Michael Maiello's picture

    The Tyranny of Breakfast In L.A. Schools

    At Esquire, Charles Pearce flags a National Review article wherein some person named Dennis Prager complains that free breakfasts for public school children in Los Angeles will damage the character of the city's young, who will grow up thinking that life is nothing but a bunch of government hand-outs.  Oh, and, he says, it encourages lazy parents not to feed their kids before school.

    Nobody, he says, is too poor to give their child breakfast because they can go on WebMD right now and find "five breakfast ideas for $1."  I can't waste any more time with that Prager person.  Terrible.

    But, I did find a totally other cool way to waste a moment by wading into the comments on Prager's article.

    Ladies and Gentlemen of the Dag, I give you, well, I give you this:

    "Orwellian_Dilemma blsdaniel a day ago


    • What it means is that the baby mama doesn't even have to get out of bed since the child will be able to get breakfast at school. Thus, baby mama can stay out even later. It's a liberal's paradise."

    I don't think that this person is kidding, either.

    Kids from gun toting conservative families keep accidentally shooting each other and this guy thinks the problem is party girl mothers who get to sleep in because they don't have to get up to make eggs before school.



    Heritage appears to be running out of subjects to lie about.

    Speaking of lying about; Mom still has to get the kids properly attired or at least see that they are properly attired; Mom still has to check the back packs; Mom still has to see the little buggers off to the bus after she figures out what the weather looks like in case rain geer is necessary...

    However, it takes 2 minutes (literally in the microwave and you do not need the 'quick oats' either) to cook some oatmeal, drop  in some strawberries (very cheap at this time of year) toss in some skim milk and pour a glass of juice.

    And any kid over ten should already know how to do all this!

    I sure the hell did!

    But a good breakfast might be the great equalizer, so for the first 6  grades maybe breakfast at school aint such a bad thing!

    See, I used to make my own breakfast, too.  Now, thanks to the National Review commentariat, I know it's because my mom was a whore.

    This reminds me of that Augustinian line I quoted a couple years back:

    The Church may be a whore; BUT SHE IS STILL MY MOTHER!


    Yes, and I make breakfast for kids and send them to school. When they get there they eat again because well...they are kids and qualify for it. Most kids who qualify do get something to eat at home to tie them over until they get to school. These kids here would eat their weight in Fruit Loops everyday if I would let them. Keep in mind that half of our children live in poverty because of politics. The National Review is a racist publication. Lets call it for what that published piece is a racist dog call. I wouldn't wrap dead fish in it.

    I have some conservative values. Every once in a while I find myself agreeing with some conservative on some aspect of some issue. Even sometimes with a very well known one. [Not meaning a particular one] But it is damned hard to admit it with any attribution when the Republicans call themselves “Conservative” and then assholes like this come to represent what the word has come to mean. I’ll show them I won’t vote for them. Ha!
     Good write up but I wish I hadn’t followed the link though. To calm down I am gonna get my pellet gun out of my armory and go outside and shoot a bluebird that’s been hanging around pissing me off because I aint seen it doin’ nothin’ useful all day long. I'll have it for breakfast tomorrow.

    Like they say about another bird, it's all chicken but the shit.

    Okay, it has been awhile but I hereby render unto LULU the Dayly Comment of the Day Award for this here Dagblog Site; given to all of him from all of me.

    Thanks, DD, I decided to respond with a bluebird song I remember from years past and always liked. I googled the lyrics and found that I had always heard what I wanted to hear, I guess, instead of what was actually being said. Common fault I try to avoid usually, but in this case I will keep on hearing it my old way. No harm done and I like it better that way.  Original on left. Anyway, a good song. Time to go fill my bird feeders. They aren't really for bait.

    Have a good one.


    Every time the bluebird sings                     Every time a bluebird sings
    A heart take wings to the sky                       My heart takes wings to the sky
    With bluebird grace                                      With bluebird grace
    I'll fly outta my place in your eyes                I'll fly to my place in your eyes your                                                                                   

    'Cause after all I did what I could
    And you did your best just the same
    Nobody won, we both lost
    And no one's to blame

    I'll fly away to you                                              I'll fly away to you
    Only pretending                                                 If only pretending
    We'll be like bluebirds too, Beautiful lies            And we’ll be like bluebirds through

                                                                                A beautiful life  



    Many conservatives like to cite the expression, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for the rest of his life." They like to use this expression to excuse themselves from giving a man a fish, but the moral of the story is not that we should be upset that the man isn't eating for a day, but that he isn't eating for the rest of his life. These same conservatives, of course, will typically holler with indignation if you actually decide to fund a program to teach these "men" to fish.

    Dennis Prager founded Prager University. The university was established as a beacon of educational excellence in a country filled with lesser colleges and universities that have lost sight of the founding principles of the United States. The courses are free. The lectures are in video format, and in five minutes will teach you all you need to know about any given subject.

    Heads up. I viewed one of the lectures dealing with differences between the views of men and women. Prager was the lecturer and calmly explained that it is natural for men to turn to look at women in bikinis. Prager wet on to calmly explain that the stare does not mean that the man really finds the object of his attention superior to his companion/wife, it is just a normal male reaction. Amazed at the brilliance of Prager's analysis, I let my love view the 5 minute lecture and was rewarded with a question of why I had wasted 5 minutes of her life.

    We are going out for dinner at her favorite restaurant on Friday. My treat, of course. Dang you, Dennis Prager, Dang you.

    I think I will change my name to Mr. Light.  Then, Mr. Day and I can open our own University based on the Prager University and Glenn Beck University models.  Naturally, we'd call it the Day-Light University and we would offer courses of education in Progressive thinking especially aimed at Fox News viewers.  Our motto would be:  "Without Daylight, you can't see the Truth" (except, of course, it would be written in Latin.) The courses would be extremely simple, even at times, simple-minded, but never mind that.   One step at a time.  We would first lure them in with a promise of guns and a lot of sugary foods and drinks, and we'd make the video lectures extremely short; one to two minutes of truth is more than most Fox viewers can handle.  The trick is, each degree would require thousands of repeated lecture viewings and eventually, the Progressive ideas would begin to sink in.   We would then reward graduates with entry into a job placement program secretly funded by George Soros and Rachel Maddow.   Come on DD,  let's get our new University up and running.  The fall semester is right around the corner!

    Hah...that's awesome.

    Speaking of educating our young:


    Now that's teaching to the test!

    You made your own breakfast!!! Did your mom just lay in bed and eat bon bons? Remember when that was a thing?

    Prager is a shitheel, and takes advantage of the Limbaugh type rubes who just want to believe that poor people are lazy, therefore their children should be penalized for that. You know cause they wouldn't be poor if they weren't so lazy and if they weren't getting handouts that sap your spirit from you, or some such thing. Remember, Unemployment is better than working! Rich people are rich because God deemed them smarter and better LOL rethuglicans, lol. He's playing the old social Darwinist theme, and the rubes believe it?  Why do they believe it? Because their constituencies, the folks who follow these shitheels, (Rush, Hannity, Levin, Prager, etc and so on) are dumb as rocks.

    There I said it.

    I made my own breakfast because Mom and Dad left for work before I left for school.  Funny, that.

    Ahhhhhhhhh...they were just SAYING they were going to work.


    Which reminds me, we have in this nation single mothers who work two jobs for chrissakes and that aint funny.

    And those repub sombitches will never acknowledge this fact. 

    My grandkid has two hard working parents and there is nothing easy about being a parent these days! Especially when the baby has just reached the age of one!

    If one of those parents is mentally ill or just a screw up the burden on the remaining parent goes up exponentially!

    And like Momoe says; as kids get older they get hungrier and like the Hobbits they will not mind a second breakfast!


    Yeah cheack, we used to make our own breakfasts, too. Now, thanks to the National Review commentariat, I know it's as my mom was a whore.
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