The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    A Clear and Simple Reason Why Blacks Shun the Republican Party


    A Clear and Simple Reason Why Blacks Shun the Republican Party



    Paleo-conservatives - both Black and White - repeatedly make the racist and erroneous claim that the Black community is only loyal to the Democratic Party because they want a free ride. Ironically, that’s the very mind-set that makes the Black community look upon most conservatives - and especially Black conservatives - with such disdain. I mean, what kind of idiot does it take to make such a slanderous statement about his or her own people? But there’s another reason why the Black community shuns the GOP that trumps even that blatant slander - conservatives in general.
    The problem among many White conservatives is that they tend not to recognize their condescending attitude of superior entitlement towards Black people, and the problem with Black conservatives is they tend to be oblivious to that flaw in conservative character . That’s what makes them such an embarrassment to the Black community. Thus, contrary to popular belief, the Black community’s disdain for Black conservatives have nothing to do with the issues of Black entitlement, self-sufficiency, or any other political concept other than the dignity and self-respect of Black people.
    The people in the Black community vary in their political attitudes and views just like in any other group - especially the more religious Black people - but in spite of that fact, very few Black people identify themselves as conservative. The reason for that is, most Blacks who do identify themselves as conservatives seem to also embrace the White conservative attitude that Black people should go out of their way to skin-and-grin and show their gratitude to White people for ALLOWING Black people to be free.
    As a result, instead of assuming equality, most Black conservatives tend to act more like teachers’ pets with an overwhelming need to be accepted by their white superiors. As I’ve pointed out previously, a good example of that was reflected in Herman Cain’s statement that, "I’m a brother from another mother" - or in other words, "I ain’t like the rest of them Black heathens, boss. I loves you." That’s what Black people find so distasteful when the GOP trot out people like Herman Cain and Dr. Ben Carson. The only thing that seems to be missing is their leash and the pooper scooper.
    Yet, White conservatives are so filled with misguided hubris that they’re completely oblivious to the fact that when they trot these people out with such fanfare, and take such obvious pride in what they think is proof positive that they’re willing to accept Black people as almost human, that they’re actually demonstrating the exact opposite. And then, what makes it even worse, is the Black people that they find who are willing to take part in such a ridiculous spectacle are so happy to be in the limelight that they come out all but wagging their tails, and invariably, they're so appreciative of being presented as part of the fold that they feel an obligation to run out on stage and start immediately attacking their own people - "See if you weren’t so dumb you’d be up here with me."
    That's what's being reflected in the attached photo. If you’ll notice, in the photo Bush looks like a master rewarding his favorite pet. No? Well ask yourself, how often do you think Bush had occasion to pat Dick Cheney on the head like that? It's a clear sign of condescension, and what's worse is how the Black conservative is lapping it up. Again, if he had a tail, it would certainly be wagging furiously.
    So, for this and many other reasons, the GOP will never get through to the Black community. Because the bottom line is, White conservatives tend to have a matter-of-fact sense of arrogant superiority and hubris that flows so deep that they’re oblivious to it - and it’s killing their brand.

    A Non-Debatable Reality

    LIBERAL: Lib-er-al, noun
    A political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties. = CHANGE - GOOD NEWS FOR BLACK PEOPLE.
    CONSERVATIVE: Con-ser-va-tive, noun
    Disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. = MORE OF THE SAME - BAD NEWS FOR BLACK PEOPLE.
    ASSET: As-set, noun
    A useful and desirable thing or quality. = INTELLIGENCE.
    LIABILITY: Li-a-bil-i-ty, noun
    Something disadvantageous. = BLACK CONSERVATIVES.
    So why do Black people actually shun the Republican Party? Because we’re not stupid.
    Eric L. Wattree
    [email protected]
    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)
    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.


    E.W. Jackson has said the Planned Parenthood and the US government are worse for Blacks than Slavery.  Allen West and Herman Cain called the Democratic Party a "Plantation". While E.W. Jackson, Allen west and Herman Cain are entertaining for White Conservatives, the drive a wedge between the Black community and the GOP. Blacks feel that in order to be respected in the GOP, you have to demean yourself. The "Uncle Tom" image sticks.

    Republicans double down on blocking Black voting. Republican Governors openly state that they do not want Blacks to vote. Republicans on the Supreme Court will likely strike down Section 5 of the Civil Rights Act and the last vestiges of Affirmative Action next week.

    The image of Black Republicans, Voter suppression , the Voting Rights Act and Affirmative Action will all combine to insure that Black voters never give the Republican Party a first thought, let alone a second.

    Amazing. To prove the point about the racism that is not uncommon in the GOP, the chairman of the Montgomery County, Illinois GOP sent out a racist email targeting a biracial former Miss USA who is running against a first-term Republican candidate. I'll let people click on the link to see the email. It is hard to believe that the chairman writes his rant in 2013.

    Call it the soft bigotry of low expectations, but I'm more surprised that Reince Preibus so clearly spoke out against it than I am that yet another GOP Chairman has said something offensive. At least that's something…

    The GOP has given free reign to the red meat folks and they are now reaping the benefits. If you ever visit a site that caters to Conservatives it is amazing how much racial venom comes across.

    College Republicans find it amusing to hold bake sales were Whites pay $2 for broken cookies and Blacks pay $0.50 for whole cookies to demonstrate their feelings about Affirmative Action. The recent study commissioned by college Republicans shows that this may be one of the reasons college students view the GOP as out of touch.

    The GOP has a lot of work to do.


        About the Inherent Dangers of a Clueless GOP    

    The GOP leadership has gone way over the top. They’ve become so blatantly obstructive and mean-spirited during the Obama era, and their motive of trying to keep the American people hungry, ignorant, and divided in order to promote their own political agenda, that they’ve become transparent, and they’re both harming, and alienating, many of their own more sensible constituents.

    It’s really ironic how they’ve cut their own political throats. For years the corporate conservatives have used social conservatives - or social bigots - as their private army to keep America divided. As a result, they’ve pushed to get these bigots - who are far from the best and the brightest in America - elected. But these soldiers have now mutinied, leaving the GOP stuck with clueless people like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Darrell Issa as leaders of the party. Unfortunately, these people have neither a clue, nor a concern, about the necessities of governance, or the traditions that have kept America strong. They’re political illiterates who are so filled with anger, ignorance, and single-mindedness that they’re willing to bring America down if they can’t have their own way, and this point is coming in loud and clear to the American people. So at this point, the GOP is in serious danger of going the way of the Whigs.

    The problem with that is, these people are so over-the-top, without limits, and ignorant, that the American people need to prepare themselves for armed conflict once the group and its radical followers begins to bite the dust.


    My prediction is that given the increasing numbers of non- white births, anti-abortion issues will fade. The GOP concern will switch to the large numbers of babies that cannot be cared for and the push will be on to lower the birth rate. Anti-abortion will switch to Eugenics. The GOP will offer programs that will pay people not to have children,

    I agree, RM. They're not going to want any more Democrats being born into the world.  I'm surprised that hasn't occurred to them already.

    Someone in the Tea Party will likely raise the issue as a fiscal responsibility argument.

    This little piece concerned Erica Harold running for Congress in Illinois:

    In the email sent Tuesday to Republican News Watch editor Doug Ibendahl, Allen called Harold, who will challenge Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) in next year's primary, a "street walker."

    "Rodney Davis will win and the love child of the D.N.C. will be back in Shitcago by May of 2014 working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires," Allen wrote. "The little queen touts her abstinence and she won the crown because she got bullied in school,,, are cruel, life sucks and you move on.. Now, miss queen is being used like a street walker and her pimps are the DEMOCRAT PARTY and RINO REPUBLICANS."

    I cite this to demonstrate what you already know; that is that there is so much hate out there against the Minorities in this country.

    And 'they' get caught more than once in awhile.

    Minorities, whether they be Black or Brown or Asian get it!

    They understand what in the hell is going on.

    I was just struck by this one particular example out of hundreds published over the last few years.


    Exactly, Richard - and anyone who claim they can't see it is blind, or worse, don't think it's a big deal.