by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I ran into this piece at the Beast.
Ann Coulter is disillusioned?
How would Coulter have misinterpreted a Trump Administration?
I guess the bleat from this rotten shegoat mainly focuses upon the nonexistent wall?
Ann who has sold herself to the devil for chrissakes?
Ann who loves to establish her own racist views?
Ann who pretends to be 40 when she is 51? hahahahahah
Ann who has focused upon issues that would put normal women in peril?
Ann who hates poor folks.
Ann who hates minorities.
Ann who hates any form of progress for our society?
I dunno why, but I am so happy, I am so vitalized, I am so ecstatic with regard to Ann's unhappiness.
I just hate her.
I have always hated her.
I am sure that I will continue to hate her.
I mean, Ann is unhappy and that makes me happy and there is no sense to any of this.
Perhaps you are aware, DD, of facts I am not. But suggesting that Stormy Daniels is a "whore", as the title of your blogpost does, may not be justifiable.
I have understood (misunderstood?) "whore" as a person who exchanges sex for money.
Daniels may have done this and you may be aware that this has been factually established.
But performing in adult films in which she has sex isn't prostitution, even though she is earning money for her performance.
And having sex with Trump for (most likely, it would appear) business development reasons, without an exchange of money at the time this occurred, wouldn't seem to fit the definition, either.
With Ann Coulter, there is no evidence I'm aware of that she is, among the other things she is, also a whore. Regardless of whether one holds a negative opinion about prostitution and people who engage in it, and about Coulter, or not.
I am no fan of Coulter but I do have some sympathy, surprising to me, for her in regards to her scheduled speech at Berkeley which ended up not occurring on account of what the university said were threats of violence. Sad from my point of view that this would happen at Berkeley with its history of advocacy for free speech.
Anyway, I'm over-analyzing this to a possibly comical degree. But just a word of suggested caution, for whatever this is worth, about calling people whores, regardless of what one thinks of the practice.
(I know: boring. Sometimes one chooses to risk perceptions of boring some in order to defend others' dignity, though.)
by AmericanDreamer on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 2:05pm
This is not a stupid response to this post. Not at all.
Sex for money would include porno flick actors. To most people I guess.
If you have sex with that guy, I will pay you.
If you drive on the streets, looking for some relief, well....
That might end up in a misdemeanor charge?
However, I do detest Coulter.
I despise her.
That is a fact.
I see no manner in which I would see her as some important voice in America.
I am sorry.
I see no good facet of her being.
the end
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 2:24pm
I'm curious ... what do you think about men and women who act in "R" rated films in the "mainstream"? Rumors always surface that the sex scenes are not necessarily fake, then are either denied or not by the actors involved, but if they are does it matter? Does a film that depicts actors participating in sexual acts in the most realistic manner possible while claiming they never actually "Did It" deserve less of a puritan response that an in-your-face porn flick?
Sorry, Dick, that's not the point of your post ... yes, Ann Coulter is everything you said and more (but, ahem, not a whore
by barefooted on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 2:59pm
From Stormy’s own mouth in a cnn interview:
Anne Coulter has generated and spewed so much hate that I am incapable of sympathy for her. She takes money for making hate. Maybe we need a brand new word for that. “Toxician” sounds too academic.
by CVille Dem on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 2:28pm
I have the impression pretty much everything she says and does in the public eye is to advance her business. That sort of discipline, if that is an apt term here, may contribute to her success as a businesswoman.
Outwardly thick skin notwithstanding, that doesn't to my mind excuse other people using a possibly false, ordinarily derogatory term intending to demean her (edit to add: not you, Cville Dem, of course)
As has been pointed out, unlike Coulter, she doesn't peddle hatred. Reconsidering in response to the comments, I'd have to say I don't so much feel sympathy for Coulter over the Berkeley incident so much as some dismay that it is progressives (perhaps falsely--the threats may have come from fellow Coulter-like right wing haters with the idea of trying to force a cancellation and then blame it on progressives, which is what the media narrative that I have seen has been on this incident) that have taken blame for the threats of violence that led to cancellation of her speech there.
by AmericanDreamer on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 3:08pm
Well, I’ll leave it here:
You’re right. I didn’t say Stormy was a whore. She said it about herself.
But I do think that as these two words are currently used, Anne Coulter is a “Media Whore,” which isn’t my problem with her. It is her hatefulness, and the harm she does whenever she writes or speaks that I can’t stand.
by CVille Dem on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 3:27pm
I agree. Dick, your post makes your point, and it's a good one - but your title detracts from it.
by barefooted on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 2:42pm
Yeah Missy, I even contemplated taking it down?
I aint using that word again.
Unless, of course I am writing about Spanky Trump.
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 2:29pm
I'm surprised there haven't been more Spanking the (orangish) Monkey comments around this little incident. As for "the word", you're the one who's had to go through life with an obscenity as yout name. Maybe you're just trying to right the table - bridge the dickotomy of things, so to speak, show the universality of it all. Anyway, you've had your say, and caused quite a rictus, stuck your Dick in it to use a well-trod (ouch!) experession, but as we've learned with you, tomorrow's just another Day.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 3:09pm
Conservatives have gone out of their way to make us hate them. They have ridiculed us for years. They despise women’s and minorities. They have claimed moral superiority. They talk of fiscal responsibility and defending the country from foreign threats. Yet we see they they have no core political beliefs. Their only goal is to make “Progressive “heads explode”. You feel disgust when you see them on your television screen. They have become caricatures.
A former Supreme Court Justice argues that the Second Amendment should be abolished. In the past, there would have been gnashing of teeth. Multiple people would have yelled to the rooftops that Progressives weren’t coming after guns. Now, it is accepted that trying to explain anything to Conservatives is impossible. Conservatives believed that we were coming after their guns before the ex-Justice spoke. Conservatives believe that we are coming after guns now. They photoshopped a picture of a Parkland student “tearing up the Constitution” and the rubes bought it. They make up their own reality. Nothing we say changes them.
Ann Coulter was a general in the alternate reality army. She made us hate her.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 2:46pm
For thousands of years women weren't allowed to own property, so the only thing they could technically sell is their own asses (and other cherished body parts), and even there it was a matter of dispute, as they were often just passing from father's ownership to husband/harem's keep (Slavic languages maintain a possessive "of" ownership for female name endings), with a dowry for the male to sell that female real estate, and transactions outside that line were taboo.
Unlike most other real estate, the simple act of land use here was rumored to "ruin" that little patch of goodness, and so lease arrangements that prospered in other spheres were frowned upon, euphemistically replaced with "selling oneself" as if this were a good for single time consumption, rather than say a fun park where one simply goes on a ride for a ticket.
Intrinsic to this bit of wordplay was the idea that males were built for humping - ever seen a pecker wear out? - whereas those lady bits and the enshrouding rest-of-the-lady had only a finite number of throw downs before it was off-to-pasture/child-rearing/field picking/insane asylum and time for trophy wife #N.
As we've approached modern times, this rather archaic view of the order of things has subsided significantly, but not as quickly as say the development of self-driving cars and trips to the moon might suggest possible. Much of this has to do with the latent effect of religion, which aside from spiritual questions, also serves to codify the value system of the stone age and Middle Ages so that modern people can still behave as if they were dressing in loin cloths and foraging for their next meal, or transfixed by the awful mysterious lessons of the presumably God-given plague that wiped out 1/3 of Europe or the Mongol & other hordes that stormed the bulwarks for centuries. Yes, we have science, but it seems we also need a primitive conscience to keep us on our heels when we thought we'd left the primate's abode.
Much of this is due to psychology, from the Greek mythical figure Psyche, meaning "mind fuck" if my poor Greek skills serve me right, but that's in tandem with the untamed body that the Psyche is supposed to be fucking over (or "containing and controlling", to choose Google definition #2). So Psyche or soul was supposed to be better than body (unless you were inquisitive like Eve, in which case "why can't you stay content picking fruit all day?")
Still, there are a couple of issues that reflect on usage of the word "whore" in its various intents. First, is that sex is still tied closely to pregnancy, and will likely be for a few hundred years more (the side-effects and effectiveness of contraception is still a bit of a dodgy science, and chemical day (week) after abortion is still running the gauntlet with traditional coat-hanger / outright ban approaches, though it must be said both Ireland and Poland have major pro-choice rebellions bubbling up as I write).
A second issue is that sex means *something*, something we're often not quite sure of, and certainly most women don't seem to be the "it doesn't matter" type that say Stormy Daniels seems to promote, even if there are varying valuations of what a single sexual encounter or a particular affair means emotionally and psychically, attunement or not to Sex & The City-type one-nighters, tied in with internal handling of issues like fidelity ("good for me, not for thee" and so on). So we have inner turmoils of just how precious sex is vs. "promiscuousness" or simply not cherishing it as much as the good book or the local inn says is proper. This of course still applies more for girls than guys, who are supposed to experiment but somehow get most of their whore-hopping out of the way by 25 or so, to return as a Prodigal Son. (not many Prodigal Daughters celebrated through the ages). Who those whores to hop are is seldom discussed, but we can think of it as kind of our Untouchables Touchables caste, being somewhat fortunate that we got rid of the stoning and the dutiful wifely pyre parts of Hindu/Aryan culture.
And as evolved, the word "whore" has evolved to mean also the selling off of values or beliefs or responsibilities that should be held more sacred, should be preserved. This analogy is *still* much more used for females than males, and when used in ways like "media whore" for the dudes often has a subtext of "boys will be boys" or "we really weren't expecting any better". But of course there are few beliefs these days that anyone holds steadfast - everything's up for renegotiation, for fanaticism, for aligning with some tribe or clique or other ad hoc belief system. Few of us are lucky enough to be paid for the abandonment of principles (except the obvious surrender of most rights when we take any employment). Most of us know well to shut up if our "free speech" rights might get us locked up or sacked or in a fist fight, etc. - it's usually just not worth it.
But part of the reason I'm writing so long over this is Lennon's line "You think you're so clever and classless and free... but you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see." We're still not that comfortable in our own skins, male or female. We still don't understand psychology, much less the interplay between physiology and cognition. We're still babes in the woods as to the full ramifications of sexuality, meaning we often hold contradictory sentiments that our species is unlikely to resolve anytime soon, aside from the small part that's handled through mechanics and scientific advancement. And then there's the social placement of women - which despite the seemingly good news of #MeToo and #MillionWomanMarch looks to be still a long hard slog for the masses.
Is Stormy an admirable character? well, if she bolsters your tribal politics, it's probably fair to say yes, even as evangelicals have played fast and loose with their own rules and allegiances. Aside from that, Males (and some females) seem to require parading nudity with varying degrees of actual sex to keep their libidos simmering - it's hard to say catering to a basic human need is *bad*, though we also tend to grade things on scales, so how high up do we place it as compared to nursing, politics, horticulture (pun intended), STEM jobs and mothering. While we can all pretty well agree what Ann Coulter is, I'd say we're likely on new ground with Ms. Daniels. What do you tell the kids, for one? What do you tell yourself for two.
PS - and yeah, it all varies greatly between cultures.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 7:00am
In parts of Europe the terms is "sex workers". When on a family vacation last year we went on a guided group tour with a sex-worker advocate in Amsterdam through the brothel part of town. With our kids, 21 and 19 at the time. I found it interesting, for sure.
It also felt very uncomfortable for me as their father (I caved to my beloved's idea on this). I think this was mostly because of unresolved conflict, of the sort you wrote about in your comment PP, about what sex is "supposed" to mean to an upstanding, self-respecting human as I would like to think our kids are and will be. My own views and habits on these issues are long-held, work for me, and are not at issue. It's the parenting implications I became uncomfortable about and was not really ready to deal with especially well, in hindsight. Is it "ok" to pay for "meaningless" sex? Is "casual" sex, what some of the college kids these days refer to as "f*** buddies" or "friends with benefits", sex with someone one is not in a relationship (however understood, or not) with, ok?
Not sure if this is related, or should properly be seen as part of some broader trend, but views on dope use have changed greatly since when I was a college student. Back then, in the circles I frequented--I'm sure different circles viewed things differently--other students who were into frequent use of weed were sometimes referred to as "stoners". That was not meant to signify the worst thing a person could be. But it was not meant as a compliment, either. These days weed legalization is quite the rage, on campus after campus. Maybe we're wanting easier, more convenient and less expensive ways to dull the pain.
by AmericanDreamer on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 11:11am
The red-light district thing bores me, and it's curious in that the Dutch are much more conservative than reputation. And as a business, there are a number of people involved and rather tawdry unethical practices. Outside of that, I.m less judgmental but still not very stimulated - I like attraction and effort as the currency, even though sometimes short-circuiting the transaction is tempting. But it's not Pretty Lady by any means (read the original of that script).
Casual sex? Sounds good. Don't recall starting out thinking "I just want someone to settle down with forever and have kids to propagate the species. And maybe have sex." Deeper relationships are nice, but not everyone has the time and disposition. Different strokes, literally... and do kids need the added pressure of trying to make every encounter "the one"? Mass silliness.
I saw a nice article on how many pot smokers are more active and outdoorsy and content than the stereotypical stoner. Things have evolved a long way since the 60's and before.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 11:35am
All of that on whores and madonnas et. al..
And, but, this
I would argue that the typical usage of the word doesn't really fit here much at all. Because Stormy Daniels has been the director and writer of 78 porn films since 2004. Which puts her in the role of someone who manipulates an audience's desires for profit rather than a sex worker. And to my mind Anne Coulter is pretty much in the exact same line of work.
by artappraiser on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 11:35am
Yeah, they're both kind of on top of the heap, so to speak. Just being a porn actor or street walker or stripper are 90-whatever % tough lives with a ton of tough stories, though some manage to find a comfortable groove. But then most journalists make crap wages for a lot of words and effort and frequently danger in a dwindling business - unless you're a phony-for-hire like Ann who has the right looks and parrots the right talk to keep her in the right-wing aquarium.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 11:41am
I like the sound of this early Stormy script as a metaphor for Anne Coulter, I clicked on the summary because the title was so intriguing:
Camp Cuddly Pines Powertool Massacre (2005 Video)
Five college students, Kirsten, Meghan, Rayford, Todd, and Josh, on their way to a rock concert, get detoured to a remote closed down summer camp where they get stalked and killed off one by one by a masked killer, while in between the bloodletting, they find plentiful time to "get it on" with one another.
by artappraiser on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 11:45am
aka Texas Chainsex Massager. Bet they weren't allowed to get too close to actual titles.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 12:09pm
I could also include Laura Ingram in the category of fascist feminines.
Laura has her own show for chrissakes.
And now she attacks teen-agers who were shot at?
by Richard Day on Thu, 03/29/2018 - 2:37pm
Here's how you take care of Laura, who was once a member of the "hot new young conservative" group and probably still sees that when she looks in the mirror. You do the old fogie "hey you kids get off my lawn" and "I walked 20 miles to school in the snow" thing on her:
I am sick of these kids demanding safe spaces by Alexandra Petri @ WaPo
Once she gets the old fogie label, it's gonna be real hard to sell the brand to anyone these days. The few conservatives who are truly young aren't gonna care what she has to say if she is seen as an old fogie who disses da yuth.
by artappraiser on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 12:01am
AA, all I can think of is this here song to describe my emotional response to this woman:
by Richard Day on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 7:05am
Dick... giggles...
by oldenGoldenDecoy on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 6:42am
Thanks Ducky!
This is a great twitter feed, for sure.
And it is hilarious.
by Richard Day on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 6:56am
Also,reminds me I should post this here for posterity:
Ann Coulter: Trump is a 'shallow, lazy ignoramus' | TheHill
Coulter is still on this meme, this is her latest tweet:
and her second latest is also bashing the Koch Bros. and GOP Congress for supposedly supporting lax borders:
by artappraiser on Fri, 04/06/2018 - 2:41pm