The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree




    "Come here nigga and let me teach yo crazy, animal ass about the Lord. The first thing you got to learn is to Love thy Neighbor . . . especially me."
    "Yes sir, Massa. Why would anybody not love you, Sir? You so good to me, Massa. Anybody don't love you needs to have they ass beat real good, Massa."

    "Shut up, nigga. I'm talkin'."
    "Listen, you been blessed already, and you don't even know the Lord. The Lord made it where you don't have to worry 'bout a thing. I feed you, I put clothes on yo nasty ass, and I give you a shed to sleep in, and all you have to do is whatever the hell I tell you to. Do you know how blessed you are?"
    "Oh yes indeed I do, Massa. You take good care of me. I's so happy."
    "Now, listen real good 'cause dis impotant. God said, thou shalt not steal from me, thou shalt not kill (unless I tell you to), thou shalt not stick another coon's wife (unless we tryin' to make some mo niggas), and nigga, whatever you do, thou shalt not even look like you want to stick a white woman, or we gon lynch you black ass. You here me, nigga?"
    "Oh yes, Massa. We know dat! But Massa, I thought you said thou shalt not kill?"
    "Dat means people, fool - real people! Dat don't go for niggas. God wants us to keep you in yo place."
    "Dat's right, Massa. We sho gotta keep niggas in dey place. No tellin' what a happen if we let dese niggas git loose. God so smart."
    "I said shut up, nigga, and listen to the word."
    "The next thing you got to learn is, whatever happens on this plantation is God's will bein' done. And if you listen to me, you'll get to live like I do when you die and go to heaven."
    "Live like you, massa? A nigga ain't got no business livin' dat good. What a Po nigga like me gon do with all this? You know I ain't got sense enough to run nothin' like this."
    "Just shut up, nigga!" When you dead you gon get some sense - the lord gon give it to you. The Lord can do anything, even give sense to a nigga. And he gon give you all the other niggas you gon need to help you in the fields, too."
    "Massa, you so good to me! Thank you for tellin' me all dis. I'm gon be a good nigga - the best nigga you ever seened. Look, I'm gon pray for you right now, and thank the Lord for givin' me so good a massa."
    "Shut up and get up off your knees, ya dumb nigga! The fields need tendin'! You pray to the Lord on your own time. God don't won't you talkin' to him when you s'pose to be workin'."
    "A couse, Massa. What I been thinkin'? I's so dumb. I don't know why you put up with me, Sir."
    "How many times I got to tell you to shut the hell up, nigga?"
    "Yes Sir, I's a shuttin', Massa. I's a shuttin', right now."
    "Now get yo ass out there in that field and let's get some work done around here . . . Oh, and Toby, have yo woman meet me in the barn. I need to tell her 'bout the Lord too."
    "Yes sir, Massa."
    "And another thing, Toby, if my momma come a lookin', tell her I'm playin' in my tree house."
    "Why you gon go fibbin' to yo momma, Mr. Tommy? She knows you like to sit wit Lou Ann."
    "Just shut up, nigga, and do what I said! And tell Lou Ann to wear that pretty dress I like, cause we gon be talkin' 'bout the Lord, so it's gon be like chuch."
    "Yes Sir, Mr. Tommy . . ."
    "Whaaaaaaat a friend we have in Jeeeeesus . . ."

    FOR ALL."


    Hmmmmmmmm . . . No shit?

    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]
    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    GW Bush played the Christianist card with scare tactics about Gay marriage. Bush had an outreach program and a willing group of Black Christianist pastors.He managed to get up to 20% of the Black vote in Ohio and in pockets in Florida. Tue Black Christians did not fall for the Bush ploy and voted for the guy who supported Gay rights.Once Bush got the votes he needed, he abandoned the outreach program. The Black Christianists were left high and dry. The Black Christianists will have little impact on the election. Black voters are wiser.

    From a religious standpoint, it is interesting to watch how Evangelical Christianists can turn there beliefs on a political dime. Catholicism was a cult led by a guy in a pointy hat according to dyed in the wool Christianists, but the anti-abortion/ anti-contraceptive platform gave the Christianists, what they love, another group to hate....Women and logically, morally thinking men.

    Romney is a Mormon. Mormons believe that man can become God on Earth, Mormons were a cult until they saw a chance for Romney to get to the White House.

    The last people who can give moral direction are Black Christianists. Eddie Long is still a "Bishop" with a church after having used his position as the head of a church to lure young men into sexual acts. 

    If these Christianists care so much for Black babies, maybe they should be providing more meals to the communities and let some of the Rolexes, Ferragamos and Escalades go.

    I share you outrage that we have to listen to these false prophets spew their hate.

    If you take away their fire and brimstone selective Bible quotations, you will find they have no idea about the message of love in the Bible. It is what we call "the Good News".

    MLK Jr said " the arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice". These hateful shysters will have to answer for their sins.

    RM, you said,

    "These hateful shysters will have to answer for their sins." But if the arc of the universe really does bend towards justice, I'd get to see them answer for their sins. Since I have to watch them profit from their demagoguery, I deserve that opportunity - and I need it. That's what's sent me on the mission that I'm on - right never wins anymore. We've got to change that.



    They are paying. When you think of Strom Thurman you think of a man who used his position to force himself on a 16 year old Black maid and hide the daughter born from the assault. So much for Southern gentlemen.

    Just today, we learn of the indiscretions of Dinesh D'souza of "The End of Racism" fame. D'souza's hatchet job on Liberals and his recent anti-Obama film resulted in the true nature of D'souza being exposed.

    They are being exposed. Just like good old "Bishop" Eddie Long"

    Initially when I read  your post, I became inflamed that something so offensive was even published here.  Well, that lasted a nanosecond - just long enough for me to see the picture.  Then I was angry, saddened and hurt as I acknowledged the need for this to be posted.  It is so important that we never forget or deny the truths of our nation's history.  I would go so far as to state that today, with the apparent insurgence of vicious and ignorant bigotry within our country still and again, that yes, this is an important and needed reminder. 

    As I've stated before, one of my mother's greatest gifts was teaching me that bigotry is the mindset of the ignorant.  Only those who find little to no value within themselves and theirs attempt to suppress and harm others.   Bigots are ignorant bullies and cowards.  Their actions never have merit.

    We also must always stand up and speak out against the words and actions of bigotry because to not do so makes us no better and in reality, their supporters.  No amount of rationalization can change that fact.

    While I abhor the words and actions depicted in your post, I sadly concede the need for the message.

    Thank you.



    I have this obsession with Pat Robertson.

    He starts off on TV pleading for dollars to help some poor widow with no teeth or some such...

    He ends up with 90 million bucks in his fucking pocket by 'selling' his family god speak network.

    I dunno; I played my life wrong. I should have bet on delusion and made a hundred million selling fish to fishermen.

    So many preachers, white and black, make the most of what they have to give.

    Some of them are saints like MLK and some of them are just Carney Barkers; speaking the 'Word' and building their palaces.

    Such is as it has always been.

    Just as an aside I watched that prick son of Billy Graham on CNN with the English idiot and I almost threw up.

    Black preachers like Obama's Wright spent almost all their lives helping single mothers, helping felons find jobs, helping the homeless find shelter from the storm, helping good working parents keep their homes in the midst of recession, helping the lost with maps toward survival....

    I just viewed some silliness on Robertson's network claiming that some 'battles' that were won by the 'right folks' can only be explained by the HAND OF GOD.

    Some of them are saints like MLK and some of them are just Carney Barkers; speaking the 'Word' and building their palaces.

    MLK, Jr. did many great things, but he was no saint. I think it behooves us to remember that rarely are things so clear-cut. Of course, it helps that I don't believe in saints. wink