Oh wad that Pow'r the Giftie gie us


    Samuel Brittain , yesterday's FT

    " I have a table of the behavior of the main......economies since their pre-recession peak of 07-08. Canada heads the list with a net gain of real GDP of 4.1% The US comes next with 2.2% followed by Germany with 1.7.

    France is still  0.8% behind its earlier peak, Japan is 1.9% short..........

    These are ....historical records, not forecasts. The discrepancies are too large to be explained by demography. The US must be doing something right......"

    I must have missed the WSJ's coverage.

    Not hard since I haven't read it since the day after Vince Foster's suicide and  its despicable editorial saying it didn't regret their campaign against him which -as later appeared, according to his diary- almost certainly was the proximate cause.

    What's the opposite of Nil nisi  bonum?


    Thanks for the referral, I used one of my FT 8 articles per month to read the whole thing.

    Speaking of compare/contrast, those on the left who promote much more and much bigger stimulus for the U.S. than Democratic general consensus is willing to provide might take a look at wassup in Argentina right now.

    There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing.

    Omni nisi Malum? or Malum est?

    It is funny but your short phrase I think comes from:

    Nil nisi bonum de mortuis dicere or

    Do not speak ill of the dead!

    And that was before Satan purchased WSJ.


    Your Latin  like your political positions is completely correct.



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