The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Bristol Palin and the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy

    Today is the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, brought to you by the Candies Foundation.  Yesterday, the Candies Foundation announced teen-mom/example-that-abstinence-only-doesn’t-work, Bristol Palin, would be it’s new ambassador.  This is the most ironic spokesperson since Stephen Hawking did a Nike cross-training commercial. I mean, come on!

    In the press release announcing the ambassadorship, Palin said "If I can prevent even one girl from getting pregnant, I will feel a sense of accomplishment."

    Bristol, if you remember, done got knocked up by her self proclaimed “f*cking redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes,” (declared on his myspace page) boyfriend, Levi Johnston while her mom was running for Vice President.  So naturally Bristol, who was taught abstinence only during her teenage years and then done got knocked up, is supporting abstinence only education. 

    Meanwhile, studies (some of them federally funded, btw) by the Cochrane Collaboration, the Mathematica Policy Research Inc., and the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health have found results of abstinence only education to be dubious at best.  According to these studies, the rate of the teens taking part in sex was the same whether they participate in abstinence only programs or not.  Also, those who participated in abstinence only programs and took a virginity pledge were less likely to use condoms or other forms of birth control.

    To which I say: F*CKING DUH! 

    People like to hump.  Teenagers – hormones pumping through their bodies – especially like to hump.  Telling them that abstinence is the only way to stay baby and STD-free is not only unrealistic, but down right irresponsible.   

    Yet, in a classic logically deprived Palin-type-of-way, in Bristol Palin’s interview with the ever creepy Greta Van Susteren earlier this year she stammered, “I think abstinence is like, like the, I don’t know how to put it, like the main… everybody should be abstinent but that’s not realistic at all.” 

    If Bristol truly wants to prevent other teens from getting pregnant she will go against her mother’s and the Republican party’s asinine support of abstinence only education programs. 

    You can’t fight human nature, we humans like to hump.  Instead of misleading and keeping teens in the dark about sex, let’s treat them like the soon-to-be-adults they are and tell them that while they should wait to hump till they are older and more responsible if they are going to hump they should hump smartly and use a freaking condom. 

    Below are my 3 ideas for preventing teen pregnancy that I guarantee will be more successful than Candies Foundation and Bristol Palin’s stupid plan.


    1)  Condom Cannon
    At every high school everyday at noon the condom cannon is fired spewing hundreds of condoms all over campus.  Students can then pick up free condoms at their leisure without judgment. 

    2)  Birth Control Lottery
    If you daughter chooses to go on one of the many forms of birth control she is automatically entered into a lottery drawing for a new car.  The car is taken away if she becomes pregnant and is returned to the Birth Control Lottery Agency. 

    3)  Scared Safe Program
    Instead of Bristol Palin telling teenagers to just not do it, she and other teenage mothers can go to high schools and tell them how much of a pain in the ass having a kid is.  “I used to go out Friday and Saturday night, now I can’t.  I used to have extra money to buy Xbox games, now I don’t.”  et cetera et cetera.

    You can see my full blog, with pictures (including Sarah Palin in a bikini with rifle) at my blog.



    But it gets even richer. The Candie's Foundation was launched by Candie's, which uses sex to sell its products. It's like they're trying to be funny.

    Be Sexy: It Doesn’t Mean You Have to Have Sex

    My head asplode.

    those are excellent ideas! and good line about the hawking cross-training ad!

    abstinence-only education is a friggin joke. seriously, kids are reaching puberty earlier and earlier (and getting married later and lateR) - how long exactly do we exepct them to be abstinent?? its just another example of how religious doctrine must adapt if it wants to stay relevant.

    btw, is that a photoshop pic on your blog. it has to be right?

    True story time. I lost an eye to a condom cannon. For the safety of our children, schools that use condom cannons must also distribute protective eyewear. Furthemore, the protective eyewear must NOT be shot out of a cannon.

    People like to hump.

    Can we get this on billboards nationally?  How is this not better understood?  Something like 99.9999% of human beings were the result of conventional conception.  The certainty of having arrived on this plane of existence by way of two people having screwed is only bested in certainty by the fact that we will all leave it.  When I think of myself at 15 or so and consider the prospect of just telling this person not to have sex, I just laugh.  Do people really forget so easily what it was like to be young?  Do they not consider all of the other things they've told their kids not to do, only to be summarily ignored?

    You'd have better odds of a desirable outcome by just telling i-bankers to behave responsibly.  Seriously.

    Two birds with one condom: Let's shoot the condom cannon at the i-bankers. Aim for the eyes.

    You had me at "condom cannon".