The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    SCAAMD Trick or Treat: October Surprise

    The BBC reports this morning that Syria is claiming four U.S. helicopter gunships struck a construction area in a village within its territory just across the border from Iraq, killing eight, including a boy and a woman. Apparently, the U.S....
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sun/Mon 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    quinn esq's picture

    The Amazing, Technicolor Economy (7 Fat Cows)

    Diary - 10/26/08: Old man Genesee's house burnt down. Went thru the ashes, only found a few of the effects. Btwn the fire, rain & liquor, not much salvage value. Just scraps of paper. Mad/hatter stuff. Articles + Bible...
    Barth's picture

    Rounding Third

    Cross posted at DailyKos, and The Public ServantThe Bob and Ray version of the end of Curt Gowdy's Red Sox pregame show on the late WHDH had them saying that they were rounding third and getting thrown out at the...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sat/Sun 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Fri/Sat 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Thurs/Fri 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    CVille Dem's picture

    Some questions about the New Improved TPM

    I am pleased with many of the changes here, and I realize that the things that aren't working for me are likely things I haven't figured out yet.  1.  How do you track your comments to see if you have...
    quinn esq's picture

    My Brain - On Bottled Water (Plus Creedence.)

    Dentists. Four trips in a row, four times this month. Each time I lay there, lip frozen, nose frozen, one eye blind, the other blinking like McCain, staring up at CNN as the Dow goes cliff-diving over Iowa. Dr...
    stillidealistic's picture

    I'm Glad I'm Not Alone...

    I tried to not post this, but I couldn't help myself...It's just too funny, and it really did help to validate that I'm not the only person in the country making myself nuts over this election...
    mageduley's picture

    Oliver Stone's Newest Movie Trailer: "P" (for Palin)

    With the success of Stone's current film "W", the filmaker has decided to to embark on another political saga. Coming soon to a desktop near you!Oliver Stone 'P.' Full Trailer | Funny Jokes at JibJabI have to see this when...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Wed/Thurs 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    wws's picture

    A Handmaid's Tale: Margaret Atwood Explains It All

    You've probably read Margaret Atwood's A Handmaid's Tale; you may or may not have gone back to her beginnings and read, in chronological order, every word she has ever written -- whether novel, essay or poetry. IMO, not a wasted moment.Now...

    Setting the Record Straight on "Palin 5.0"

    Josh, your 10/20, 7:15 pm blog entry <a href="">"Palin 5.0"</a>, as I read it, is misleading and unfair to Palin.     The blog entry reads simply and in full: "Palin calls reports of hollered threats at rallies 'atrocious and unacceptable.'"   ...

    Get ready for a democrat from Idaho.

    I'm so excited I could just burst!  I have been watching my local congressional race - in blood-red Idaho and doing a bit of clandestine campaigning.  As I have mentioned previously, the congressional race in Idaho's 1st is way closer...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Tues/Wed 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    mageduley's picture

    3rd Grader Asks "What Does VP Do?" Palin answers "The VP is <i>in charge of the United States Senate"</i>

    I am not kidding! Check out the video below. Did you know that the VP can get in there with the senators if he/she wants to and make "good policy changes"? "The vice president has a really great job. Because...

    "Oui, on peut -- Yes we can!" OBAMA ZYDECO FROM LOUISIANA 2008!

    In the growing genre of Obama music, this is one of the best!!!   It had me from Gumbobama!  ...
    stillidealistic's picture

    What Can We Do For Obama's Tutu?

    Since I heard about Obama's grandmother (Tutu, for Hawaiians) it's been weighing on my mind that she may not live long enough to see him elected President. I'm wondering what, if anything we might be able to do to let...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Mon/Tues 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    mageduley's picture

    Must See! Colin Powell - Country First

    This video revisits Powell's statements this weekend and is coupled with pics emphasizing his views. His wise words and true patriotism - shows what this country really stands for and should be an example for us all. Wow! I am...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sun/Mon 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Sat/Sun 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...

    Why McCain is a Coward

    If John McCain were any kind of man, he wouldn't hide his depraved campaign conduct behind debates and talk-show appearances that display a kinder, gentler politician than the one smearing Barack Obama.While he has often pleaded ignorance of the ads...

    A Thought on Countering the Sleaze

    I'm wondering if the Obama campaign has considered doing some TV ads that have Obama standing with police officers, fire fighters, emergency medical folks, etc. as they talk about why they and their organizations are supporting Obama?  At the...
