by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results - like voting on false choices in rigged elections with predetermined outcomes.
As they've done so many times in the past, on Tuesday 6 November 2012 American voters will go to the polls to decide absolutely nothing. At least not at the presidential level, where electing either corporate-controlled Democratic puppet Obama or corporate-controlled Republican puppet Romney will mean a continuation of perpetual wars for profit and oil abroad and continued constitutional erosion and decline into police-state fascism at home:
Of course they supposedly differ on social and other wedge issues the ruling elite contrive, revive and broadcast incessantly through mainstream media to keep people divided and fighting each other rather united and fighting them. But once they get elected, what really changes?
After two disastrous terms with Dubya, Obama was sold to the Sheeple as "Change" incarnate in 2008. But what really changed? Goldman Sachs alum were in charge at the Treasury under Bush; Goldman Sachs alum are in charge at the Treasury now... Wall Street got bailed out while Main Street got sold out under Bush; that continues under Obama, but now we call it a "jobless recovery"... Our Military/Intelligence/Terrorism Industrial Complex had a blank check under Bush. Our Military/Intelligence/Terrorism Industrial Complex has a blank check now... In Iraq, hundreds of thousands died and trillions of dollars were wasted *after* Dubya declared "Mission Accomplished"; the death and destruction continues today, long *after* Obama declared our troops would be "home for the holidays"... Under Bush, we went to war in Afghanistan with Pakistan as our "ally"; under Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama the war has expanded, the situation has worsened, and American bombs and drones are now killing innocent civilians on both sides of the Af-Pak border and around the globe as well... Dubya gave us the USA Patriot Act and AUMF 2001, under which he declared executive authority to waive habeus corpus and hold American citizens in indefinite detention without charge or trial; Obama renewed the Patriot Act and signed NDAA 2012, which codified indefinite detention of American citizens by military as well as civilian authorities... Dubya filled Guantanamo with 9/11 scapegoats; Obama's complicity guarantees none of them will ever get their day in open court... Dubya and Darth first used armed Predator drones to take out suspected terrorists - or innocent men, women and children asleep in their mud huts - in Af-Pak in 2001; Obama signed HR 658 releasing 30,000 such drones into American skies... Dubya used "free speech zones" to corral and avoid American citizens exercising their First Amendment Rights; Obama signed HR 347, making the exercise of those rights where and how it matters most a felony...
It is said that the Republican Party exists to make the Democratic Party look like a viable alternative to wannabe revolutionaries who don't really wanna be revolutionaries. But does it? Clearly the Democrats and Republicans have the same core agenda and answer to the same global elite, so voting for the candidates of either merely perpetuates their "two-party tyranny":
So short of storming the Bastille, what options remain for the few Americans who actually give a damn about something other than sports scores, spoiled celebrities, (un)reality shows, choice-limiting apps for their slave-built iPhones and inconsequential updates to their Fakebook pages? Writing for Global Research, Professor Peter Phillips credits Chris Hedges with this suggestion:
"Don't waste any more time or energy on the presidential election than it takes to get to your polling station and pull a lever for a third-party candidate - just enough to register your obstruction and defiance - and then get back out onto the street. That is where the question of real power is being decided."
Others will say "Vote for Nobody!" in alignment with Wally Conger's Anti-Electorate Manifesto:
"We, the Anti-Electorate, do not believe there is a need for 'strong leadership' in government. We are not drawn to 'intellectual' authorities and political 'heroes'. We are not impressed with titles, ranks, and pecking orders - politicians, celebrities, and gurus. We do not struggle for control of organizations, social circles, and government. We do not lobby the State for favors or permission to control those with whom we disagree. Rather, we advocate freedom. By its very nature, the State does not. Exercise your right to say "No" to the warfare - welfare system. Refuse to vote. Then tell your friends why."
Still others are asking themselves what Thomas Jefferson would do if he were alive to see what a mess we've made of things, and these words of his are really making the rounds:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Personally, I'd like to see us get to what I previously called "that point":
"The traditional Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative, Democrat/Republican dichotomy is a false and failing paradigm propagated by the powers-that-be to perpetuate division. The true political spectrum is not a straight line but a circle: There is a point where Far Left meets Far Right, where Anarchism merges with Libertarianism and these and the rest of our outmoded labels melt away. In that point must we place our hope, for only from that point can we build a better future."
If we can't get to "that point", then storming the Bastille may be the only alternative.
IronBoltBruce via VVV PR ( | @vvvpr )
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Here's Genghis' refutation…
by Verified Atheist on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 2:05pm
I saw no "refutation" there...
by ironboltbruce on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 2:36pm
I mean that you're refuting his point, not vice-versa…
by Verified Atheist on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 2:53pm
This kind of bothers me. Cultural and social issues are not "contrived," they are real and present. Either same sex couples can marry or they cannot. Either homosexuals can serve openly in the military, or they cannot. Medicinal marijuana is either legal or not. Social Security benefits are actually meaningfully indexed to inflation or they are not. You have the right to own and carry a gun, or you do not. You have freedom of reproductive choice, or you do not. Your health insurance company either can or can't exclude you based on pre-existing conditions.
These are not phony, made up issues. Obama actually has delivered what I would consider to be positive results on some of them.
by Michael Maiello on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 2:50pm
by NCD on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 8:10pm
Are you responsible for the coinage of "Bushbamney"? If so, congrats, that's the first savvy P.R. trick I've seen you produce. It's snappy, it's catchy, and it gets the point across without the need for your usual hyperbolic harangue, mho. S'rsly!
by artappraiser on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 11:03pm
In the end, you don't offer anything but some abstract "point" as a solution. What is the point's position on the Israel/Palestine issue? Strip mining and clean coal? Abortion? Health care? Where does the state rights override the feds'? How much regulation on businesses is too much regulation? You know, the stuff that makes up the actual work of governing?
The reason that labels such as left and right, etc emerge is that people find themselves on opposing views of these issues.
In the end, the anarchists and libertarians who you seem to idolize want to get rid of government because they have taken the easy and erroneous path of believing all the ills of society are a result of government. In a lot of ways they are either the source of the problem or hinder addressing the problem.
But the notion that if government just gets out of the way is a simpleton's view of the situation.
Fixing government (and parties involved in it - something Ramona's blog addresses) is neither glamorous or ever fully achievable. It doesn't offer the hollywood induced romanticization of some revolution. It is frustrating with as many defeats as victories, if one is lucky. But that is a democracy.
The wealthy have always controlled things, and when they haven't fully controlled things, they have the upper hand. And when I say always, I mean when one looks back over the whole of history.
So keep dreaming your dream of this point that has never existed and never will. And while you do so, you are avoiding the real frustrating work of participating in a democracy.
by Elusive Trope on Sat, 05/19/2012 - 2:29pm
Participate children, remain calm, be pacified.
by Resistance on Sat, 05/19/2012 - 9:50pm