by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Mitt Romney, Mormon Meets The Eye
Mitt Romney, Centrist in Disguise!
Playing with his toys on the op-ed page of The New York Times, today, David Brooks does his part in the rehabilitation of Mitt Romney by declaring that the Republican candidate in once again a center-right pragmatist, no matter what he may have said during the primaries, or when he selected Paul Ryan as his running mate, or in his unguarded moments about America's moocher class. His political opponents call it "hypocrisy," says Brooks, but the Romney who emerged in the debate is the real deal.
If that's true, then the Republican right wing voters who looked to every single other primary candidate, no matter how absurd, as a potential savior before finally bowing to the Romney machine, have been left with what they feared -- a conservative squish. Though, those voters seem to be over caring about that. Getting rid of Obama is just so important to them.
I'm skeptical that the real Mitt Romney stands for much more than wanting to be president. Is he a "severe conservative or a moderate?" Yes! No! It depends who's asking.
No doubt, Obama would rather debate a Romney that represents the beliefs of the Republican party. I think Brooks is right that Obama showed up prepped to battle "conservative" Romney. So, Brooks is taking delight in Romney's dodge.
It is true that Obama will have a tougher time in a "choice" election with moderate Romneybot. In "moderate" mode, the Romneybot deflects criticism by saying, "It's not going to be as bad as all that." Moderate Romneybot promises no tax cuts for the rich, but tax cuts for the rest of you and increased military spending and you just leave the details to him. Oh, and he'll save entitlements, too! He likes them, now! Meanwhile, Obama is genuinely moderate. And that's a problem. Because if Romney can convince people that he's just going to tweak Social Security and Medicare in some totally harmless and unobjectionable way and Obama's retort is "Simpson Bowles," then what's the difference?
It'd be nice if somebody in the press would read Brooks' column, which basically admits that the candidate faked his way through the primaries and is showing his true self now, and said, "Wait a minute? How do we know that this is his 'true self?' How many things has the Romneybot transformed into, over two attempts at the White House?"
But, I suspect that if Romney is going to try to dodge criticism by playing the "reasonable centrist," that the press will aide him in it. The press is just institutionally in favor of such a character. If a change in Romney is acknowledged, it will be presented, as Brooks did, in the best way possible, as the "real," man rising above the political environment.
Maybe Obama needs to start laying into Romney's sincerity, and not with cute "Etch a sketch," jokes that make all of his transformations seem like harmless fun. He needs to reveal Romney for what he is, an ambitious man for whom winning the White House is more important than advancing any agenda at all. He has to be revealed as a man who wants the White House so much that he will go to any lengths to get it.
Romney is Megatron.
But, I suspect that if Romney is going to try to dodge criticism by playing the "reasonable centrist," that the press will aide him in it.
From Politico:
You must be clairvoyant.
by wabby on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 12:06pm
I am going to erase the Estate Tax; I am going to lower corporate taxes by seven points, I am going to cut everybody's taxes 20%...
But it will all be revenue neutral.
I will raise everybody's SS payments by twenty percent; and it will be revenue neutral because a lot of these senile old bastards will lose health coverage and then they will die and more money will be left in the 'bucket'.
I will create twelve million jobs in four years.
I will create those jobs by doing away with the EPA, the SEC, the corporate division of the Justice Department; by opening up all Federal lands to drilling and fracking and mining; and by declaring three additional wars against three new countries (if you cannot find a job we will give you a gun to shoot lots of folks) and by lowering the minimum wage to a buck an hour.
I will cut all entitlements but increase defense spending by fifty percent.
All these things our Mitt has said or intimated or thought.
At least in my opinion.
by Richard Day on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 12:44pm
Gallup - Obama 50, Romney 45 - the first one which included a day of the post-debate world and Obama who had flat lined on 49 for two days, goes up 1. I would dare to say that Mitt transformed to late.
by Elusive Trope on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 1:25pm
I suspect you're right, it's too late. But the immediate mainstream media reaction has been to unskeptically applaud the transformation -- a reaction that is, at best, bad watchdogging.
by Michael Maiello on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 1:42pm
I would agree with you about the media. Some of it is just the desire for a close horse race, others it is ideological, and others it just bad watchdogging (or some mix of these). That is why I am looking forward to the Biden Ryan debate, because I have a feeling Crazy Uncle Joe is going to spend his time pivoting off of Ryan's budget to paint Romney Ryan as the evil capitalists they are.
by Elusive Trope on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 1:51pm
There's been lots of talk of what happens to the Republicans if Romney loses.
But none that I've read about what happens if he wins.
Lots of possibilities, but I confess my crystal ball is very cloudy on this.
If Romney were George Romney and we were back in the day, it would be easy to see what was going to happen with a moderate Republican.
But there are two many ways for this scenario to go for me to be confident.
Does it cool down our politics?
Does it push the GOP toward "the center"?
Does the Tea Party freak out at a RINO in their midst?
Do Democrats come to his rescue?
by Anonymous PS (not verified) on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 2:20pm
Some seemed to think that the Democrats would fight him tooth and nail to prevent things like cutting benefits, etc.
But I'm not so sure.
He may become Placid Dude and put everyone to sleep.
Or, he might revert to Severely Conservative Dude to get any cooperation from his party. In which case, the Democrats would fight him (I hope).
by Anonymous PS (not verified) on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 2:22pm
I think we know some of what will happen. He immediately goes after Obamacare. Let's the base have that. Israel bombs Iran. Romney goes after Medicare and Medicaid and tax reform. On the social front, Romney will use his appointments and such to shore up his legitimacy on the right. I don't think he'll be a moderating force within he party. The Tea Partiers will say that they are so right they could even win with Romney.
by Michael Maiello on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 2:53pm
Wondering what happens if Romney wins? Republicans & Wondering:
Wondering what would happen if we asked the SCOTUS to stop the counting of votes?
Wondering what would happen if we just cut taxes by $2.5 trillion?
Wondering what would happen if terrorists flew planes into buildings?
Wondering what would happen if we start CIPRO before the first anthrax letter was mailed?
Wondering what would happen if we make up some reasons, and invade Iraq?
Wondering what would happen if it isn't a cakewalk?
Wondering what would happen if we just fund it 'off the books' and it costs trillions?
Wondering what would happen if we just kept sending troops back to war, over and over?
Wondering what would happen if someone took pictures of US troops torturing people?
Wondering what would happen if a horse show guy ran FEMA?
Wondering what would happen if we said there is no Social Security Trust Fund?
Wondering what would happen if we just let Wall Street regulate itself?
Wondering what would happen if we just oppose the President on everything he does?
Wondering what would happen if we shut down the government?
Wondering what would happen if we cut Medicaid for the poor, and sent it to the states?
Wondering what would happen if we turn Medicare into vouchers?
Wondering what would happen if we just gave injured vets vouchers?
Wondering what would happen if we cut taxes again?
Wondering what would happen if we cut food stamps?
Wondering what would happen if we overturned Roe vs. Wade?
Wondering what would happen if it was even easier to buy guns, and carry them anywhere?
Wondering what would happen if we could open windows on airliners?
Wondering what would happen if Big Bird was Seamus'd to oblivion?
by NCD on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 8:27pm
Brilliant, NCD. Brilliant.
by Michael Maiello on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 10:38pm
by Flavius on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 10:46pm
Thanks. Still wondering.
Wondering what would happen if our President believed 47% of us were useless losers?
Wondering what would happen if we just kick the can down the field on Middle East peace?
Wondering what would happen if our President thought our troops were like an item on a laundry list?
by NCD on Fri, 10/05/2012 - 11:22pm
If you are wondering what kind of people he would surround himself with I think we can expect him to take the lessons he learned in his business career and to dredge the pool of available talent for individuals who have already proven themselves to his standard through previous successful endeavors. So far he has skimmed the surface and come up with nothing but bottom feeders. We will not hear about it in the debates though.
by A Guy Called LULU on Sun, 10/07/2012 - 11:51am
Romney = Decider II.
Reports today say he claims he will be 'like Reagan or Truman', Reagan freed the tiny island of Granada, and saved Texas from socialist Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, a guy who is still President there, while the nuns and priests Reagan's Iran Contra funds paid to kill are gone. Truman refused to start a nuclear war on China, and fired the guy who wanted it, megalomaniac General Douglas Mac Arthur.
Romney with his 'W's guys' will on the contrary:
Kick Obama ass
Kick liberal ass.
Kick Egyptian ass.
Kick Syrian ass.
Kick Chinese ass.
Kick Russian ass.
Kick Iran ass.
Kick ass and stop taxing the rich.
Kick deficit ass, or at least don't mention it anymore.
Kick 47% lazy good for nothing American ass.
Kick green energy ass.
Kick illegals ass.
Kick regulation ass.
Kick estate tax ass.
Kick food stamp recipient ass.
AND Kick Big Bird ass to pay for it all!
You want a silly bird, or world domination ?
by NCD on Mon, 10/08/2012 - 10:14am
I hope the American electorate will vote overwhelmingly to give Romney the bird.
by A Guy Called LULU on Mon, 10/08/2012 - 11:44am