The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Steve McQueen Standard -- How Will History Judge Us?

    I've just been watching Steve McQueen in The Great Escape, a story about American soldiers caught by nasty Germans and held prisoner during WWII.  The soldiers are held in internment camps, and are subjected to verbal and physical abuse.  The...

    Good God, What's Happened to This Country?

    If you haven't yet read the TPM frontpage items in the left-hand column titled "McCain's Legions" and "A Doozy" and watched the videos they headline, you will be stunned by the time you have.Here it is 3:45 in the morning...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Fri/Sat 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    quinn esq's picture

    Levi Stubbs' Tears

    Levi Stubbs died today. I grew up listening to the Four Tops, late at night, sitting out in the car to pick up the stations.  Later, one of the best nights of my life, in a Detroit bar, my buddy...

    STRAY THOUGHTS: If This Is "myTPM beta Blog"...

    ...does that make me a beta-blogger?...

    Palin's Speechwriters Display Their Power, Belittle Sarah, and Even Give Shout-out To Palin Staffers' Power

    I found this morning's WaPo write-up of Palin's Thursday activities to be quite revealing.  And, a bit disturbing.  Unless Palin was actually ad-libbing (or wrote some of her own material), the speechwriters had her say that she was begging them:...
    CVille Dem's picture

    What is Wrong With "Spreading the Wealth?"

    I came across this at Huffpo: Mr. McCain's advisers said that in his speeches, television advertisements and mailings, he would seize on a remark Mr. Obama made in an encounter with an Ohio voter, Joe Wurzelbacher, who had pressed him...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Thurs/Fri 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...

    Is "Plumber Joe" Connected to Keating?

    OK, this is hardly confirmed yet.  But the rumors make me want to see some research done on this guy.  Especially because his original story doesn't add up IMO.From the blog of someone called Martin Eisenstadt:If Steve Schmidt had any...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Wed/Thurs 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updtaed Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...

    Joe the Plumber says Obama tap danced "almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr."

    On CBS's webcast after TV debate coverage, Joe Wurzelbacher (the Plumber) told Katie Couris that he wanted to ask Obama tough questions, but "Unfortunately, that's all I got. A tap dance. Almost as good as Sammy Davis, Jr." Is it...
    mageduley's picture

    Video of the Day: Jon Stewart - McCain 4.0 (hilarious)

    Forget the talking hairdos - Jon Stewart is my favorite pundit. In this ditty, the right has created great anticipation frenzy among McCain supporters over a totally new stump speech. The right waits with baited breath, then hangs on McCain's...
    mageduley's picture

    Keith slams McCain on incitement

    I absolutely adore Keith Olbermann. I was so incensed that McCain could actually try to play the victim of Lewis' admonition rather than look at what is being done in his name on the campaign trail. But I cannot do...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Tues/Wed 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    quinn esq's picture

    America's 2nd Most Important Election Was Held Today

    The 2nd most important election for Americans (after Obama/McCain) was held today. And I just voted. More important than the North Carolina or Minnesota Senate race, or who is Governor of California or Mayor of New York, more important...
    stillidealistic's picture

    I'm So Excited I Could Pee!!!!

    Bear with me here. I have been a registered Republican ever since I was old enough to vote (and that was in the Nixon days!) I have voted for a Republican President every single time (please try not to hold...
    acanuck's picture

    It's official: Lou Dobbs is insane

    I just heard Lou Dobbs refer to ACORN as "the leftist radical group ..." Like the Weather Underground or Baader-Meinhof! (In my defence, I wasn't intentionally watching Dobbs. The TV had been tuned to CNN and I wasn't fast enough in turning...

    Calling William Safire: When You "Pal Around" With Someone, You Are "_______ Around"?

    This has been bothering me for the last several days, since Sarah Palin has taken up the Sean Hannity/John McCain/Andy Martin/Republican line of Barack Obama being "pals" with William Ayers. I propose that the transitive tense of the word henceforth...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Hate in America...It's Got To Stop

    I continue to be distressed by the nasty tone this election has taken. The msm, for the most part is attempting to portray the negativity as coming from both camps, and to some small degree they are right, but the...

    There and Back Again

    I said "Good-bye" but couldn't stay away long. The breather helped and the new tools are too tempting. Much better than the old "tools" (if you know what I mean).So cheers to everyone who wished me well and wished I'd...
    quinn esq's picture

    There Are 9 Central Beliefs We All Share. This Is #3.

    Stop lying to yourself. You know you feel this way.   Admit it....
    stillidealistic's picture

    Mon/Tues 2nd Chance Clearinghouse For Posts That Deserve Another Look - Updated Daily

    This daily post is a clearinghouse for links to posts that either flew by too fast, didn't get the attention they deserved, or are so good they need to be up even longer...ANYONE can link a post here. If you...
    ClosetLuddite's picture

    I'm thinkin this new Engine need a tuneup

    After being denied access to the blogs from my DoDSlave account I created this one and it lets me in but I still can't post.  It seems to want to send my posting to the editors for review or something.Maybe...
    oleeb's picture

    Congratulations Prof. Krugman!

    Congratulations Prof. Krugman on winning the Nobel Prize! I know I speak for many who are pleased to see you receive this great honor.  Perhaps equally satisfying is the thought of how this will make the wingnuts of America howl...
