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    Lily Ledbetter got her act. Shouldn't Edward Snowden?

    There has been extensive back and forth (not excluding here at the Dag) focussed on the proper way to characterterize Edward Snowden. The polar entries are traitor or full blown patriot/ Ellsberg redux.
    More focussed deconstruction debated " "whistleblower" vs. irresponsible publicity seeker unwilling to follow the logical mandate that civil disobeyers must surrender to, rather than flee from, "justice". ( fear quotes purposely used for intended irony...)
    Surely the legislation now pending, which has caused the administration to mobilize a full court press in opposition, ends this particular controversy.
    He is manifestly a whistle blower, sacrificing home ( in Hawaii!) employment ( highly paid), and pussy ( top-shelf, to all appearance and report), to bring news that a  *US Senator, with all his perks, power, and privelege feared to expose, although he bit smooth through his tongue). .

    Can we please call the act, if passed, The Edward Snowden Act? Really, he deserves it.


    "General Alexander’s hurried visit
    to Capitol Hill came as a leading
    Senate critic of the N.S.A.’s large-
    scale collection of data about
    Americans’ phone calls spoke out
    about expansive government
    surveillance. He declared that
    recent leaks about domestic
    spying by Mr. Snowden have
    created a “unique moment in our
    constitutional history” to reform
    what he said has become “an
    always expanding, omnipresent
    surveillance state.”
    Ron Wyden , Democrat of Oregon,
    the leading Senate critic and a
    member of the Intelligence
    Committee, also hinted that the
    revelation that the government
    has been keeping records ofo every
    domestic phone call is not the
    only such extensive program. And
    he blasted national security
    officials in the Obama
    administration, saying they have
    “actively” misled the American
    public about domestic


    Like Truman's "Marshall Plan" probably have to name it after some general instead to get Republican approval. They've always loved a man in a uniform - interpret as you wish, but like the girls those 2nd Amendment types just probably like to see you shoot.

    nothing ups your game like a well tailored outfit! ( let us pause to admire the irony that Stormin Norman Swartzkopf's father, while heading the NJ State police, designed their uniform later lifted verbatim for the Wehrmacht. Maybe Id get more pussy if I wore a doorman's uniform? Nah, prolly not.

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