The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Conservatives in Uproar over Activist Supreme Court

    Just kidding.

    Overturning decades of case law, the Roberts court has now declared that corporations are human beings, at least in the political arena. The majority ignored precedent, opting instead to side with the wealthy and powerful against the individual citizens of a democracy. Can you hear the outrage of the neo-populist conservatives? Yeah, me neither.

    What conservatives really mean when they say “activist” judges is judges that don’t agree with them. When the Supreme Court essentially takes a crap all over our approximately two-hundred and thirty year old political system, conservatives don’t care because they think the decision will benefit them.

    I get that politically the United States is acrimoniously divided. What I wish, more than just about anything, is for a little intellectual honesty from the conservative side when it comes to arguing for their policies. Of course, I realize this is like wishing for a unicorn on my next birthday. Conservatives could never win on the actual merits of their arguments, so why should they stop lying when lying to an uninformed and largely undereducated public is working wonders?



    What's the difference between unfettered capitalism and barbarism? They are both might makes right.

    Barbarism doesn't try to mask what it is.