by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Chris Matthews just enrages me sometimes.
He is now spending every waking hour on cable TV telling us about what a great historian he is and how he finally 'nailed' the TRUE JFK!
Lately, he has gone into this phase of confessing that he voted for Bush in 2000.
See, I knew that.
I could tell from his delivery back then; his take on those 'debates'.
And I would scream at the screen telling him that this idiot; this daddy's boy; this worthless piece of crap would only further hand over this country to the rich and famous and build up the Pentagon like nobody's business!
It just enraged me at the time.
Let us use the time machine and find ourselves on the aircraft carrier that is stationed a couple miles out of San Francisco harbor and we would find a 'Commander in Chief ' landing on the carrier like he has just returned from a bombing mission; I mean this was the set up of all set ups.
Jesus H. Christ, Rove and other fascist pricks set this up to make w look like the President in Independence_Day.
Now granted, O'Neil had not yet done his book tour demonstrating that w had announced to his new cabinet that we are going into Iraq, find a way until 2004.
I, who am nothing but the lowest of low, knew exactly what was going on.
In my PJ's I knew damn well that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11/01.
And anyone who knew anything about the Middle East; anyone who knew anything about the basic ancient rift between the Shias and the Sunnis; knew damn well that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11/01; had no nuclear weapons; and had no ties to Al Qaeda.
And Chris is stuck with that commie Keith O (my hero who knew exactly what was going on)
who says: Chris now hold on here for a minute.
This aint over.
And I recently noted a clip from Clinton on the Wally Jr show at Fox where he underlines the importance of one Richard Clark.
Now Matthews has really turned left over the last seven years or so.
He would rail and rail against Cheney from 2005 on—when it was safe (at least I maintain) and only tangentially attack w.
It got so bad that Cheney had the balls to call MSNBC and admonish them to tone down Matthews' rhetoric. And Matthews was so damn mad he noted the admonishment on his show. Hahahhahahahah.
Oh yeah. You are going to censure me? Hahahaha
Chris pissed me off the other day again.
He still maintains that there is some semblance of balance in the universe; when most of us have already figured out there is none!
So I see him on the season or calendric finish of the Bill Maher show on HBO.
I only catch squibs (?) of his remonstrations unless Bwak sends me the streams—no matter how hard I google. Hahahah When I was about 12 I began to google; or at least what I thought googling was at the time....but that is another story.
Anyway, Maher who hates or detests or loathes any semblance of Carlin's depiction of the Grey Bearded Asshole in the sky who watches every single move of every single human being on this planet—basically Santa Clause.
Bill happened to note in his last show that Hitler was a Christian.
Oh no Chris protested.
(at 4:45)
Goddamnit. Or is it Godammerung!
Yes, Hitler was a Christian!
Now it was Matthews and is Matthews who admonishes people like me that we must take our leaders at their word with regard to holy godship because we cannot look into the souls of those proselytizing.
This tenet has bothered me for years.
I just turned to the CBN again and caught one of Robertson's lackeys squinting his eyes; pretending he was in deep prayer with his Lord. And all I could gather from all this squinting was that the lackey was attempting to gather as much moolah from his audience as he could gather in one squinting session!
Are you really going to tell me that Newt believes in some supreme being who will answer his prayers all the while he is screwing every female robotic device at his disposal and seeking as much money from corporate kingpins as will fit in his on-shore AND OFF- SHORE accounts?
This is bullshite.
Is Mitt or the Texas Gov or Bachmann or any of these lying pricks going to attempt to bring us all closer to God?
Of course not,
They are all programmed to bring us closer to the concept that we are all cogs in a machine owned and operated by real persons: THE CORPORATIONS!
Everybody knows it's bullshite except for those idiots who squint whilst the governors of the CBN feign to 'speak' with the Lord their God!
So, once again (probably for the tenth time in three years) I present Der Fuhrer squinting for God's grace:
For this, to be sure, from the child's primer down to the last newspaper, every theater and every movie house, every advertising pillar and every billboard, must be pressed into the service of this one great mission, until the timorous prayer of our present parlor patriots: 'Lord, make us free!' is transformed in the brain of the smallest boy into the burning plea: 'Almighty God, bless our arms when the time comes; be just as thou hast always been; judge now whether we be deserving of freedom; Lord, bless our battle!"
- Adolf Hitler's prayer, Mein Kampf, Vol. 2 Chapter 13
Hitler delivers a speech in which he promises to restore "family...honor and loyalty, Volk and Vaterland, culture and economy" and recover "the eternal foundation of our morality and our faith." Hitler further declares a "merciless war against spiritual, political, and cultural nihilism."
- Adolf Hitler, speech, Feburary 1, 1933
Compare these Hitlerisms to the following:
Pat Buchanan:
Christians across the Middle East are now seen as both members of an alien religion and a fifth column of the Crusaders inside their camp.
Paul Marshall of Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom warns that we may be in another great wave of persecution, "as Christians flee the Palestinian areas, Lebanon, Turkey, and Egypt."
Christians are gone from Jerusalem, gone from Nazareth, gone from Bethlehem. From Egypt to Iran, the Vatican counts 17 million left.
"Across the Middle East," writes Robert Fisk in The Independent, "it is the same story of despairing -- sometimes frightened -- Christian minorities, and of an exodus that reaches almost Biblical proportions."
Here is an excerpt from a tome written about politicians of yesteryear:
The Family's historic roll call is even more striking: the late senator Strom Thurmond (R., South Carolina), who produced "confidential" reports on legislation for the Family's leadership, presided for a time over the Family's weekly Senate meeting, and the Dixie-crat senators Herman Talmadge of Georgia and Absalom Willis Robertson of Virginia — Pat Robertson's father — served on the behind-the-scenes board of the organization. In 1974, a Family prayer group of Republican congressmen and former secretary of defense Melvin Laird helped convince President Gerald Ford that Richard Nixon deserved not just Christian forgiveness but also a legal pardon. That same year, Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist led the Family's first weekly Bible study for federal judges.
"I wish I could say more about it," Ronald Reagan publicly demurred back in 1985, "but it's working precisely because it is private."
"We desire to see a leadership led by God," reads a confidential mission statement. "Leaders of all levels of society who direct projects as they are led by the spirit."
I mean look at this fascist Hagee:
In what can only be considered a disastrous choice of words to sell a message of unwavering support for Israel, Pastor John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), and the head of a multi-million dollar ministry, paraphrased Alabama's segregationist Governor George C. Wallace when he told the assemblage of more than 5,000 at the close of the recent CUFI summit in Washington, D.C. that, "We gathered here with one message. Israel today, Israel tomorrow, and Israel forever."
It was during his 1963 inaugural address that Wallace declared his undying support for a segregated Alabama: "In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever."
I do not even wish to get into the logic of this crap.
I just wish to point out to Chris Matthews that Hitler was a Christian; that Pat Buchanan who absolutely admired Hitler is a Christian (which is one reason that Pat loves Hitler), that politicians have figured out that if they just say they are Christians, that they pray to the Christ, that in fact these politicians are Christians.
And that Hitler was a goddamn christian.
I don't know.
Matthews reaction to Maher pissed me off!
Now, are all Christians followers of Hitler? No
Are all Christians followers of Hagee or Buchanan? No.
But just the same, Hitler was a christian. Small 'c' or not.
And Der Fuhrer used this moniker as part and parcel of his attack against the Jews in Europe.
Mel Gibson used the same sentiment in order to reap $600,000,000.00 in profits from a stupid flick.
Chris, wake up for Chrissakes!
Hitler and most repubs who wish to be seen as Christians spend most of their time admonishing the poor for their sins; admonishing those who would point to Wall Street for its sins; admonishing those who would believe that the children of the poor might have a chance in America; admonishing those who would reach out and help those children in a Christian manner are all AGAINST THE CHRIST!
Until folks like Matthews understand that Christianity has nothing to do with the goodness of politicians; past or present; nothing will be revealed!
Color Of Change has sent petitions to MSNBC requesting that Pat Buchanan be fired. It is amazing that we are supposed to believe that Scarborough, Mika and the production staff of "Morning Joe" cannot see that Buchanan is a racist despite Pat's "Christian" faith.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 11/19/2011 - 10:23pm
Media Matters has gotten involved in this too and I bet I have signed 4? petitions--you know the ones that come in your email box.
His anti-Semitism is renowned besides his hatred of Blacks and Hispanics.
This always has bothered me.
All these Christians hate Christians from south of our borders!
Like i said previously in some blog, think of the hate these immigrants would be experiencing if they were Jewish or (God-forgive) Islamic!
by Richard Day on Sat, 11/19/2011 - 11:52pm
The Christian Right has a tendency to need to have something to hate. They hate Communists. They hate people who don't reflect the European image of God, since they (The Right and only the Right) were created in God's image. Christians on the Right could support Slavery and segregation because a drunk man (Noah) "cursed" Ham. In their minds, the drunk became God, and God cursed Ham for trying to cover his naked, drunken and embarassed father. The Christian Right missed the immorality of racism. It took the Southern Baptists 30 years to apologize for supporting segregation. Southern Baptists hate the idea that their way of life was questioned.
The Christian Right could support an abused woman staying with her husband because God said that women should obey their husbands. Only when the bulk of society recognized the un-Christian message being sent did the Christian Right relent. The Christian Right missed the immorality of spousal abuse. The Right hates the idea of truly independent women just as much as Islamic Fundamentalists. Note how Bachmann has to tiptoe around questions about submitting to her husband.
The Christian Right rebels against Feminist Theology and Black Liberation Theology because both attempts at re-interpreting the message of the Bible threaten the Christian Right's demand that only the Right are true Christians. Christian Environmentalists were born on the Left, some on the Right have followed.
Christians on the Right will tell everyone else to submit to God. Of course, the Right reserves exclusive rights to interpret God's will for themselves. When a member of the Right questions the persecution of Gays or government sponsored executions, that person faces expulsion from the Christian Right.
In it's most perverted form, the Christian Right places itself above being required to follow the tenants of Christianity. Telling a lie or adultery is not a sin , if it is done by a C Streeter, for example.
Reverend Jesse Lee Patterson is a prominent African-American member of the Christian Right. Patterson's major role is to tell the Christian Right that Blacks who vote for Democrats must be mentally ill. Patterson gives Whites on the Right the ability to state that they are repeating what a Black person said in questioning the sanity of Black voters. You will never hear Patterson utter a word criticizing Buchanan, Limbaugh or Coulter. Patterson knows his role.
No one on the Christian Left will be given a platform to question those on the Christian Right in mainstream media.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 10:16am
Gingrich now has an education plan to fire school janitors and replace them with 9-14 year old children. I wonder if Gingrich ever cleaned a public toilet, or even scrubbed his own shite off his personal throne, we can be sure that Callista doesn't do that kind of work.
The GOP not only wants to ruin the future for these kids, they also want to steal their childhoods. How about building better schools, and supporting the families of poor kids so the working parents can come home once in a while to be parents.
From comments at article, Barbara said: I'm beginning to think that Newt Gingrich was in fact invented by Dickens. Even the name is Dickensian.
and another comment, from NYC : Gingrich gives new meaning to the term "half-baked." He'll say anything to get attention, such as: "Bust unions with child labor."
by NCD on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 10:23am
Gingrich hates government intervention unless it involves abusing poor citizens and their children. Since poor citizens don't contribute significant funds to the GOP, they are mere cannon fodder. The result of this ridiculous plan would be to have more children kept out of school because parent would see the plan as child abuse.
A more interesting take would be how a work stoppage would be handled. Would the children be kept out of school if they refused to work, denying them an education? Would they receive more money by staying home and collecting insurance after an on the job injury?
A see an excellent television ad involving children if the great Conservative thinker Newt Gingrich is the Republican candidate.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 10:35am
I had to laugh hard at Newt's plan to fire janitors and let the kids do the work. Someone should tell Newt it's been done. When we lived on Maui (1966-68) the kids in the elementary schools did, in fact, clean the classrooms. Our kids, second and fourth graders the first year, were horrified, but I thought it was great! (I wasn't thinking at the time about the kidlings taking someone's job.)
The kids stayed in school for lunch and everyone had hot lunches. ($2.50 a week/ free to those who couldn't afford it -- rice, poi, vegetables and some kind of meat.) They worked in the kitchen alongside the cooks, served food and cleaned the entire lunchroom afterwards. (Their school supplies list included hair nets.)
After school they hauled out heavy mops and mopped the floors. They washed desks and blackboards and swept the sidewalks outside. And yes, they took pride in their work and kept the school and the grounds clean. No litter, no graffiti, no muss, no fuss.
I never thought I would agree with Newt about anything, but I don't see anything wrong with having kids help to keep the schools clean. There would still be janitors for the heavy, complicated work and of course someone would have to be there to supervise the kids. It could work, as long as it wasn't just someone's crazy idea about union-busting.
by Ramona on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 1:36pm
Where the hell is the Pizza?
by Richard Day on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 1:49pm
I think one difference might be that Newt's program would differentiate the poor kids from the rest of those attending public schools.
by rmrd0000 on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 2:24pm
Newt did say "Most of these schools ought to get rid of the unionized janitors have one master janitor and pay local students to take care of the school...." .
Ramona, I wouldn't get too tickled over the serendipity of your experience in Maui 40 years ago with Newt's half-baked plan. Kids cleaning up is not exclusive to your halcyon experience in the 60's, there is Barney and his 'Clean Up' song!
Anyway, Hawaii as we all know is a socialist haven for beach bums, pot growers, poi eaters, surfers and fake Americans from Kenya. There will be no 'free lunch' under Newt's plan, except for lobbyists and politicians.
by NCD on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 3:41pm
All I know is that from your description...
by Richard Day on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 4:15pm
Aloha! The island life is the way to go, been there many times.
by NCD on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 6:32pm
Oh, right. All that. Damned Hippies (Or "damn heeepies" as they call them there). And then there's that fake, Barack Hussein Obama. What kind of Hawaiian name is that???
Newt's "local students" will, of course, be the poorer kids working for a pittance. Our kids saw democracy in action, as everybody cleaned up after everybody else and nobody paid them or even promised to pay them. They did it for....wait for it....the common good.
So you're right. No comparison. And Newt is a prick.
by Ramona on Sun, 11/20/2011 - 10:16pm