by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Keith Meyers just lambasted Kansas.
He did a fine job!
Kansas has less jobs and less hope with regard to new jobs and less hope of economic resurgence and less hope of ....salvation than it ever had, as a state before Brownbeck.. hahahahahhahah
Kansas or at least Kansas republicanism is DEAD
Oh who cares (unless you live in Kansas)
I was thinking of state rights and the confederacy and ....whatever?
Louisiana and Mississippi and the Southern Confederacy shall always be at the bottom of the educational graphs.
Let us just remove the Federal hold on all of this.
Let us give it up.
I predict this:
Minnesota shall always 'beat' Mississippi and Louisiana and all Southern Confederate States no matter what anyone would wish the result to be. hahahahah
If the South wishes to teach its students that Noah somehow 'saved' five million land animals in an ark, or twice that amount (in case one wished to have them multiply); that is ok.
In Minnesota, that teaching shall not be invoked.
Now this Wisconsin Fascist might change things for Wisconsin, our sister state.
I do not care.
If Wisconsonites vote otherwise, well all the more power to them.
If a state wishes to teach its young that the world is 6,000 or 10,000 years old, well good for that state.
I do not care.
Minnesota students shall continue to beat all the other state's butts in any test that might be created.
Let California students and Oregon students and NY students and....
All these other states will have students who KILL the other students in any neutral contest.
If Alabama wishes to teach its students that Noah built an ark at the age of five hundred years of age? and within the small bounds described in Genesis and then went on to invite? all the land animals on the planet at the time to enter that ark?
That is fine.
Minnesota shall cream those idiots in any test available.
Of course, the South may create their own tests.
But the rest of the world shall laugh.
But Minnesota shall laugh! hahahahahahha
I do not care anymore about this issue.
Let the Feds give up on any attempt to control K-12!
Fuck it.
I do not care anymore.
If Texas wishes to teach 'THE FLOOD' in its curriculum. Good for Texas.
I do not give a shit. I really do not give one good shit. Do not spend any Federal Tax Dollars fighting with that stupid goddamn state about this issue any longer.
Cut out all funding relating to education.
Hell, cut out all funding relating to education to all states.
Let us have real competition among all the states.
Guess what?
Minnesota wins!
Washington and Massachusetts and a host of other Northern states will do just fine.
Let capitalism act per the repubs.
I dunno.
This thought just got to me.
I think we are all tangled up in blue; with regard to this issue?
Let Alabama be Alabama and let Mississippi and Georgia be what they wish to be.
Okay with me.
Marx (Karl , not Groucho) was right. The State(s) should wither away.
by Flavius on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 8:21am
I remember Groucho. hahahahah
States never wither, as you already know Flavius.
States just keep avering.
We shall never wither away.
We shall just evaporate!
(What does that mean?)
I dunno, I had to say something. I mean with all the Viagra in the world today, who really withers?
the end
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 2:34pm
What the hell do you know about Texas? People here are beautiful and not insular like you.
I met a lady at the gas station in Bells, Tx., the other day. She made me a sandwich of white bread, a slice of deli ham and two thick chunks of velveta which made the sandwich lopsided but I didn't care, she was beautiful and had not said anything bad about me.
I was in Bells looking for a lumber mill to buy some mesquite wood. Do fucking mesquite trees grow in your state, Sir?
Stop screwing with our text books. The flood is in the bible.
I was trying to make conversation with the lady. Who knows? Maybe she'd do better with a tuna casserole, and you know, who knows?
"Do you know where the lumber mill is", I asked.
"No", she said, "I'm not from around here."
"Where you from?", I asked.
"Ravena", she said.
"Where's that", I asked.
"Down the road about five miles." she said.
So you people up North don't know shit.
by Oxy Mora on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 1:43pm
Oxy, I came to some conclusion that no one would respond to this tripe.
But, If Texans wish to teach youngsters that the Earth is 6,000 or 10,000 years old....good for them.
I already know that there are goooooooooood Texans.
And yet, there are those who surmise that there are only Northerners who wish to divide?
The Flood. hahahahahah
Like somebody could build an ark and somehow save a million or three million land animals from extinction
let alone millions more called the 'slimy creatures'. ha
If Texas votes to teach this kind of crap.
Good for Texans.
Minnesota will lead the world.
In the end.
Yeah, Minnesota don't know shit, but Texans will never know what shit can tell us.
The Feds cannot tell Texans what to believe let alone what to teach.
In this capitalistic world, good ideas shall prevail.
Texans, from an academic perspective, according to what I have read, as a whole...
Don't know shit. hahahahahahah
But this all shall change.
Old white folks like me shall die off.
And Texans remaining shall see that we need some 'facts' inculcated into our curriculum.
Thank you Oxy.
I love America and I love Texans (to a point)
The Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.
Separate but equal....
God decides ultimate issues.
Okay, that is enough for today.
by Richard Day on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 2:42pm