The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    amike's picture

    Know Demos? No, the Other One. Try it, you might like it.

    Two websites named Demos--one in the U.S. the other in the U.K.  Almost like two countries separated by a common language as you-know-who said.  I visit them both  on occasion, and spent some time at the U.K. version today. 

    I've always found this useful--my freshmen come believing that we invented the idea and just maybe the rest of the world will catch up in a thousand years or so.  (When I am lucky enough to get a few international students in class they quickly set the American exceptionalists to backing off).

    ANYHOW...some of the people I really enjoy around here have been working to diversify the topics of discussion, and I thought I might direct them (and anyone else interested in ideas) to a recent publication of Demos:  We Mean Power: Ideas for the Future of the Left.  In good e.e. cummings style the title is uncapitalized, but I'm a traditionalist, I'm afraid.

    The author list is impressive.  Buying it will cost 10 pounds BUT downloads are free!  So if enough people decide they want to commune with folks from Oxford and other founts of learning, maybe we can get a discussion going. 

    Drop a nickel in the Demos bucket while you're at it, you'll feel good for doing so.

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