oldenGoldenDecoy's picture

    How the Media Can Cut Through the Bullshit and Do Their Job

    Like him or loathe him... He nails it!

    "...a lunatic president and his amoral flying monkeys ..."


    Pretty simple when you think about it...




    Nice.Obviously well-rehearsed, so: less rant = more hard hitting. I especially liked when he got into the issue of for-profit journalism, because: that is one thing he really understands up, down and backwards. So he sees clearly where there is conflict and where making money and doing right converge.

    Could be tough, though, when it gets down to having to do lengthy fact checks on every damn word


    You got this right for sure...

    Could be tough, though, when it gets down to having to do lengthy fact checks...

    Covering the current bunch in the administration is like rowing with one oar in the water...

    Try both oars...




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