The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    "The American Promise" is Better Than "The American Dream"

    Obama used the former rather than the latter phrase last night and I heartily approve.  Consistently in his public life he has talked about complementing our famed American individualism with the promise that we have to make sure that all...
    Barth's picture

    Democratic National Convention, Day Three

    Not much time to post today, so if you were relying on me to fill you on last night, while perhaps enjoying the Red Sox demolition derby or any number of other August diversions, I apologize.  This one will have...

    Ried has strongest quote of anyone.

    This is already linked over on HuffingtonPost.  I'm bringing it to everyone's attention here partly because I think Reid gets a bum rap but mostly because it is an AWESOME quote."I've served with the man 26 years," Reid said."Do I...

    "ILLICIT BOOZE, GAMBLING, HORSE RACING, DECEIT AND CRIME": A Good History On John McCain's (Late) Father-in-Law

    In an effort to deflect the fallout from his housing problem and his wealth, Sen. McCain has been extolling the praises of his late father-in-law and how he is an American success story.  Here's a report by two multiple-award-winning investigative...

    LIBERALS ARE NOT PATRIOTIC: What REALLY Bothered Me About McCain's KDKA Interview - Rovian?

    Thanks for pointing out the latest McCain POW example, guys.  I went and listened to the interview. (There is also a link to the audio on KDKA's homepage, a few items down on the right side of the page -

    Today's breathtaking, tone-deaf, quote.

    I remember back in the 80's when Ronald Regan increased the nutritional value of school lunches by defining ketchup as a vegetable - viola' every hamburger now comes with a serving of vegetables.In this great republican tradition of fixing problems...

    Bill Clinton's speech - from a friend.

    Originally posted on Melissa Macklin's overnight thread ... telling a friend who missed it what happened with Clinton's speech.In itself, Bill Clinton's speech was excellent. But in my opinion, focusing on just the speech gives short thrift to how it...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Obama's Resume

    Longevity is not the be all and end all on a resume. You can have 10 years experience, where you learn and grow all 10 years, or you can have 1 year, 10 times, where you repeat the 1st year...
    Barth's picture

    The Democratic National Convention, Day Two

    I guess you can't always get on that Most Recommended list, at least for too long.  I will try again, here, though, with another cross post from Daily KosThis time, it may be necessary to fill some of you as...
    Barth's picture

    The Democratic National Convention, Day Two

    I guess you can't always get on that Most Recommended list, at least for too long.  I will try again, here, though, with another cross post from Daily KosThis time, it may be necessary to fill some of you as...
    mageduley's picture

    Hillary needs to show Bill who wears the pantsuit in the family

    I really want to believe Hillary's talk of unity. I am finding it hard for one reason.Bill Richardson was on MSNBC. When he was asked, he said that Bill C. had not talked to him since he endorsed Obama and had...

    Yep! Cantor's Spokesman Calls GOP Speakers Vacuous.

    Inadvertently, I'm sure.  But, The Hill reports that Rep. Eric Cantor is not on the list of speakers for the Republican Convention next week, and speculates on whether that is a hint about McCain's VP choice.Cantor's spokesman (Rob Collins) didn't...

    Anyone have video of McCain calling Obama "pretty centrist"?

    Hillary Rosen hinted that McCain may soon see ads of his VP pick criticizing him.  I'm sure that Dems already have the video ready, and perhaps it will be of the VP pick saying soething nice about Obama.How about taking...

    Hillary Needs to Expand The Bush/McCain Pairing To Include VP

    I think Hillary - and the rest of the Dems, for that matter - needs to expand the Bush/McCain linking to the Bush/CHENEY/McCain comparison. First, Cheney is even less-liked than Bush.   The worst President AND the worst Puppet Master Vice President.Second,...

    Counterpoint: Time for a POSITIVE Blitzkrieg

    There has been an awful lot of talk about how Obama needs to "Attack, Attack, Attack" against McCain.  The general thrust of this line of advice seems to equate "attack" with "Find some dirt on McCain and spend millions spreading...
    Barth's picture

    The Democratic National Convention, Day One

    Yesterday's post, somewhat improved when I beefed it up at Daily Kos, got on the "most recommended" list, embolding me to try again with this little item, also crossposted at DK.If you were sleeping, on vacation or had to go...

    Three Cheers for the Cavalry

    To those who are kicking up the dust as they close the distance, ride hard. To those hastening to the reinforcement of our greater cause, ride hard. To those who served under another commander but recognize our flag is theirs,...

    On Selective Hearing

    John McCain tells Hillary diehards what they want to hear: "It's okay to hate Obama."But McCain does not like Hillary. His party hates Hillary and all Clintons. McCain and his party are using women in a cynical gambit to win...
    Barth's picture

    Questions for Debra Bartoshevich

    What was it about Senator Clinton that appealed to you?Was it her desire to make an open ended commitment to remain in Iraq "until we win" whatever that means?  If so, you misunderstood her.Was it her belief that we ought...
    mageduley's picture

    Fox News Reporter slammed at rally in Denver is just amazing. The Fox news reporter in the above clip is covering the story of progressive groups that are already gathered in Denver for the convention this weekend. As they are marching, the reporter keeps asking the different...
    Barth's picture

    A ticket to ride

    Cross posted from Daily Kos:During the early part of the endless campaign to succeed the worst president in memory, it was clear, even to <a href="">this idiot</a>, that Senators Dodd and Biden were the most knowledgeable about what this country...
    acanuck's picture

    Georgia ceasefire? What ceasefire?

    Ten days ago, I posted a blog noting that the ceasefire deal everyone insisted Russia was slow in living up to had not yet been signed by Georgia.After Condi Rice's visit to Tbilisi, it appears that both Russia and Georgia...

    Three Lessons

    I can remember watching Bozo the Clown and Three Stooges shorts on the grainy black-and-white TV at the home of my babysitter, Mrs. Eisenbeiss. But I cannot recall any specific images that flickered on that set, except the flag-draped coffin...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Good News From FAUX News

    FAUX News just showed the results of their latest opinion poll showing that Obama has closed the gap a little with Evangelicals. July 22-23 showed John McCain up 65% to 18%. Now it is 55% to 26%.Not a game changer,...
    CVille Dem's picture

    McCain's VEEP --> Open Thread

    OK, These are the queations:1.  Who do you really, in your deepest, darkest soul, want McCain to choose?2.  Who do you think he will choose?3.  Funny answers...
