The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    CVille Dem's picture

    Obama is Nailing It!

    The guy has a brain!  Add your thoughts!...

    John McCain's Funniest Home Videos - Take 2

    The following is satire. The videos and claims made herein are not to be taken seriously or used as actual talking points.Everybody's favorite Clown-in-Chief, John McCain, is at it again with his humorous take on Jerome R. Corsi's new book,...

    John McCain's Funniest Home Videos

    The following is satire. The videos and claims made herein are not to be taken seriously or used as actual talking points.Everybody's favorite Clown-in-Chief, John McCain, is at it again with his humorous take on Jerome R. Corsi's new book,...

    Obama and McCain to participate in Faith Forum Saturday, Aug. 16, at 8 p.m. EDT

    (Saturday, Aug. 16, at 8 p.m. EDT, to be aired on CNN, MSNBC and Fox)The forum will consist of an hour of questions to each candidate posed by the host, evangelical Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Orange County, California,...

    No Kidding: Russia Threatens to Nuke Poland

    The U.S. agreement with Poland to place an anti-ballistic missile shield in that country makes Poland "100 percent" vulnerable to a Russian nuclear first strike, Russia's deputy chief of staff warned today.The completion of the missile-shield agreement between Warsaw and...

    Overseas Troops Spend 6 to 1 on Obama over McCain

    The non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics reports that troops stationed overseas donate by a ratio of 6:1 to Obama over McCain, both in terms of individuals contributing and total contributed.Even troops stationed here at home gave more to Obama than...
    acanuck's picture

    Georgia hasn't signed the ceasefire

    George Bush and others in the West are railing about how slow the Russians have been to implement the six-point ceasefire brokered by the French president.Seems like a reasonable demand.But then I notice this, buried near the bottom of an AP story...

    Kick John McCain's Ass Week Starts Today

    Time to research and post what makes John McCain unfit for command of our country. For more details, see this post and its comments: fun, be accurate, slam harm and please, PLEASE use links to source material.It's time we made...
    Barth's picture

    Georgia on my mind

    This is something of a cross-post from DailyKos:It really isn't (on my mind) all that much, but the headline, though too obvious to be used, was still too tempting to be ignored.  Still, I think my grandmother was born there;...
    acanuck's picture

    Easing tensions in Georgia

    Reuters has a story headlined "U.S. to take control of Georgian ports: Saakasvili." "You have heard the statement by the U.S. president that the United States is starting a military-humanitarian operation in Georgia," the Georgian president said in a television address....

    Look Past the Mirror to McCain and Victory

    After Bill Clinton's impeachment hearings, we were left stunned by the vicious hypocrisy of the Far Right.When the Supreme Court ruled against Al Gore to anoint George W. Bush president, we bitterly denounced the system.As Karl Rove successfully orchestrated the...
    acanuck's picture

    Georgia: What happened in the lines of communication?

    Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said something quite significant on CNN. Here's the link: But I'll roughly quote: "We don't want to believe the U.S. gave Georgia 'the green light.' ... Our American colleagues SAY they are looking into...
    jollyroger's picture


    Not content with transforming relatively functional (if admittedly slow)  forum interface into a lumbering travesty that makes it impossible even to track ones own posts back more than a few days, the stalwarts at TOM Central, apparently, have imposed a...
    stillidealistic's picture

    What Do You Think...II ?

    Earlier today I made a post on the following subject and one of the comments asked for further info...I should have posted the link to the actual Assembly Bill, so I am re-posting w/ that link...Also, Billy chided me for...
    stillidealistic's picture

    What Do You Think?

    Being fairly new to TPM I'm unaware of all the various subjects that have been covered ad nauseum, so if this is one of them let me apologize in advance...I received an e-mail in my inbox that has ME mildly...

    A Tripwire to Armageddon

    Some conservative commentators and John McCain argue that Russia is the clear aggressor in the growing war within the breakaway region of South Ossetia and that the U.S. and NATO should side with the former Soviet republic of Georgia in...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Ability to Compromise... a Character Flaw?

    Since when? Even my 3 year old granddaughter was quick to understand the concept of compromise...Some call it flip flopping, and if it is done purely to snow or pander to a segment of the voters, it's not good...But, if it's...
    CVille Dem's picture

    One Last (Maybe) Complaint -- You Deserve It!

    I am a veteran at TPM, although I can't say how long, because the old way of acknowledging that is gone.  Recently I have gotten into lots of conversations with people here, and as hard as I try, I can't...
    stillidealistic's picture

    Even If You Don't Like My Posts, Please Read This :-)

    Ever since joining this forum a few short weeks ago my husband thinks I've run off with another man and my kids think I was abducted by aliens and given a brain transplant. I spend an inordinate amount of time...

    New Obama Ad Slaps McCain Hard — Maybe Too Hard

    Obama's new ad "Embrace" is set to start Tuesday on cable channels, according to Time's resident cretin, Mark Halperin.The new ad calls McCain "Washington's biggest celebrity" and has numerous clips of him hugging Bush and basking in the limelight on...
    stillidealistic's picture

    There's a Reason Why Men Name Their Privates...'s because they like to be on a first name basis w/ the one making the decisions...Sorry if that offends those of you who ARE capable of keepin' it zipped...I've heard that God gave men a brain and a penis,...

    Newsweek: McCain Lies About Obama Again and Again

    Here's the link. It's a devastating analysis of McCain's false claims about Obama's tax proposals....
    Barth's picture

    An uncelebrated anniversary, and, perhaps, for good reason

    It was 34 years ago yesterday, and, despite its historical significance there was no mention of this anniversary, nor the obvious parallels between what we expect to happen this election year and the “liberation” that Americans of all political stripes...

    Here's the Winners, Ya *#@$& Pukes!

    As promised so long ago (July 30), I dedicate this post to the best insults from my thread "Come On, Ya *#@$& Pukes, Get It Out of Your Systems!" This was so damn fun, I'll have to do it again...
    CVille Dem's picture

    John Edwards, You SOB!!!!!!

    OK,  I'll admit to have a personal viewpoint on this (I wass diagnosed with breast  cancer after I found out that my husband had an affair, so I can hardly be objective).  BUT WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING?And what...
