The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    The Modern GOP - The Most Dangerous Force in America


    The Modern GOP - The Most Dangerous Force in America


    So once again, in spite of all their claims of loving America and being solely dedicated to promoting the nations best interest, the GOP has found yet another pretext to hold America hostage and twist the arm of the American people in an attempt to force the nation to accept the malevolent agenda of their corporate cronies. And this is not the first time - it’s becoming a recurring event.
    When my daughter was a teenager, and young boys started knocking at my door to profess their love, knowing that I would never be able to hold back the force of nature, I armed her with what I considered sage advice instead. I told her to "Pay no attention to what these young boys say. Watch what they DO." That advice served her well, and it seems that it is now an excellent rule of thumb for the American people in dealing with the modern GOP, because their repeated behavior and obvious disregard for what’s in the best interest of the United States comes nowhere close to matching their political rhetoric.
    Richard (R.J.) Eskow, a former executive experienced in healthcare, benefits and risk management, finance, and information technology, also a senior fellow with the Campaign for America's Future and who hosts The Breakdown, says in his Huffington Post article, "The Shutdown: Republicans Win Standoff, Shoot Hostages Anyway," the following:
    "Even some other Republicans were appalled. One House member, mixing metaphors as effortlessly as his peers mix martinis, described his fellow Republicans as ‘lemmings with suicide vests.’
    "What are they thinking? It's hard to tell, since the GOP itself appears to be in complete chaos. But make no mistake about it: That is a hostage crisis, and however long or short the government shutdown turns out to be, the hostages -- the American people -- are already paying the price."
    Eskow goes on to point out, "The economy has begun shrinking. Morgan Stanley analysts estimate that the Republican shutdown will "trim annual GDP growth by approximately 15 basis points per week of closing."
    Newsmax reported former Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine as saying the Republican Party has bowed to extreme elements, making it unrecognizable from the GOP she joined years ago. Sen. Snowe said:
    "Obviously it’s moved to the extremes. I wouldn’t characterize everybody within the tea party movement, but certainly there are broad elements within the party now that are driving their own agenda for their own advantage, irrespective of what implications it has for the Republican Party,"

    Then Sen. Snowe goes on to tell Ashleigh Banfield of CNN Newsroom, "And certainly, this isn’t a party that I recognize and the party that I joined when I first enrolled, and that’s regrettable."
    It has become clear that the GOP's 30-year assault on our educational system has finally filtered down to having a negative impact on its own politicians. You cannot dumb-down America without also dumbing down the caliber of the politicians who assume elective office, and that has clearly taken place in the Republican Party. That's why we're witnessing unprecedented stupidity in government.
    Many of these politicians fail to realize that giving political games priority over the interest of the nation is not only a blatant act of irresponsibility, but political malfeasance. That’s why this Republican congress has been rated lower than any congress in the history of this nation. They’re like a bunch of irate children. They’re stomping their feet and having a tantrum because America voted against letting them have their way.
    This is not a debatable issue. As President Obama pointed out in his response to the government shutdown, there was absolutely no reason for the Republicans in congress to shutdown the government. It serves no useful purpose other than to inflict pain upon the American people in order to punish America for not letting them have their way. The president said the following:
    "They've shut down the government over an ideological crusade to deny affordable health insurance to millions of Americans. In other words, they demanded ransom just for doing their job . . .
    "And of course what's stranger still is that shutting down our government doesn't accomplish their stated goal. The Affordable Care Act is a law that passed the House, that passed the Senate, the Supreme Court ruled constitutional. It was a central issue in last year's election. It is settled, and it is here to stay.
    "And because of its funding sources, it's not impacted by a government shutdown. And these Americans are here with me today because even though the government is closed, a big part of the Affordable Care Act is now open for business."

    So the problem is, the GOP has become so radical in its agenda that it has a vested interest in electing ideologues over anyone with any kind of intellectual acuity. In fact, the GOP’s agenda is so toxic to America to anyone with common sense that it's necessitated the Republican Party becoming openly hostile to all intellectuals, potential statesman, and even independent thought itself. In addition, their pretexts to push their agenda that is so obviously toxic to the American people has become so convoluted that they’ve become so prolific in their lies that if they ever did decide to tell the truth, it would only be in an attempt to confuse the public.
    The facts are clear to anyone who's truly interested in facts. Take a moment to ask yourself, who was the last Republican president who DIDN’T drag America under a bus? With the exception of Ike Eisenhower, the GOP has a one hundred year history of swindling the American people ( Period.
    That’s how we’ve ended up with what we have today - a Republican congress filled with complete idiots who are totally oblivious to tradition, limits, and what's in the best interest of the nation. As I’ve pointed out in previous articles, and with complete candor, if Al Qaeda represents a rattle snake in America’s garden, the current GOP constitutes a python in the bedroom. Because as big a threat as Al Qaeda is to America, they can only destroy buildings, but the modern GOP is out to destroy the very foundation upon which this nation rests. Thus, it is incumbent upon America to correct that situation in the very next election. It just may be our last chance.


    [email protected]


    Eric L. Wattree

    Citizens Against Reckless Middle-Class Abuse (CARMA)

    Religious bigotry: It's not that I hate everyone who doesn't look, think, and act like me - it's just that God does.



    I feel that these repubs are shaking in their booze boots! ha

    Teddy, you have a lot of splainin' to do. hahahahah

    Check out the usual, like Huffpo and the Beast and Salon and such....but there is something happening here and the WH knows what it is; for a change!

    It is a fun show for sure.

    I fail to get an SS check on November first and I aint going to be laughing much.

    Believe me, if I end up with a five percent loss on my increase in bennnies next year; who the hell cares?

    I can give up something.

    But the capitalists who run the world will not stand for a cliff scenerio! No frickin way!

    Kornacke late of Salon and now on MSNBC demonstrated thru graphs that we are going to have Ryan's budget (at least in gross figures) next year even if the repubs capitulate!

    Right now, this is a FUN FUN SHOW!

    As long as the Tea Party can wag the GOP dog, there will be facial concessions. It appears that the GOP does not have an end game.Obamacare is being implemented. The ordinal reason for the shutdown is gone. If the GOP forces the country to crash through the debt ceiling or comes close to doing so, they will receive even more of the blame.

    In the aftermath of the GOP temper tantrum, Obama can submit a jobs bill and a foreclosure bill. Any criticism from the GOP will be seen as more obstructionist behavior. The GOP, being licked to the desires of the Tea Party  will continue to obstruct. They price will be paid in 2014. Congress may not return to Democratic hands, but there will be more Democrats in Congress. There will be more Democratic a Governors. The long game looks good for Democrats.

    The GOP has tiger's blood and is "winning" only in Charlie Sheen fashion. When you watch a Texas Teabagger berate a Park Ranger, or see Republicans in medical smocks lamenting the halting of cancer research trials or listen to Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul talk about how to package their disastrous plan, you realize just how insan the GOP has become. Most of the country doesn't do politic crazy. In fact there is an even chance that Texas may have a Progressive Democratic a Governor next time around.

    The GOP has tethered itself to mean- spirited bullies and will suffer the consequences.


    The GOP is anything but 'a bunch of irate children'.

    Try 'gangbangers who shoot up a playground because they are dissed' or an organized crime syndicate that burns your business down and breaks your legs because you refused to pay them off.

    They have shut down the government, in states they control blocked 30 million poor families from getting health insurance through the ACA, while they demand adding millions more to that number or they demolish the federal government, the nation and the world economy.

    America isn't 'working' for them anymore, so they are willing to blow it up, as like minded extremists did in 1861. They are power mad thugs and nutjobs, liars and swindlers.

    Cantor and 7 House Republicans play doctor yesterday pretending they care about the fact that Republicans have closed the NIH to new patients with their gov't shutdown. Nutjobs, swindlers and liars.

    The GOP  as viewed by a dead White guy


    “All obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests.”

    Good quote.

    The average member of the jaded GOP Base, if they could make it through and read the entire 128 words, which is unlikely, would not have the faintest interest, or clue, as to what our first President was saying.

    The Democrats as viewed by the living.  

    Remind those seeking amnesty for illegals; why breaking the laws will not be rewarded.

    Yeah but he was explaining why he was against all political parties, he didn't think we should have any. Just one man, one vote. Very wary of people joining together in any kind of hierarchical organizations to affect government. Ganging up together ideologically: not a good thing.  It was: you have your freedom of speech and press to debate issues, and a Supreme Court protecting basic rights against majority rule, which should otherwise rule, and what else do you need?

    Washington's was a very individualist p.o.v., and anti-ideological, one that also supports a lot of libertarianism. Go and be a farmer or businessman in freedom and peace, unencumbered by nefarious political party agendas trying to stymie what an individual can dream of doing. It's been argued by many that what he was about here is deep in American culture. It's also something that lots of Tea Partiers feel. In their minds, when they try to get the power of the Republican party to self-destruct, and to destruct Democratic party agendas, they are following along these Washington lines. Infiltrating and using the techniques of the (bad) political parties against them, to make them go away.

    You make an important point about where George Washington was coming from.

    When he was fighting the British in New Jersey, he was in a difficult situation where he curried favor for whatever the "government" would give him while also making decisions that made that government possible. A certain style of the Executive, if you will.

    So his message was anti partisan but not Libertarian in the sense that we could proceed without a commitment to a specific polity. A republic requires obligations from its citizens otherwise the whole thing is a joke.

    Great quote!  It reads like it was written this morning.

    The GOP's method is to harsh. 

    Rather than a piecemeal attempt to cut unnecessary programs;  why not use the money collected from taxation and divide it equally​ with each of the (15)  Cabinet Departments.

    • Agriculture, Department of 
    • Attorney general 
    • Commerce, Department of 
    • Defense, Department of 
    • Education, Department of 
    • Energy, Department of 
    • Health and Human Services, Department of 
    • Homeland Security, Department of 
    • Housing and Urban Development, Department of (HUD) 
    • Interior, Department of the 
    • Labor, Department of 
    • State, Department of 
    • Transportation, Department of 
    • Treasury, Department of the 
    • Veterans Affairs, Department of

    Whenever there are talks of cuts, each department gets cut equally; for there will be no sacred cows for individual members to save. Each Department will have to use there allocation wisely. 

    What needs to be cut is congress - and they need to put a time clock in there as well. We need to put them on piecework and by the hour. We should also tie their pay to a given percentage above the minimum wage, make them work a five-day week, and cut their perks. How can they represent the people if they can't identify with what we're going through?  No one in congress should make a penny more than the average income of the American middle class.

    Part of the problem with the idea of paying Congress less is I fear they're already beholden to outside sources of income. I don't know that paying them less even could exacerbate the problem, but if there are any honest members left, I'm not sure it's worth the risk.

    Government austerity is a great way to destroy our economy. Name the European country where austerity is succeeding.

    BTW, the deficit is decreasing and the actual spending will be pretty close to the Ryan budget.Our Econ,y will limp along.Pennywise and pound foolish. 

    See the chart in the link