jollyroger's picture

    The axis of weevil (boll):Paul, Perry, Bachmann & Newt-49% of the caucus. I smell party (Toga? Third?)

    As the few substantive pros and many cons have been hashed out here almost to death, can we step back and make a reasoned estimate of the impact of the current struggle upon the likelihood (Oh, please Jesus, you could have my pony back) of a Ron  Paul third party run.

    Aside from the entertainment value, I pretty much think it would lock in Obama, though he'd lose some votes (like me) to Paul.

    I wonder about the down ballot races?  Would the additional turnout to be expected be leavened with dem or pug leaners as to congress?  I have no clue.



    Well, we have two texans, a georgian, and a gopher.  I dunno, the axis of nut jobs had more content but less style...It does seem to me that if the inevitable occurs and Mitt survives, the rest of the pack is ripe for splitting...

    It would be interesting, but I also think it would be very unlikely. Such a move would likely cost Paul much power in Congress (assuming the Republicans didn't need him as a tie-breaker), and despite his tendency to tilt at some windmills, he still has a pragmatic streak strong enough to prevent him from tilting at that particular one.

    But, suspending disbelief for the sake of discussion, I'd say you're right that it'd be more likely to help Obama than hurt, and that the effect on turnout might be to increase the likelihood of both RINOs and DINOs, much to the chagrin of both parties. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing (as long as there were as many RINOs as DINOs).

    I didn't think he had any power in congress.

    I think the closer he comes to the repugnant brass ring, the more likely to run third party in pique,  and it's now or never....I don't know how the dynastic issues cut, I supposse Rand could be a farm team presidential candidate down the road for the pugs.

    I wonder if Ron would want to taint Rand with third party stigma.

    unless they see that as Rand's inheritance

    Ron Paul is entertainment because of the comedians running for the GOP nomination. There are far too many bowl games to hold our attention. TV for the most part sucks. People are fantasizing or ridiculing any chance for Paul to be anything other than what he has been in Congress, a grumpy old man who coddles White Supremacists. Your write-in vote is your right as an American citizen. Enjoy.

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