by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Oh things are going well my friends. This stock market crash could not have come at a better time. Just look at John McCain squirm. All we need are a few more major bankruptcies, and we'll have the election locked up. As a special bonus, the greedy bankers are getting screwed too. If we play our cards right, we can cap their salaries, take away their bonuses, and make them write 1000 times on the whiteboard, "I will not overleverage myself." That way, the next time there's an irrational market bubble, the new batch of bankers won't fall for the promise of easy money the way people did in every bubble for the past two centuries because they'll remember that the last batch of bankers lost their bonuses. But really, this isn't about reform. I just like watching rich assholes get kicked in the nuts. Speaking of which, how many more points do you think the market has to drop before those traders start jumping off buildings? Let's do a raffle.
Now I know that some of you credulous sheep have fallen for that line about how we have to save the banks for the sake of the economy. But like Hillary said, I'm not going to put my lot in with economists. Anyway, once we get G.W. out of office, everything will be perfect. As long as Obama doesn't let the dirty CEO's and bankers off the hook (I like the guy, sometimes he lets practicality get in the way of a good ass-kicking), the working class will finally get its due, and we'll all be taken care of. No Democratic President would ever let hardworking Americans lose their jobs and have to go on welfare. And without any surviving credit card companies, people won't even have to go into debt to buy stuff. Anyway, I figure that most people have enough savings to get them through a two or three years without a job if that's what it takes to save the working class. Seriously, the more evil banks go bankrupt, the better off the American people will be.
I say, let 'em crash...
genghis, i have trouble deciding what you believe and what is (admittedly clever) humor in your post. it seems like a mixture, which is probably the right view to have but a lot of people truly feel this is solely a problem for banks and rich people. i guarantee you if we do nothing, this crisis will likely end up hurting your average American at least as much or more than the rich. but maybe im just a credulous sheep...
and great clip, btw!!!
by Deadman on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 4:13pm
Et tu, Deadman? I had a pile of TPM bloggers telling me that I was an idiotic asshole. many more points do you think the market has to drop before those traders start jumping off buildings? Let's do a raffle.
I figure that most people have enough savings to get them through a two or three years without a job if that's what it takes to save the working class.
Is the irony really that subtle?
by Michael Wolraich on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 4:32pm
Well, it's not subtle irony (certainly not the excerpts you point out here), but it's intermingled with some relatively reasonable points - I mean, who really likes rich bankers or cares if they get waylaid by their own too-clever financial engineering?? - so it makes a reader wonder what's what. if people don't know you, they may think you're all for suicide raffles ...
by Deadman on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 4:38pm
by Michael Wolraich on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 5:19pm
I dunno. I thought the Airplane clip cleared up any lingering doubts.... FWIW.
by CaliforniaPaige on Thu, 09/25/2008 - 2:53am