The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    Black People, Beware of the "Un-Niggas"

    Beneath the Spin * Eric L. Wattree


    Black People, Beware of the "Un-Niggas"
    You Think Zimmerman is Guilty Because
    You Don't See The World Through the Blood of Jesus.
    Alan Keyes

    No one can deny that racism is holding the Black community down - but it’s not just White racism, it’s also the racist attitudes that some Black people have against other Black people. I’ve said this many times before, but I’m going to say it again. Black people are the product of the very same racist environment as White people, so many of the weaker-minded among us are just as racist towards other Black people as any sheet-wearing Hillbilly. I call it "bligotry" - Black-on-Black bigotry.


    As a direct result of Bligotry, we refuse to patronize one another’s business efforts, and many Black business owners try to get rich on one sell when more enlightened Black people even try to patronize them. As a result, we can’t come together to get a financial foothold in society. So we’re not going to be able to address the issue of Black upward mobility until we begin to see bligotry for what it really is. And no, bligotry it’s not self-hatred, as many people suggest, because in order to be a self-hating Black person, you have to recognize your Blackness.

    Allen West

    People who suffer from bligotry don’t hate themselves at all, and neither do they, necessarily, hate other Black people. They simply look upon Black people with disdain, and they think that we're beneath them as individuals. You’ll often hear them say among themselves things like, "You know how niggas are" - meaning, "those others."
    That’s why such people think they’re qualified to tell the Black community what to think. They've convinced themselves that they're an intellectual aberration that an accident of birth caused to be born with Black skin. They know they’re Black, and they love the idea of having "soul" and "rhythm." They also like being able to lay-claim to people like Ray Charles, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane - but they tend to believe there’s a distinct genetic difference between themselves and those "ignit niggas."

    Boyce Watkins

    They think they’re what Black people were intended to be, but the average Black person is some sort of inferior genetic mutation. That explains why generally the first thing that comes out of the mouths of people like Allen West, Larry Elder, Clarence Thomas, Alan Keyes, or a Ben Carson, is an attack on Black people, generally using President Obama as their Black "poster boy." But let there be no doubt about it, when they attack Barack Obama, they’re just using the president as a symbol to attack us all.
    That’s why they have such unfathomable political views, because they’re politics consist of two issues - first, self-service, and secondly, to declare to the world that "I’m different from those other Black people that you don’t like; and I don’t blame you for not liking ‘em, because I don’t like ‘em either." That’s the extent of their political views.

    Cornel West - Tavis Smiley

    But not all Un-niggas are conservative. Some go to the other extreme. People like Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, and Boyce Watkins fall into this group. While they too play into conservatives’ hands, they take a different tact. They embrace what I call the "Moses Syndrome." These Un-niggas believe that Black people are so stupid that we need them to lead us. But since their primary agenda is exactly the same as the conservative un-nigga - self-service, and to prove to the world that they are more "special" than the average Black person - the minute the Black community’s interest is in conflict with their own, Black people can just stand by to have their throats cut. That explains why one minute Cornel West can be in front of a crowd spewing the most militant Black rhetoric, and the next minute can be sitting on a television panel with the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler, and refer to him as "my dear brother Adolph."
    The reason for that is, his primary agenda is not to move the Black community forward. His primary agenda is to be seen, and to gain public admiration and approval. That also explains why in spite of all of his rhetoric with respect to his love for Black people, and in spite of how dire the need for quality educators in the Black community, West has never taught in a Black setting in his entire career. The fact is, it’s personally inconvenient for him. It’s one of those cases where the Black community’s needs are in conflict with his own, so we lose.
    West gains more personal wealth and fame at Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, teaching the sons and daughters of the people that he’s constantly telling us is the enemy. So the only time you’ll see Cornel West at a predominantly Black institution is if they pay him $30,000 to do a one-hour drive-by.

    Thus, the Un-niggas don’t see the Black community as one people. They’re segregationists. They divide our community into two segments - sophisticated and intelligent Black people "like themselves" (generally including all light-
    skinned Black people and ALL beautiful sisters, whether intelligent or not), and those other niggas who are holding them down. So they feel they have every right to use and victimize "those others" to advance themselves to their "rightful" place in society - thus, Tavis Smiley and the Wells Fargo "Ghetto Loan" scam. And unfortunately, far too many Black preachers are among the Un-niggas.
    Herman Cain described their attitude best when he said, "I'm a brother from another mother." They tend to think they're cut from a different clothe than other Black people, and are therefore, superior. That's why many such people hate President Obama so passionately, because his very presence is a pie in the face of their delusions of grandeur. Their attitude is, "How in the Hell did that nigga get to the White House over me?" And if you listen closely to what they’re actually saying, the message is, "Aw, Obama ain’t all that; he’s just another nigga like you - I’m the one you should be lookin’ up to - I’m the true Un-nigga."
    It’s this kind of attitude by some Black people that’s holding us down. They cause division and strife within the Black community. 

    President Obama Subsequently
    Saved Our Economy From Collapse

    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    The proposition of Black racism; against Blacks is an interesting topic.

    I recall this 40's flick where a young Black woman decides that she can pass for White?

    But I was also thinking outside the race standard.

    Mornin Joke was always taller than the 95%, he was always more athletic than the 95% and he was always brighter (as far as tests and such) than the 95% and he always had his way 95% of the time.

    So he became a bully of sorts.

    Not all of these 5% become bullies, but in my experience the real bullies are giants.

    These are the true descriptions of the entitlement class.

    To a repub, this describes the 'meritocracy' !

    So what does that say about the Kock meritocracy?

    I remember that movie, Richard.

    I saw it as a kid. I remember thinking, "Why does she want to be White?" I’ve always wondered that. I think anyone who wants to be anything other than what they are suffers from a psychological dysfunction. If I woke up White I’d want to commit suicide - not because I think there’s something wrong with White people, but just because I wouldn’t be me anymore. I love being me. If someone told me that they would make me the richest person in the world if I’d just agree to become, White, Asian, Hispanic, or anything other than what I am, I’d turn them down flat - and I think anyone who would take them up on their offer is dysfunctional.

    Now, I might consider being me with about thirty years shaved off - but only if I could take my knowledge with me. Now, that would be a plan!

    I'd change my skin color or appearance to black, asian or whatever for a few billion dollars in a heartbeat. I think anyone who wouldn't is attaching way too much value to something superficial.

    It's much more than changing your skin color, Ocean-Kat - it would also change your heritage, thus, who you are. All we are as individuals is a bundle of past experiences. So if I became White, Asian, of Hispanic, I would no longer be me, on a much deeper level than merely skin color. My entire perspective in viewing the world would change, and I like the way I view the world.  I like viewing the world from a Black perspective, and I also value the adversity that I've had to survive, because experiencing and surviving adversity makes you MORE, rather than less. 

    I wouldn't want to lose my life experiences and learnings either. But that is equally true if my skin color didn't change. Either way I wouldn't be me. If I retain my experiences the color of my skin for the rest of my life wouldn't matter much to me. If I had to lose my experiences as in reincarnation the color of my skin would be the last thing I'd consider when I "chose" my parents.

    People wake up after accidents with their whole bodies changed, or suddenly can't remember - "Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" - just happened to a guy found in Norway who could speak 8 languages but couldn't remember his name or how he got there. I knew a guy who tattooed himself with eerie purple curves from head to toe, and have seen others. Yeah, even for $20 million I'd do a skin change - maybe can start a Kickstarter.

    I'm more curious about where Wattree places importance  -

    1) Black perspective

    2) living through adversity

    I must say I don't really value "white perspective" or my adversity that high in the scope of things. I like in some ways that time in the south means "polite & kind to strangers"  some good writers, but don't take it too serious. American can-do attitude over complaisance and hand-wringing, even though that comes with American don't-tell-me-what-I-can-do know-it-all-ness and rushing in like an idiot when others know better. European tradition perhaps in some ways.

    Anyway, for a big chunk of change I'd chuck it all and start over - just another adventure. We came to this world without squat, we'll leave without squat.

    I understand group identity as a necessary function of the politics of liberation available to those who are marginalized by a society. I understand the desire of some to make their own society based upon tradition and/or newly articulated values made through a vow or a decision.

    But the idea that a person is essentially a collection of the experiences of their ancestors seems wrong to me. My life is not their life.

    I am neither white nor black, turk nor swede, southern nor northern, left nor right, but come, directly born, from Eve; the mother of mankind.

    And so you are all my brothers and sisters.

    I apologize for the intrusion.

    The movie you are thinking of was probably "Imitation Of Life (1934)".  Freddi Washington, a black actress, played the character wanting to be white. A remake was made in 1959. Susan Kohner, of Mexican and Czech descent played the role in that film.