
Unhinged stupidity, chaos agitating, proud and belligerent ignorance, self pitying, heedlessly impulsive, rampantly egotistical, obsessively self righteousness, lawless, indecent, and finally beliefs and actions ruled by an incurious lack of awareness to reality that creates an arrogant inability to respect or put themselves into the place of anybody else.
He should be impeached a second time, and this post-election tsunami of lies, baseless accusations and fomenting of insurrection should be his lasting legacy.
by NCD on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 9:52am
It bothers me that the Capitol police said they did not need help.
Maybe somebody will look at the security for the Woman's March after Trump's inauguration and compare
The DC police should not have been overwhelmed given that they knew this was coming
It makes no sense
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 9:57am
Trump and the remaining incompetent toadies were in charge, and Trump was not telling them to worry or do anything to keep it under control. These are the Timothy McVeighs of America. The 5G conspiracy guys. The Trump's had no idea who and what was coming to town in his name.
Trump was legally in charge of securing the District, and Trump fomented the riot. "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" Pence had to eventually call out the NG.
Trump was too dumb to realize (1) his role in this -when it inevitably got out of control- would scar him badly and forever, and (2) these hooligans don't give a crap if it does screw Trump, they used him to justify doing this, as he thought he would use them for revenge on Congress. They are just like Trump, they don't care about anyone but themselves. Well, they won, Trump lost.
They got what they wanted, a deadly chaotic rampage in the Capitol, temporarily venting the hate and anger of their miserable, conspiracy filled lives, Trump will get another impeachment.
by NCD on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 2:45pm
Pictures of the people who were able to get into the Capitol make the United States look weak.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 2:40pm
President Macron said France still has faith in American democracy, televised comment yesterday, so does Merkel.
Add dealing with these right wing crazies (in the GOP, in the streets, in the shadows, and dispensing dark money, which funded this riot) as another task for the Biden administration, along with everything else.
by NCD on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 2:54pm
The problem is Trump, Cruz, and Hawley are still adding fuel the fire
Geatz and Fox News are claiming it is Antifa
I don't know how you talk them down.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 01/08/2021 - 2:58pm