The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    How Do Republicon Wet Dreams Serve the People?

    Sorry for the crudeness, but it really chafes me that the Republicon laundry list, that they spent the last FOUR YEARS 'practicing', is in anyway positive for the people of the United States?

    Who wins by cutting taxes for the wealthy?

    Who wins by removing regulations (read constraints to protect: the people, consumers, our social institutions, the environment, etc)?

    Who wins by cutting Medicaid - medical care for the poor?

    Who wins by CORPORATIZING (aka 'privatizing') the VA, education, social security, medicare, and on and on?

    Who wins by selling off our public lands and the resources thereon?

    This is NOT an agenda for the people. It is an agenda for the .01% and the corporations and financial houses that they own.

    Let the Republicons know that this is NOT your agenda.

    As I write this Ryan is giving his House speech and he has been "DREAMING" about this for a long time.


    Image icon WTF cat73.71 KB


    Librewolf ... I hear ya', but...

    Don't give 'em any pointers...

    So far they're doing a bang-up job all on there own. Here at Dag:

    Four More Years of Furiously Paddling in Circles?


    No worry about them listening to me, I am part of the forbidden media (AKA anything left of far right)! 

    Do they pay someone to read the forbidden media?indecision

    They've spent 50 years raging against "the elites" - somehow billionaire right-wingers aren't in their definition.

    The whole idea of who is really 'rich' or really 'elite' has changed radically.

    On Forbes 500 richest folk for 2016, Trump did not even make the list. Of those on the list (all billionaires), 

    Gates $75 bil
    Koch brothers ~ $40 each
    The three Waltons ~ $30 each ($90+ combined)

    Now it is said that Putin may be the richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of $200 billion. That may or may not be true. However, I suspect that there are a number of folk in the $100+ range (including the heads of cartels) who are also 'not on the radar.' I can think of LOTS of reasons to keep a low public profile. It is very likely that Putin's nod to Trump is so impactful BECAUSE Putin may be the first (and only) one of the global elite to do so (until he 'won' the presidency).