by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
In 1992, Bill Clinton was under attack for a reported affair with a woman from Arkansas. His wife, likely pissed, could have taken the easy way out, stayed in the shadows, let Bill work it out. Instead she went on camera and gave a speech that largely revived her husband's presidential chances - and cemented her negative opinion in the public eye for all time to come.
“You know, I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette,” she said, wearing gold earrings and a black headband, perched next to him on a couch in a hotel suite in Boston and waving her clenched right hand. “I’m sitting here because I love him, and I respect him, and I honor what he’s been through and what we’ve been through together. And you know, if that’s not enough for people, then heck—don’t vote for him.”
Bullet dodged - Bill's a great guy, earnest, hard-working - and his wife's a bit of a bitch.
In early 1998, Kenneth Starr as part of his years-long investigation of all things Clinton dredged up a tidbit of a dalliance in the Oval Office. Again, Hillary was on her game:
But I do believe that this is a battle. I mean, look at the very people who are involved in this—they have popped up in other settings. This is—the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.
Yes, of course her husband had had those relations (call it sex or just a BJ), but the background on it was accurate. And rather than sulk like Achilles in his tent, she was out to do battle.
That battle has left her the laughing stock and scorn pit not just of the right, but of the left as well. A steady current of her as "woman who'll do anything", "staying in a loveless marriage for power", and what ever else fits in an industrial size garbage sack floats among us to this day. She believes in conspiracy? We'll give her conspiracy.
In October, 2 months ago, one of the candidates pulled together a scandalous press conference of all her husband's accusers over the last 3 decades, including a purported incident where she'd laughed at a rape victim she'd defended, when the tapes and evidence show her laughing instead at the absurd legal situation.
Outrage? Not so much - pinch yourself if you even remember this piece of theater as being one of the top 10 events of campaign 2016. And slap yourself if you forgot it yet somehow expected Hillary to focus on "the issues", especially white men's deep troubling issues out in the "heartland".
Here's Time Magazine basically repeating the Fox News "interview" with same women, providing no additional information, simply a sounding board - the media echo chamber where it's easier to recycle words than think.
And here's Business Insider summarizing a CNN interview - let's see how many times "not worrying about Bill Clinton's sex life" comes up, vs. other topics...
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) says he believes Donald Trump should be focusing on more "important things" on the campaign trail than former President Bill Clinton's "sex life."
In a CNN interview on CNN, host Dana Bash asked Sanders if Trump's criticism of Bill Clinton's "sexual history" is "fair game."
Sanders rattled off several areas where he disagreed with Trump's policies, including Trump's opposition to raising the minimum wage and on dealing with climate change.
"Maybe Trump should worry about those issues rather than Bill Clinton's sex life," Sanders said.
Bash marveled at Sanders' seamless transition — then pressed him to more directly respond to the question.
"Only Bernie Sanders can segue from climate change to Bill Clinton's sex life. That was impressive," Bash said. "But what is the answer?"
"No, I think we have more important things to worry about in this country than Bill Clinton's sex life," Sanders said.
Trump has recently attempted to make the former president's infidelities a campaign issue against Hillary Clinton, now the Democratic front-runner for president. In a "Face the Nation" interview on Sunday, Trump asserted that Hillary Clinton cannot criticize him for his controversial statements on women's issues because of her husband's history.
"I'm the only one that's willing to talk about his problems," Trump said. "I mean, what he did and what he has gone through I think is frankly terrible, especially if she wants to play the woman card."
Wow, that clears it up - I suddenly forgot all about Bill's sex life. Did you note that even "important things" is in scare quotes? Because what could be more important than talking about consensual sex between adults 20 years ago?
And did you notice the "Trump card"? Talking about women has to start by acknowledging and talking about Bill's sex life - which of course is a never-ending topic, so hey, stop playing the "woman card" already.
Remember - this was in reaction to Trump's outrageous sexual comments and behavior - notice they've vanished in the whole piece, and now it's Trump giving advice, good ol' Unka Donald (no longer Uncle Ernie).
Of course the art of not talking about Bill Clinton is as great as the art of talking about him. Here's Bernie Sanders responding to an audience question back last fall:
Look, Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. What Bill Clinton did, I think we can all acknowledge, was totally, totally, totally disgraceful and unacceptable,” the Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate told a crowd at an Iowa town hall. “But I am running against Hillary Clinton. I’m not running against Bill Clinton.”
Note the 3 "totally"s there. Yep, when I want to avoid talking about something, I highlight and caption it with excessive adverbs and 2 strong adjectives and finish off with the thing I don't want to talk about.
But more important, and I'll come back to it with the blog I meant to write, is that we're totally faithless to people who fight for us, and totally kneejerk for the next shiny thing coming down the road, whatever it may be.
Instead of being rightly seen as a valiant victim who took one for the team, Hillary inherited the stain of her husband's actions more than he did - and let's be real, it was just copping some quick sex, not say Petraeus handing over a ton of confidential material to a mistress he was obsessed with.
But instead, Hillary became the rapist, she became her hubby's enabler, she because she's female becomes the real villain - she couldn't control her husband, so bad deeds were done. Lady Macbeth should have had it so easy.
Once upon a time, Hillary stood up in a shitstorm - twice - to make sure one of her core struggles, to get her husband elected and stay elected and all the shared values & policies that included, didn't go down the tubes. She did it not just for herself, but for all of us, since holding back the vast rightwing conspiracy even a little bit for 2 decades was worth its figurative weight in gold.
And instead we're here second-guessing her commitment to party, to "true" progressive values, to how she campaigned, to whether she had enough passion for those white male voters who count.
Well next time you're thinking about those white male voters, think about this:
Because even *after* flushing his political career down the tubes with puerile sexting, Huma's husband was found sexting underage girls, dragging in his wife who'd been busy with the most important act of her stellar 20 year career - now vanished in a heartbeat, or 1 FBI chief's press conference in October, thanks largely to him.
Yeah, I'm worried about men's libidos over any other issues, their concerns about being replaced by women, made irrelevant, their need to pussy grab to enforce self-esteem and buck up their dwindling machoism and inability to compete in the world that up to now has always been tilted towards them.
Women's issues? The biggest one is men.
by Richard Day on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 8:26am
by Richard Day on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 8:26am
Probably not on point but I was thinking about Art Carney and Harry & Tonto.
Art is on a park bench reminiscing with some old guy
This is like 1974.
Art's character asks:
When was the last time you had sex?
Oh, I remember it well. It was July 16th................ 1957
by Richard Day on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 8:34am
by Richard Day on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 8:25am
PP, you have done it again. I don't want to hear one more criticism of Hillary; I only wish I could put what she's been through in the words that you do. When I think of how hopeful I was of her surprising all the "pure" progressives who just couldn't bring themselves to vote for her, and they are still unrepentant and will never know what they missed. Pathetic!
Thanks for the words.
by CVille Dem on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 9:28am
Hillary was not the problem. Voters were the problem. Those who voted for Trump know that his is a racist misogynistic and an idiot but don't care. Progressives who stayed home or voted third party knew that electing Trump could be the result. They all were willing to put the poor, women, and minority groups at risk. They knew that Trump could not bring back jobs. They let their anger overrule common sense.
The media is struggling hard to normalize Trump. They try to avoid the crazy by giving us details about Trump's quest for a Secretary of State. Trump voters and purist Progressives say that government doesn't work. Well they are going to see government not working up close and personal.
Edit to add:
MSNBC interviewed a guy who voted for Hillary but made money by posting fake news alleging that an FBI agent investigating Hillary's emails had been mysteriously murdered. The story was a complete fabrication but got tons of hits. What impact did the imbecile think his fake news stories would have?
by rmrd0000 on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 10:04am
Nailed it PP. She was carrying around a boatload of old baggage (most of which wasn't even hers to carry,) but I truly believe what did her in was the fact that she's a strong woman who wouldn't be beaten into submission.
I read an article yesterday about her "martyrdom" and I think it's possible she may be more "dangerous" outside the constraints of government.
by stillidealistic on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 10:42am
One can only hope - a woman scorned? With a $50+ million pot of cash & a $400 million year global nonprofit to work from as starters?
No one to answer to about her speaking fees either... $1 million a pop? $2 million? to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and direct on the floor of Wall Street? sure, just to make people's heads explode. so much more she could have done - $10 million to the Sheikh of Arabia, why not?
She can buy an email server 100 feet high, 30 feet deep, 20 feet wide with gold trim and put it on her front yard. With "Fuck You, Comey - you're my bitch now, you sad piece of shit" emblazoned on it.
Hillary goes rogue, that would be fun. They said she was too uptight? well, here's where she can let her hair down. Wanted to 2nd Amendment her? let's talk right to bear arms....
And maybe can we finally stop calling her "Secretary Clinton" now, as if she's headed to the ditto machine to do some copying - at least "Recently Deposed" or "Dictator in Waiting" or "Full Time Shit Disturber" could set a tone for those coming twilight (of the Gods) years.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 12:23pm
This is hilarious, PP but the Red Queen has been deposed and i doubt any of her old Bankster friends will pay her to hear her private positions on anything, nevermore..
The best way to view her future is to visualize her as one of those old Soviet statues draged off of the public stage and relegated to the scrapyard of history where she will collect bird droppings. The tattered remnants of her cult may make occasional pilgrimages to her resting place to weep and moan while they sift through the bird droppings searching for their lost dreams.
by Peter (not verified) on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 2:06pm
You don't seem to understand - she made plenty of money airing her private positions, and I'm sure she'll pull down a pretty penny doing it still. 65+ million people voted for her - hard to imagine anyone having the wherewithal to "drag" her off public stage, however bitter and irascible you may be. The neat thing is she can tell you where to go, seeing as she doesn't need your vote nor your opinion.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 3:13pm
I think that feeding a troll is not the best idea. Hillary's 3rd act will be there for Peter to see (and deny).
by CVille Dem on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 4:00pm
Well, when I see a cock crow 3 times, I'm outta here anyway. Reminds me too much of Brüno.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 4:12pm
Once again you're wrong. You still think the lecture circuit was some special perk for Hillary or that it was some pay to play. Reagan, Bush, even Giuliani and scores of others made bank on the lecture circuit after they were out of political power. It's just a way for the rich and powerful to meet famous people. Hillary is still famous enough to go right back to it if she wants. Her biggest problem now is she'll be competing with Obama for the big money gigs. He'll be the one with the most star power on the lecture circuit, even though he's out of power. If he wants to do it.
And she won't be dragged away. She'll go back to the Clinton Foundation which will go back to being considered one of the most respected charitable organizations in the world. Just like it was before Hillary ran for president. All the attacks on the foundation while Hillary was running for president were just political bullshit to snooker the fools. Now that she not running for president all that bs will disappear. We'll see her in troubled spots world wide doing good works and bringing attention to poor and oppressed in those areas. Especially women and children which has always been her signature issue.
Not only that her popularity will go up as many liberals who decided to hate her will emphasize with her and rally to her for winning the vote and being cheated out of the presidency.
Watch and see peter. I'd be willing to put good money down that this is the scenario most likely to happen.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 3:16pm
I suppose the deposed queen might be offered some third tier speaking engagements, more pity parties than royal prominades, for a two time loser. She lost the election that was as fair and square, as our system can be, and those who cling to something that has never existed will become as sour as the sour grapes they project.
I also doubt the Clinton Graft Foundation will see contributions from their big donors now that they have nothing to offer in the way of connections to real power. The CF was initially a ploy to make Bill appear less of a filandering creep ex-president that grew into a power connection scheme that no longer exists so we'll see if the charity front survives.
I'm enjoying the fact that the noxious emissinons from the Red Queen have mostly ceased and will not be allowed to return freeing everyone to move on to observing the good, the bad and the ugly that Trump may bring.
by Peter (not verified) on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 4:00pm
"She lost the election that was as fair and square, as our system can be" - arguably the most cynical thing you've ever said, and that's taking into account a lot of sludge. I'm hoping the "noxious emissions" permeate your nostrils and infects your sleep much as your constant nagging voice of gloom pouts through this website leaving the sense and stench of romper rooms long since abandoned. Isn't it time for your change?
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 4:17pm
Ocean, I hope you don't respond. Peter just likes to get your attention so he can make more incendiary comments.
by CVille Dem on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 4:06pm
I think your analysis is mistaken. Hillary's motives may have always been pure. So might have been those of her mega-donors, it is just as likely, but I cannot be convinced that many/most did not believe they were making an investment but not for my prioritized interests or those of the working class public. The best all-admiring apologetics that can be rationalized with a spin doctors best work is that she was playing members of the system [that she is, or maybe was] a part of for fools and really had a pure agenda unaffected by the need for a great deal of money to pull off, and that she had been fooling them for years. Could be, maybe most billionaires are gullible fools. But, in that scenario at least some of them were believing they were doing the same with her. I think most everyone directly involved had about the same level of honesty in their dealings. Just my opinion.
That is a poor group to compare her with just because they did it too. Comparing her choices which had ethical implications with the actions of those guys for the purpose of justifying and defending her actions is doing so while standing on weak ground. Reagan was very strongly criticized by Democrats for his post-Presidency bank account padding. It was widely perceived as payoff for work well done. Hillary didn't quite get the job and so couldn't do the job to their expectations. Win some, lose some, but as long as you win more than you lose you are called "smart money". Smart money will likely look for their future significant investments somewhere else.The Bush family [It is not clear which Bush you are referring to] and Giuliani were considered to still have political capital to sell off. Maybe Hillary and Bill still do too, we'll see.
Well, yeah. And to identify who is rich and powerful enough to want to know and impress and curry favor with.
Note that none of this is an argument that Trump will be a better President than she would have been. That is a different subject. Also, it is interesting that you have become a betting man.
by A Guy Called LULU on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 5:50pm
Is there a point hiding in paragraph 1? a pretty nice jumble of something, doubt, a few mayby's, mumble mumble mumble, (please God help me to the end of this passage....), concern.
Yeah, yeah, we get it, "appearances". No appreciation that sausage-making does demand blood & gristle and sinew. But no matter. Now all the appearance trolls can fuck off as she's a private citizen. Try getting The Donald to deal with 1/100th the appearances. I'll be here, watching, laughing, suffering.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 6:15pm
Yeah, there is a point to my first paragraph. I was responding directly to a comment by OK. What I was trying to get across is that I think his analysis is mistaken. I tried to make that point clear in the first sentence of my first paragraph where I said, "I think your analysis is mistaken." Hope that helps.
by A Guy Called LULU on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 7:21pm
Well, yeah, but that's where the "clearness" ended. Never mind, we got it - she's suspicious er al. Fortunately you have Trump to make it all great again. Damn Clintons, always foing the water.
by PeraclesPlease on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 7:47pm
The absolute least pure person has been identified as "Not a liar,," 90% of his statements are proved to be lies. But "Pure" Progressives just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hillary.
What a bunch of self-absorbed ass-holes! They should connect very well with the donald, but they don't admit it.
Edited to correct
by CVille Dem on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 9:46am
You're displaying too much pain and ugly anger over spilled milk, CV. There may not be much to celebrate this Christmas but we can share in the happyness the 1000 families in Indiana who can enjoy a Merry Christmas without fear for their livelihood thanks to the promise kept by the Liar in Chief.
You need to be able to seperate election season rhetoric from what the candidates have or will do once in office. I expect Trump will not have a different private and public policy position on important issued so i can agree or disagree with him without being fooled by lies.
Amerikans need to be lied to and they demand that the Liar in Chief be a bold and effective prevaricator and that's why Clinton lost, she is and has been a very poor, inept and often clueless liar.
by Peter (not verified) on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 12:47pm
700 families, Peter - really, you need to track your "truths" better if you're going to be the voice of reason - it's embarrassing.
"I expect Trump will not have a different private and public policy position on important issued so i can agree or disagree with him without being fooled by lies." - you really are playing the buffoon now. Drain the swamp, buddy?
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 1:04pm
You seem to believe you have a clear view of the Homeland from your Transylvanian redoubt but your long absence has dulled your ability to even be a good local buffoon. These three hundred jobs were slated for elimination if not offshoring and were part of the deal, Merry Christmas to all. Trump confronted the Carrier Scrooge in public and then made the deal, with the help of the Indiana governor, in a private meeting where no hidden policy was necessary. Obama nor Clinton would even try to address this issue because it would conflict with their parasitic dependence on these captains of industry.
by Peter (not verified) on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 6:07pm
Ah yes, our Captain of Industry setting up backroom deals for the good of mankind. Pull the other one. A guttersnipe by any other name is still a guttersnipe. Follow the lawsuits - suspension of disbelief becomes harder. Then again, faith-based reasoning brooks no argument. Hero worship cum bromance - all's well in Petertopia.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 6:57pm
That is a poor group to compare her with just because they did it too.
Al Franken worked the lecture circuit for years. It was a significant potion of his income. I read one of his books about 20 years ago and there was a hilarious chapter about him going to give speeches to these conservative executives.
We're never going to agree on this but people, like Maiello, who have experience with these sorts of functions have tried to explain the lecture circuit to you. There's probably some hundreds of people working the lecture circuit. Some low end, some high end. It's a perk for the executives. Open bar, buffet table, and a lecture for entertainment. A pic with the famous person to hang on their brag wall. A chance to name drop with peers who didn't get invited. You think Trump is the only big ego-ed rich narcissist?
You see this as big money. What you don't get is when you have billions to throw around a couple of hundred thousand is just pocket change.
Elite colleges do it for the same reason. A perk for the staff and for the students paying the big bucks to go to Harvard, Yale, etc. A chance to get up front and personal, maybe ask a famous politician a question. Often for a select group a meet and greet with the "star." The college gets to put a couple of pics in their next brochure.
it is interesting that you have become a betting man.
It's just a way to convey the commitment I have to my statements. I can't believe your understanding of English idioms is so weak you don't get that. I don't bet first because I care very little about money. Second I'd never place a bet with someone I don't trust. Third I'd never bet with someone I trust because I only trust my friends and I wouldn't want to use a friend to make money in a zero sum game.
by ocean-kat on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 9:50pm
Woohoo! She can be a much bigger thorn in their sides from outside the government, and I hope once she gets rested she'll go out and stir up some shit!
by stillidealistic on Tue, 12/06/2016 - 10:16pm
An anecdote. I've probably offered it here before but it's on point.
During the impeachment follies I was in the serious surgery waiting room in Brigham's & Woman' s.
Two others. None of us identified ourselves. Little conversation. Not a cheerful moment.
One, a local woman, clearly not from the waspy suburbs put down her Globe and said : " I can't believe it,that Mr. Staff wants to do" something outrageous , perhaps depose Chelsea- the details lost in the dark recesses of my so called memory. Anyway, not the point.
The other woman:
"I'm from Oklahoma.I'm an attorney and we invited Ken Starr to address the annual Bar Association convention . He charged twenty thousand dollars" (said ruefully)." He said ' Bill Clinton is guilty and I won't rest until I get him'."
Continuing "I'm a Republican. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton, of course. I've probably never voted for any
Democrat and probably never will. But as I looked around me I felt that what Starr was saying was at least inappropriate if not illegal for a Special Prosecutor ,supposed to be determining facts, on behalf of the Country ,not indulging personal prejudices."
It's not that there aren't any reasonable conservatives. I know some. It's that they too seldom speak out and when they do, too often, allow themselves to be drowned out by the chorus of their unthinking peers.
by Flavius on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 12:02pm
The problem is that the "rational" Conservatives are no different than the people who remained silent in Jim Crow. They will let Trump go crazy. From a practical standpoint, they are not our allies.
Edit to add:
Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, etc. know that the "good" Conservatives will be MIA. We look at people we work with everyday and realize they would do nothing if Trump came for us. That is the new reality.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 12/07/2016 - 4:35pm