by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Just spent the morning phone canvassing for volunteers, with a few dozen other Obama supporters. Those of us making the calls had signed up online, so we were fairly hardcore. The folks we were calling were past volunteers and supporters from 2008. Our job was to see if they anybody is "in" for 2012, and to try to multiply our numbers by arranging one-on-one meetings for people to have a role in the ground game in my swing state.
Not looking too good. More folks were disappointed that Obama is not progressive enough than were glad to hear from us. He'd have to do something pretty freaking amazing at this point to get the kind of devotion he had in 08.
This is the problem with so many on our side. They refuse to view things in context. When I realized that Sen Edwards could not win the nomination in 2008 (thank God) and said I was jumping to Sen Obama, I was told to stick to my principles. I explained that the issue was not who inthe world would make the best president---if that was the issue i would support either Sen Kerry or, well, me---it was who was the best candidate who could be elected.
There is not even the remotest question as to who that will be in 2012. Whine, complain, cajole, lament, all you want, but it is vitally important that the President be re-elected and that Speaker Pelosi be restored. (I am so angry with her right now over Weiner I could spit. Not the point.)
by Barth on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 4:33pm
Trouble is, Barth, 'context' doesn't pay the bills. And with 20 million of us unemployed, more likely to come, the 99-ers out of luck...and with three wars+ draining the national coffers mightily, it's no surprise that when the President says he's done all he can for us, and well, "It's nonsense that I'm calm about the economy'...people want more from him, and might have trouble wanting to work their butts off for him. Once there's a candidate chose from the other side, it will likely change, kinda like Sarah Palin scarin' the living daylights out of many of us.
Right now Romney and a couple other Republicans mumble more about getting out of Afghanistan than Obama does. Yeah; mumbles are cheap, but still...
by we are stardust on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 5:16pm
People said they'd vote for him. They just don't want to be part of the phenomenon anymore.
by Rootman on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 5:48pm
We're a long way from the election. You can't expect people who are extremely pissed off and disappointed not to express their feelings when contacted by campaign voluteers and political operatives. That's part of democracy - giving your leaders and their foot soldiers an earful when they ask your opinion.
And if they keep expressing their disappointment and frustration, that might finally move Obama to change his approach and positions. So I hope they keep letting him hear the anger until he gets his ass in gear. Maybe shame and embarrassment is the only thing that will move him.
by Dan Kervick on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 9:06pm
That's what I'd like to see, but he can't run against his own record.
by Rootman on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 9:31pm
He doesn't have to run against the things he has done. The main problem progressives have with him lies with all the things he hasn't done, and hasn't even tried to do. He can adopt a new progressive agenda during the cmapiagn, and then pretend it was his idea all along.
Franlkly, I think once he gets out in public pressing the flesh, as long as his consigliores let him outside the cone of silence Presidents have to live in, he's going to be shocked when he hears about the struggles of people all across this country, and will finally get why so many people think his administration is turning into such a turd.
by Dan Kervick on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 9:38pm
Motivation. Without it, we get Scott Brown and the 2010 midterms. Without it, you get a dozen losing elections I've seen up close and personal. People from 2008 may like Obama personally, think he's done an ok job, feel sure he's better than the Republicans... but unless and until they've got fire in the belly, some excitement, it's almost impossible to get them to turn out for that unsung but critical organizational work.
So more power to you Rootman, for rolling out early to get at it.
But since the grassroots fire got dampened down early after Inauguration, and from the top, because a few in the WH thought it'd make governing easier... the problem shows up now, as the people they dampened (especially the young ones), will be twice as hard to re-light.
He needs some policies and programs and pitches that'll kindle some fires. My best hope right now is that the Republicans do it for him, by setting themselves on fire and toppling over sideways into our piles of kindling.
by quinn esq on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 6:04pm
He will probably placate the middle and independents and not reinvent himself.
PPP just robopolled me in the late afternoon with preferences of O vs Romney, Palin, etc. Also interesting question on preference for former Republican Gov. Charlie Crist if he ran as a Dem for governor.
Looking forward to your "reinventing life and the economy" post. I have had some thoughts on this.
by Rootman on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 6:58pm
Here's what he can run on. It could have been better, but y'know, the damn system is really broken, in case you have not noticed:
by Barth on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 9:57pm
The win-a-date-with-Barack contest is still in full swing! And how are they able to run a swell contest like this, you ask? It's because they aren't like other campaigns!!! They don't suck up to Wall Street big shots, no sir. It's all based on the nickels and dimes - well, OK, the $75 checks - from John and Jane Q. Public:
Dan --
Since we launched our "Dinner with Barack" contest on Wednesday, we've been getting asked a lot: "Is this for real?"
Yes, it is.
President Obama is really going to sit down with four supporters for dinner. And if you donate to support this campaign before 11:59 p.m. on June 30th, you'll be automatically entered for the chance to be one of those guests.
Make a $75 donation today:
We're able to put on a contest like this because this campaign isn't like other campaigns.
The organization we're building across the country is for supporters like you to help shape. And unlike ones that count on special-interest PACs and Washington lobbyists to foot their bills, we rely on support from grassroots donors like you. So I'm asking you to own a piece of the campaign -- and when you do, you'll get a shot at a once-in-lifetime opportunity to have dinner with the President:
Rufus Gifford
National Finance Director
Obama for America
by Dan Kervick on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 10:00pm
Your local food bank will put the $75 to better use.
by NCD on Sat, 06/18/2011 - 11:02pm
I gotta say, this one almost makes me physically ill. I just can't get over the fact that if you donate big money, you DEFINITELY get to have dinner with Obama. No lottery, no names from hats - you're just plain IN.
"Own a piece of the campaign" feels more like "buy a share" - when you know a few folks own 10,000,000 shares each.
by quinn esq on Sun, 06/19/2011 - 12:55am
Do they still get a night in the Lincoln Bedroom?
Maybe for a few dollars I could pitch a tent on the lawn?
by Resistance on Sun, 06/19/2011 - 1:06am
That was such an overhyped scandal. A good number of the stays were school friends of Chelsea Clinton.
Versus W pretending that Enron stayed with Clinton (he phrased it for that misinterpretation - they stayed with Bush Sr.)
Press asleep or abetting as usual.
by Desider on Sun, 06/19/2011 - 7:12am
Barth has a good blog going, A Republic, If you can keep it I just listened to Rachel and Cenk (young Turks)
Read the article from Krugman
If you get a chance I would definitely recommend.
by Resistance on Sun, 06/19/2011 - 7:18am