by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Senate candidate John Raese, vying to replace deceased Senator Robert Byrd in West Virginia's delegation, may have inadvertently been outed as a member of a problematic Florida country club by no other than Rush Limbaugh.
According to the Huffington Post's Sam Stein, Limbaugh told his audience today that he and Raese have lockers opposite one another in the locker room of "prominent local club" where Limbaugh plays golf.
Limbaugh is a member of the Everglades Club in Palm Beach, which is infamous for having virtually no membership rules but still managing to keep from ever letting a single African-American join through 2008.
Among the more unflattering aspects that surfaced [when Limbaugh made a bid to buy the St. Louis Rams] was that while the club had no formal membership guidelines, as of 2008 it had never let in a black member and there had only been one Jewish member in its history.
Everglades has, in addition, not been without its share of political controversies. The New York Post reported that: "Joseph Kennedy quit the Everglades when his son became president." And in 1996, Georgia GOP Senate candidate Guy Millner resigned his membership in the middle of a tight U.S. Senate race against Max Cleland.
Raese refused to comment, claiming that the questions were politically motivated.
When I see something like this I immediately wish to call these people fascist racist pricks. And I have another immediate reaction:
See, this is what the repub party has become!!!
I found this little blog on the internet a while ago. And it was about O’Reilly, racism and his crack research staff.
O’Reilly of course denies any racism on the right since he is fair and balanced. I dug up this little blog today attempting to disprove Billo’s claim that rush aint a racist. Bill always talks about his great research staff who have never been able to find one racist statement ever made by rush.
So the blogger just went to mediamatters, which is what I always do and found this:
Media Matters has documented 28 examples of Limbaugh making racially charged remarks:
1) "We are being told that we have to hope [Obama] succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles ... because his father was black."
2) "I do believe" Obama is an "angry black guy."
3) "In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering."
4) "Obama's entire economic program is reparations."
5) Obama is "more African in his roots than he is American" and is "behaving like an African colonial despot."
6) Obama is a "Halfrican-American."
7) "Obama has disowned his white half ... he's decided he's got to go all in on the black side."
8) Sotomayor "a reverse racist" appointed by Obama, "the greatest living example of a reverse racist."
9) Obama "wants us to have the same health care and plan that he had in Kenya" and "wants to be the black FDR."
10) Latching onto LA Times op-ed, Limbaugh sings "Barack, The Magic Negro."
11) "God does not have a birth certificate. Neither does Obama"; Obama "has yet to prove he's a citizen."
12) Limbaugh on Gates controversy: "Here you have a black president trying to destroy a white policeman."
13) Limbaugh suggests Obama would not have acted on Somali pirates if he'd known they were "actually young, black Muslim teenagers."
14) Limbaugh suggests Democrats, media believe "you can't criticize the little black man-child."
15) "The government's been taking care of [young blacks] their whole lives."
16) "The days of [minorities] not having any power are over, and they are angry."
17) "Minorities never do anything for which they have to apologize."
18) Limbaugh: "The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well."
19) Limbaugh says "NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips."
20) Limbaugh declares basketball "the favorite sport of gangs."
21) Limbaugh invented "racial component" to Hackett's decision to withdraw from Ohio primary race.
22) Limbaugh on Survivor series: "African-American tribe" worst swimmers, Hispanics "will do things other people won't do."
23) Limbaugh suggested Colin Powell only supported Obama because of race.
24) Limbaugh: Gates is an "angry racist."
25) Limbaugh called illegal immigrants an "invasive species."
26) Limbaugh repeatedly calls Native Americans "Injuns."
27) Limbaugh says Democrats' interest in Darfur is securing black "voting bloc."
28) Limbaugh says that if "feminazis" had remembered to oppose "affirmative action for black guys ... they wouldn't face the situation they face today."
Hey Billy, your crack research staff is a fricking joke, and so are you. It's clear that you are a liar, and that you simply lied for your right-wing friend Rush Limbaugh, instead of reporting the facts, proving that you are a lying right-wing fraud of a journalist.
My reaction to this golf club and these quotes is simple. These folks are fascist racist pricks. So someone like Avlon at the Daily Beast or his cohort McKinnon would simply label me as a left wing nut. And right wing nuts and left wing nuts are wing nuts nonetheless and are destroying this country.
That attitude pisses me off. Find one left winger who even comes close to making statements like those I found at Mediamatters—there are literally thousands of filthy lines like these on record as far as the rush is concerned. You cannot find anyone on the left who spews out filth at this frequency or with this much venom.
I bring this all to the fore again to make a point. I reviewed Mein Kampf the last couple of days, since beckerhead and other right wing bastards like rush keep calling progressives followers of Adolf Hitler. Fox and the Nazis
Repub politicians do this all the time. Just the other day one of the bastards running for Congress claimed that separation of church and state was something created by Adolf Hitler.
So I thought I would review Mein Kampf in the light of a number of issues facing us today and contrast those views formulated 90 years ago by a traitorous felon sitting in his cell with bombastic rhetoric of the the tea partiers and repubs of today.
I thought that I would begin with an analysis of Der Fuhrer’s thoughts about immigration policy.
In most cases nowadays a person acquires civic rights by being born within the frontiers of a State. The race or nationality to which he may belong plays no role whatsoever. The child of a Negro who once lived in one of the German protectorates and now takes up his residence in Germany automatically becomes a 'German Citizen' in the eyes of the world. In the same way the child of any Jew, Pole, African or Asian may automatically become a German Citizen.
Besides naturalization that is acquired through the fact of having been born within the confines of a State there exists another kind of naturalization which can be acquired later. This process is subject to various preliminary requirements. For example one condition is that, if possible, the applicant must not be a burglar or a common street thug. It is required of him that his political attitude is not such as to give cause for uneasiness; in other words he must be a harmless simpleton in politics. It is required that he shall not be a burden to the State of which he wishes to become a citizen. In this realistic epoch of ours this last condition naturally only means that he must not be a financial burden. If the affairs of the candidate are such that it appears likely he will turn out to be a good taxpayer, that is a very important consideration and will help him to obtain civic rights all the more rapidly.
The question of race plays no part at all.
The whole process of acquiring civic rights is not very different from that of being admitted to membership of an automobile club, for instance. A person files his application. It is examined. It is sanctioned. And one day the man receives a card which informs him that he has become a citizen. The information is given in an amusing way. An applicant who has hitherto been a Zulu or Kaffir is told: "By these presents you are now become a German Citizen."The principle is that birth within the confines of the State gives only the status of a subject. It does not carry with it the right to fill any position under the State or to participate in political life, such as taking an active or passive part in elections.
Do you can see parallels between Mein Kampf and the bombastic rhetoric of the tea party movement as well as the birther movement?
You must recall that the Birther’s Movement really has little respect for birth at all as far as our immigration policy in this country even though they are all anti abortion. You see, if you gave a Birther a video tape of the live birth of Barack Obama with attached affidavits signed by 50 witnesses that would not be enough to prove that our President is an American. This is because Barack Obama had an African father; plain and simple. If his father had simply been a Black citizen from Atlanta, I do not think it would make any difference, but we are splitting hairs here.
This is because these folks do not acknowledge the wording in the 14th Amendment that gives citizenship to all those born within our borders.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) told The Hill on Monday that Congress “ought to take a look at” changing the 14th Amendment, which gives the children of illegal immigrants a right to U.S. citizenship.
McConnell’s statement signals growing support within the GOP for the controversial idea, which has also recently been touted by Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
In an interview, McConnell said the 14th Amendment provision should be reconsidered in light of the country’s immigration problem.
McConnell stopped short of echoing Graham’s call for revamping the amendment.
And in that same interview McConnell said:
During an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Kyl said, “There is a constitutional provision in the 14th Amendment that has been interpreted to provide that, if you are born in the United States, you are a citizen no matter what. … And so the question is, if both parents are here illegally, should there be a reward for their illegal behavior?”
Whose illegal behavior is this madman talking about?
The fetus is a living being according to McConnell.
The fetus is born when daddy’s sperm hits the egg, I guess.
And of course the fetus has already been born in original sin.
But it is that fetus, I assume following delivery, who is guilty of no behavior at all except for its strong attempt to get into the fresh air.
The fetus is going to be granted citizenship.
The fetus is certainly not guilty of bad behavior, not guilty of illegal behavior and really has exhibited no real human behavior at all.
This is part one of many chapters concerning my review of Mein Kampf.
I see people are lining up to comment on a story about Mein Kampf. Hmmmmmm.... we may have a bit of a mystery here, Dick. I mean, WHY would people shy away from this discussion?
MY own personal guess is that it's because people here at DagBlog are selfish. They don't actually care about THIS OTHER GUY'S kampfs, they just want to bellyache about THEIR kampfs.
You know, they want to see Genghis' Kampfs, and Donal's Kampfs and Dick's Kampfs and Orlando's Kampfs.
In fact, given a chance, people would probably write about their own struggles DAILY, like in a Diary, Or a Log, on the Web, and happily put it out there for everyone to see.
They might even come up with a Collective Blog to enable their Daily Kampfs to be more widely read and commented upon. Each looking to build a little circle of supporters.
And after that, well, it's inevitable really. Group in/out peer dynamics will almost certainly lead to the identification of one or another particular group to criticize or blame for the problems of the day. Because doing so tends to ease the Daily Kampfs,right?
And soon... well... you know.
Anyway. You can see why people would want to shy away.
by quinn esq on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 10:06am
I was thinking of writing a book, Mein Kampf, Mein Self, which would focus on just what it is that makes me kampf out of bed in the morning.
by Donal on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 11:24am
Well, like two thirds of my posts lately, this blog is not catching on fire and that certainly adds to my Kampf.
It is an interesting read though. It has to have been four decades since I real this filth.
Sometimes people like Bachmann or Tancredo can be seen to have actually quoted Der Fuhrer word for word. Sometimes 'Jew' is simply fatigued into 'liberal' or 'progressive', but the sentences remain the same.
I am going to continue on this quest, probably not reposting my chapters here.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 11:49am
Keep up the good work
by Resistance on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 8:02am
The most effective way to rid a nation of the 'inferior' is sterilization, then you don't have to worry about the babies. This is known as eugenics, a field developed in late 19th century Britain and first put into action in the good ole USA beginning in the early 1900's and extending into the 1950's. Thousands or tens of thousands of Americans were sterilized involuntarily in states across the US over that period, with the full backing of courts, politicians, the big foundations and think tanks, and the doctors who performed the surgery.
Edwin Black discussed this topic in his book, War Against the Weak and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, and he also documented how a subsidiary of IBM, with full support of its US parent company, helped Nazi Germany gather data, record it on punch cards, and tabulate the data to find and eliminate the 'inferior races' that were diluting the blood of the 'master race'. It was one of the many 'gifts' of the Nazi's to take eugenics, an American policy of the era, to the extreme, showing the sadistic and cruel end point of the policy
This history is something to keep in mind when the GOP demagogues talk about who deserves to be a citizen in their view, and who is not 'entitled' to citizenship. It is not likely to end with the initial restrictions.
by NCD on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 11:17am
This is stark to me. I am seeing more than just parallels in the messages of the German Fascists and the American Fascists. Repub writers have definitely read and catalogued Mein Kampf.
We had the fascist movement in this country during the first half of the 20th century as you point out. And our corporations--how a corporation can be 'ours' is beyond me since corps have no allegiance to nations anyway--helped build the Reich.
The fight will continue forever as far as I can tell.
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 11:58am
Richard, did you see that the Republican candidate for the Senate in Alaska used ACTIVE DUTY military to 'arrest' and detain one reporter, and intimidate a few others at his recent campaign event in Alaska?
It is against the law for active duty military to work in campaigns, and a GOP Senate candidate didn't know that?
See Greenwald at Salon.
This bunch will not be content until they use every facet of government to run or ruin the lives of people who don't 'measure up' or who ask too many questions.
by NCD on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 12:24pm
What? Greenwald is attacking the fascists again when he could be spending all his good time bashing our President?
I saw a short story on this in TPM I think...the Pentagon is looking into this...or some such.
This Alaskan candidate does make Murkowski look rather sane does he not? I can just see the guy sitting with Inhofe and DeMint sipping on brandies and discussing the abolition of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
Well, it would be a start, remarked Senator Inhofe. hahahahaahah
by Richard Day on Wed, 10/20/2010 - 12:40pm
I think you'll enjoy Lewis Black on Beck:
But it does make me sad to hear you characterize Greenwald as an Obama attacker. I admit I don't read him all the time, but I'd think you'd want him or others (like CCR and the ACLU) watchdogging and struggling against the various unconstitutional policies and actions of this administration, as you did the last. I do have some sympathy for the amount of energy it must cause you to avoid seeing this trend.
by we are stardust on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 9:42am
This is really interesting. I can't wait for the next part. It has been a very long time since I read it. When we were in college, Mein Kampf, Karl Marks and Silent Spring ended up required reading. If someone would have said 40 years in the future we will see Hitler's kind of rational in US politics, I would have called them crazy. As it turns out half the country is now crazy.
Sorry I was late getting to this. Busy with GOTV.
by trkingmomoe on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 1:30am
I think Mein Kampf has always been with us Momoe, with U.S.
But the media just lets it slide now. Really strange.
by Richard Day on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 1:43am